Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:43 AM

Chapter 83

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He Jin said to Xiao Yunhai, "Yunhai, you are the author of the original work. I want to hear your opinion."

Xiao Yunhai Gujing bubo said: "I want to know how many plays Zhao has shot? Have you ever been an actor or a director? "

Zhao Gang said with a smile: "I have never been a director or an actor. But I can tell the difference between the performance and the performance

"Can you tell? Hehe Xiao Yunhai laughed: "what can you tell? Do you think that Huang Bo has been stuck for more than ten times because he is not feeling well, but his performance is not good? I tell you, in this group, apart from those old actors, his acting skills can be ranked in the top three. He Dao, do you think so? "

He Jin nodded and said, "Huang Bo's acting is really very good. Yes? Is he not feeling well today? I'm still wondering how he's acting out of order

Xiao Yunhai said: "he had diarrhea all night last night. If he can perform well today, it is a strange thing. Deputy director Zhao, this matter will not have anything to do with you

Zhao Gang's eyes narrowed and said, "Mr. Xiao, you can eat your meal at will, but you can't talk about it."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I made a mistake. The main reason is that as soon as Huang Bo had an accident, deputy director Zhao immediately stood up and gave me a feeling of impatience. Ha ha, also right, such as this kind of dirty thing, how can director Zhao do such a clean person. I don't know Mr. Zhao thinks that in our crew, besides Huang Bo, who can play this role? "

Zhao Gang said with a gloomy face: "I think Hu Haitao is good."

"Who? Hu Haitao? " Xiao Yunhai widened his eyes and looked at Zhao Gang in disbelief. Then he laughed and gave Zhao Gang a thumbs up and said, "deputy director Zhao is really a wise person who knows talents.". Hu Haitao is the last one in our class, no matter in big or small examinations. If his father was not the vice president of our school, the college would have dissuaded him from quitting. It seems that deputy director Zhao does not know acting skills. I think this meeting is really a bit ridiculous. It's better to end it now. "

Zhao Gang was a little annoyed by Xiao Yunhai's ridicule. He stood up, pointed to Xiao Yunhai, and said angrily, "Xiao Yunhai, do you dare to talk to me like this? Don't forget that you are just a new man. You should understand the superiority and inferiority. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "of course I know the superiority and inferiority. In the cast, the director is the biggest. You're just an assistant director in charge of finance. I don't think you'd better ask about this kind of change of actors. When you scold me, you'd better learn how to respect the director as well? "

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhao Gang suddenly realized that he seemed to fall into the trap of Xiao Yunhai, so he suppressed his anger and sat down again. His face was not good and said, "OK, you are very good. Mr. He, what do you think of Mr. Li's proposal and mine? "

He bit the three words of Mr. Li very seriously. The subtext was that it was not only me, but Li Rongqi agreed. Chu Liuxiang legend is just two investors. You can't offend all of them.

He Jin knew what he meant. He was very angry. He Jin was forcing the palace. For the first time since he became famous, he has been threatened.

However, he also understood that once he rejected their proposal, he was afraid that his crew might face the possibility of disintegration. For Huang Bo, a newcomer, it seems that it is not worth paying such a heavy price.

Xiao Yunhai also saw he Jin's hesitation. He said immediately, "if Mr. Zhao does this, he will not be afraid of breaking the contract. This is a penalty for breach of contract. "

Zhao Gang scorned a smile, said: "the penalty is only 10000 yuan, we Hongda entertainment is responsible for the cost."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, and then he realized that Huang Bo was just a newcomer. It would be good to receive the performance. He didn't dare to bargain with the crew on the contract.

This is a common phenomenon. The contracts signed by the newcomers and the crew often stipulate their obligations, but the rights they get are very small, and the penalty for breach of contract is also very small.

So new people are often bullied. Anyway, the penalty is not too much. Once it is not suitable, the crew may sweep him out at any time.

Of course, if there is a new broker, it will be different. If he is bullied, the company will uphold justice for him. Unfortunately, Huang Bo doesn't have it now.

Looking at the proud Zhao Gang, Xiao Yunhai suddenly asked, "who instructed Mr. Zhao to do this? Is it summer Chengfeng

Of course, Zhao Yunxian didn't shrink his eyes

Cai pingya, who has been silent on the side, saw Zhao Gang's expression and immediately guessed that this matter was probably directed by Xia Chengfeng.

Cai pingya deeply hates what Xia Chengfeng did to her at that time. She is very interested in anything that is unfavorable to Xia Chengfeng. Originally, because of Li Rongqi's position, she was not easy to speak.

But when he heard that Xia Chengfeng might be the last mastermind, he could no longer restrain himself and said, "if it was Xia Chengfeng, his hand would be too long."

"Miss Cai "Li Rongqi shook his head slightly to her.Cai pingya hummed. After all, he was a company man, and he was not good at winning his face. After that, he was silent.

Xiao Yunhai sneered at Zhao Gang and said, "he Dao, as the creator of the legend of Chu Liuxiang, I think that Hu Tiehua played by Huang Bo is in line with the image in the novel. If you insist on changing actors, Xia Xiaohu's no flower is the most appropriate one. In his body, I really did not see the shadow of the peerless elegance without flowers. And he is also a new man, so it's better to change him. "

"Fart." Zhao Gang was beaten down by Xiao Yunhai, but his anger finally came out and said, "he Dao, Huang Bo must be replaced. This is the consensus of our investors. If we don't meet our requirements, it's very likely that our funds will not be fully in place. "

Zhao Gang finally tore off his mask and exposed his killer mace.

"Stupid." Li Rongqi's heart quickly to Zhao Gang under a such definition.

In the entertainment industry, there is a face. If you don't say something, everyone knows it. But once you put it on the surface, the nature of the matter becomes different.

Like this matter, if a little director who is not famous, he can arrange it at will. Even if it is a threat, he has to smile.

But what kind of person is He Jin? That's the first-line director of China. Zhao Gang said that, is not clearly threatening him? If he Jin really agrees with him, then his face will not be completely lost, and how can he establish his position as the boss of the crew.

Ah, as the old saying goes, it is not afraid of opponents like gods, but afraid of teammates like pigs.

Li Rongqi looked at He Jin. Sure enough, he Jin's cold eyes shot at Zhao Gang like a knife, and his chest was constantly fluctuating.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said with disdain: "you have this skill. Do you really think that the crew will not turn around without you? Director he, how much did Hongda entertainment invest? "

"60 million, three times." He Jin squeezed this sentence out of his teeth.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said in a loud voice, "if Hongda withdraws its capital, I will make up for it."

"Ha ha." Zhao Gang scoffed at Xiao Yunhai's words: "the roaring sound of cowhide blowing, can you make it up?"

"I can borrow 60 million yuan from Minsheng publishing house with three words of tianwaike. Do you believe it?"

Xiao Yunhai's words are not groundless. The legend of Chu Liuxiang has made a lot of money for Minsheng publishing house. Recently, Xiao Li's flying dagger has also set off a frenzy, and countless fans are looking forward to it. Just the pre-sale volume has already made Zhang Liye too happy to sleep.

Now Xiao Yunhai is absolutely the treasure of Minsheng publishing house. Not to mention 60 million yuan, it is 100 million yuan. It is estimated that he can also borrow it.

"Well, I'm not ashamed." Zhao Gang said tit for tat.

"I don't believe it. You can try it. I'm afraid you don't have the guts. "

"Xiao Yunhai......

just at the moment when the two people did not give in to each other, Li Rongqi suddenly laughed and stood up and said," why do you make the relationship so tense for a new person? Mr. Zhao, since both the director and the original said that Huang Bo was a good actor, I don't think we should be bad people in vain. Do you think so? "

"Mr. Li, you..."

Zhao Gang didn't expect that Li Rongqi would retreat in a hurry, so he was so angry that he couldn't speak. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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