Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:39 AM

Chapter 833

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Keiko Ishii opened the door and saw that it was Jin Xianyou, Han Chenghui's agent. She nodded to him slightly and went out.

"How are things handled?" Han asked

Jin Xianyou said: "the cameras of the three reporters and the monitoring of the hotel have been deleted, and the incident can never be transmitted to the outside world."

Han Chenghui nodded with satisfaction. Thinking of Xiao Yunhai's look at him, he suddenly shuddered and asked, "brother Jin, do you think Xiao Yunhai knows witchcraft? When I was downstairs, I just looked at him, and then I was scared out of my wits. If I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't have believed it would have happened. "

Jin Xianyou frowned and said, "Mr. Han, I'm afraid I can't answer this question. It is not impossible for China to have five thousand years of history and civilization, and there will be some strange skills beyond the scope of science. Mr. Han, I think you'd better not fight with Xiao Yunhai any more. This man is really not something we can deal with. "

Han Chenghui hammered at the table and said coldly, "but I can't swallow this tone."

That afternoon, Xiao Yunhai looked at the website, and there was no other news except that he came to Jiangsu Satellite TV as a singing assistant guest.

Han Chenghui is very beautiful.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yunhai and his party finished their dinner and went to the rehearsal of the performance.

The music score has long been handed over to music director Zhang Qiaobo. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing sang the first song "when love has become a thing of the past". Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing only sang twice, and it passed perfectly.

As for the second song "give you a little color", there are some problems. The main problem is that the old men who sing the old tune of Huayin don't understand the music theory, can't grasp the rhythm, can't cooperate with the band, and the beat is either fast or slow.

In the end, Xiao Yunhai added it directly, using a Chinese classical musical instrument, copper bowl, to guide the old men to play.

After a few attempts, it was much better than before.

After two hours of rehearsal, the music director Zhang Qiaobai gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "this song" give you some color "is really wonderful. It makes such a perfect combination of our Huayin old tune and modern pop music. It's really ear opening."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thank you for your praise. With the help of our band and more than a dozen old artists, I believe Wanqing will certainly get good results. "

Zhang Qiaobai nodded and said, "maybe the king of this song is Miss Zhao."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "it's the best to get the king of songs. It doesn't matter if you can't get it. Mr. Zhang, can you tell us what songs other singers sing

Zhang Qiaobai said: "along with you, all the singers who have finished rehearsal are using new songs."

Xiao Yunhai nodded, without any surprise on his face.

The reason why he joined in "Wang's night" is not only to train his fans, but also to train his fans.

The audience rating of tomorrow's showdown night must not be low. If you can sing an impressive new song on it, it is simply the best advertisement. Maybe, with this new song, we can let all Chinese fans know him.

Such a thing as killing two birds with one stone is not a fool.

After leaving the rehearsal, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing went back to the hotel hand in hand. Just out of Jiangsu Satellite TV building, I met Cai pingya who came to rehearse.

"Sister Cai, long time no see."

Zhao Wanqing came forward with a smile and hugged her.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. No way, who let me down, in the eighth game was eliminated. Wanqing, the Internet has been crazy about your pregnancy. Is this true or false? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "of course it is true."

Cai pingya said happily, "I'll congratulate you here. Yunhai, you should treat us Wanqing well in the future. A star performer at the peak of her career gave birth to a child at the golden age of 24 for you, which fully shows how much Wan Qing loves you. If you dare to offend her in the future, I will be the first to let you off. "

Xiao Yunhai put his arm around Zhao Wanqing's fragrant shoulder and said, "don't worry, sister CAI. I'm not the kind of person who thinks about changing things. For me, Wan Qing and her baby are my life. I will guard them all my life. "

Hearing her husband's words, Zhao Wanqing's face showed a happy smile.

"By the way, sister Cai, why didn't you see your singing assistant?" Zhao Wanqing looked around and asked.

"It will take another half an hour for my singing assistant to arrive," Chua said with a smile

Xiao Yunhai asked curiously, "who is it?"

Cai pingya said, "keep secret."

"Well, you don't have to. If you meet in the morning, you can have a good breakfast

Cai pingya thought about it and said, "I've invited sister Na. You sing in pairs, and we sing together. "Xiao Yunhai thumbs up and says, "two artists of the day have joined hands. It seems that our song king's laurel is not good to take."

Cai pingya said with confidence: "I have been preparing for two months to impact the king. Wan Qing, although we have a good relationship, I will never be waterproof. "

Zhao Wanqing smiled: "sister Cai, although let the horse come, the king of songs must be me."

Xiao yunhaidao: "don't fight here. It seems that other people have become a dog and a chicken in your eyes. OK, sister Cai, it's not too early for us to disturb your rehearsal. "

Caipingya said, "OK, let's see you tomorrow."

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai and zhaowanqing came to the restaurant. Push the door open, good guy, look at the past, all famous Chinese star.

All the 13 singers invited singers to help sing are all the big cards. Like xiaoyunhai's old friends Ye Yongren, Chen Huan, Yao Na and Ningxia, all came here.

The most powerful is to count the representative of black music Rick, who directly invited angel, the American superstar.

Xiao Yunhai and zhaowanqing looked at each other, and hurriedly came to the area of Chen Huan and others, and greeted them.

"Yunhai, Wanqing, Congratulations," Yao said with a smile

Xiaoyun Haidao: "thank you sister Na. I will call you as soon as the child comes out. Don't forget, send us red envelopes. "

Chen Huan heard Xiao Yunhai, almost to spray out the milk in his mouth, pointing to xiaoyunhai crying and laughing said: "can we have some exercise?"

Xiao said with a smile: "for the sake of the milk powder money of children, what is the use of exercise control."

With everybody simple chat a few words, Xiao Yunhai and zhaowanqing went to get breakfast. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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