Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:36 AM

Chapter 834

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As for Zhao Wanqing's food, Xiao Yunhai did not dare to slack off. Two eggs, a large glass of milk, a big hemp flower and a dish of pickled vegetables were what Zhao Wanqing ate.

They came to Chen Huan and sat down beside them.

Xiao Yunhai suddenly felt a little uncomfortable behind him. He turned his head and found that Han Chenghui and Keiko Ishii were looking at him with cold eyes.

Xiao Yunhai smiles at them and doesn't care at all.

As Zhao Wanqing peeled the eggs, Xiao Yunhai began to eat his breakfast.

One side of Ye Yongren said with a smile: "cloud sea, you boy still can eat so much."

Xiao Yunhai said: "martial arts practitioners, of course, eat more."

Zhao Wanqing took up the milk and said to Ye Yongren, "he, a meal can eat at least five people."

Xiao Yunhai laughs. Seeing Zhao Wanqing about to drink milk, he suddenly feels uncomfortable. His smile suddenly solidifies on his face. Looking at the glass of milk, he seems to have seen a great beast. His hair stands up abruptly and his face turns pale as paper.

"There's something wrong with the milk."

Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu has been practiced to the point that he doesn't pay attention to the danger and avoid it. The golden wind doesn't move the cicada, and his sense of crisis is far more than that of ordinary people. Especially for oneself and the people who are closely related to themselves, this kind of induction is more sensitive.

Xiao Yunhai didn't slighted him at all. After noticing the problem, he did not say a word. His right hand was as fast as lightning to seize the milk Zhao Wanqing was about to deliver to his mouth.

Zhao Wanqing only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and her milk was gone.

"Husband, what are you doing?" Zhao Wanqing is coquettish and angry.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Xiao Yunhai's face, which was hard to see. Zhao Wanqing was stunned. He looked at the milk in his hand and said in a soft voice, "husband, do you think there is anything wrong with this cup of milk? Everyone drinks the same thing. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I don't know if there is a problem with the milk. I only know that when you want to drink it, my heart is very uncomfortable, miserable to death

Yao Na said with a smile, "Yunhai, are you too concerned about Wanqing and the children, and you are a little suspicious?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I hope I'm worried about it."

With that, Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and called Sima Qian, asking him to bring a cup.

Yao Na a Zheng, facial expression immediately serious, way: "cloud sea, you come really?"

To the point of practicing kung fu, Xiao Minghai could feel something. I think there is something wrong with the milk this morning. Wife, I'll get you a bowl of porridge, and don't drink the milk. "

Zhao Wanqing heard the speech and nodded her head cleverly.

After a while, Sima Qian came to Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai pointed to the milk in the cup and said: "brother Qian, you take it to the food supervision bureau this morning to check it."

Sima Qian's face changed, nodded and solemnly said, "I understand."

He poured the milk into the cup he had brought, and Sima Qian walked out quickly.

Han Chenghui, who has been staring at here, snorted and said with a sneer: "make a mystery."

Next to Keiko Ishii's eyes flickered, and a trace of worry in her eyes flashed away. She said, "pretending is just to attract everyone's attention. I don't know how many stars have used this kind of pediatric trick. "

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai invited Ye Yongren and others to his room to play poker.

"Yunhai, the milk we drink today is not really a problem?" Yao Na asked.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I'll know after a while. Maybe I'm worried about it. Hehe, I'm so nervous about Wanqing that I can't see her for a while, so I can't rest assured. "

Chen Huan said: "when I had children, I was as worried about gain and loss as you do. It will be better after a while."

Yao Na said: "however, Wan Qing, you should be more careful in these two or three months. During this period, pregnant women are most likely to have accidents."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I understand."

Ningxia said: "so is the sea of clouds. All of them have children. Is it possible for WAN Qing to come here to participate in the competition? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "sister Ning, do you think I'd like to let her come. The old people of the two families tried to persuade her for a full hour, but they didn't persuade her. What can I do? "

Zhao Wanqing said: "I finally made it to the finals, and there are only two songs left. It's a pity if I don't come."

While playing cards, they chatted casually.

More than nine o'clock, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Sima Qian.

"Yunhai, you feel right. There is something in the milk."

Xiao Yunhai was shocked and said in a deep voice, "what is there? What's the effect on the human body? "

Chen Huan, ye Yongren, Yao Na and Ningxia all showed a look of shock in their eyes. They all looked at Xiao Yunhai, whose face was becoming more and more ugly.After a while, Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "OK, I know. Brother Qian, leave me that cup of milk and the test book

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yunhai looked at Zhao Wanqing with a frightened face and said, "someone is trying to kill us. It's nothing for ordinary people, but it's very bad for pregnant women

Zhao Wanqing asked in a trembling voice, "what is it?"

Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed a trace of murder and said: "abortion medicine. Someone crushed the medicine into powder and put it in the milk

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice dropped, the atmosphere of the whole room suddenly became tense, and the temperature plummeted several degrees.

Thinking of the consequences of Zhao Wanqing drinking milk, everyone felt a little chilly.

After a long time, ye Yongren banged and patted the table fiercely, saying: "who? Who did this? It's too lawless. Is it human to be able to do such things? "

Chen Huan said coldly: "crazy."

Yao Na said: "it's too cruel. It's for the life of Yunhai and Wanqing."

Ningxia thought for a while and asked, "Yunhai, Wanqing, have you offended anyone? I heard that yesterday you had a conflict with Han Chenghui. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "it shouldn't be him. If he did, it would be too obvious. Anyway, I'll find out. "

"What are you going to do?" Chen Huan asked

Xiao Yunhai said: "call the police. It's impossible to find out what's going on behind the scenes. In this hotel, there are only two or three people who want to kill me. I think it must be one of them. Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that we can't play poker any more. "

They all stood up and said, "you are busy. Let us know if you need any help. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded: "thank you."

After Chen Huan and others left, Zhao Wanqing felt her stomach and said, "husband, fortunately you came with me. Otherwise, our children might be gone. I should have listened to you. I shouldn't have come here. Otherwise, let's go back. "

With that, Zhao Wanqing's tears could not help sliding down her cheek.

Xiao Yunhai stroked her hair and comforted her: "wife, don't be afraid. Some people are dying. Kill me now, I won't go. Anyway, I'll find that man. I feel like I have a goal. "

"Who?" Zhao Wanqing raised her head with hatred in her eyes.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Shijing Huizi. The three people who have the worst relationship with us are Han Chenghui, Keiko Ishii and Cui Minxian. Han Chenghui is not so stupid. Cui Minxian is not brave. The only one who hates us deeply is Keiko Ishii. After today's game, she will be forced back to Japan by me. With this woman's nature, it is entirely possible to do such a thing. "

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "is it possible? How dare she, a woman

Xiao Yunhai said: "there are numerous gangs in Japan, the underworld is rampant, and there are countless ties with the entertainment industry. It is impossible to stand out from tens of thousands of artists without special means. Keiko Ishii can become a queen at this age, but I don't know how many shady things she has done. It is not impossible for her to do such a thing. "

Zhao Wanqing gritted her teeth and said, "if it is, I will never let her go."

Xiao Yunhai said, "leave it to me. If you dare to hurt you and your children, you are looking for death. "

Take out the mobile phone, Xiao Yunhai dials 110 directly.

When the police officer who answered the phone heard that it was Xiao Yunhai, he almost screamed.

"Mr. Xiao, what can I do for you?"

Xiao Yunhai said the morning thing again, and said: "this matter, you police department does not care?"

"Of course. We will send someone to your hotel to investigate immediately. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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