Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:30 AM

Chapter 837

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After a while, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang. Open a look, it is a strange number.

"Hello, this is Xiao Yunhai. Who are you?"

"I'm Han Chenghui. Why let me go? "

"Did you give the medicine?"


"That's it. I don't like you, but I'm not going to put an innocent man in jail. "

Han Chenghui on the other end of the phone heard Xiao Yunhai's words and was silent for a long time. Until Xiao Yunhai thought that the other party was hanging up, he heard Han Chenghui squeeze two words "thank you" from his teeth.

The incident that Keiko Ishii was taken away by the police quickly spread on the Internet, and netizens became lively again.

"It is better to offend a villain than to offend a woman. It's cruel. "

"I didn't expect that it was her who secretly prescribed the medicine. It's also a woman. How can she do it? It's an unborn child. "

"What a wicked woman. No, Keiko Ishii doesn't seem to be married

"They are brides every day, OK?"

"Yes. I went to school in Japan and watched videos of Keiko Ishii and a man weighing at least 200 Jin on the Internet. Unfortunately, in just two hours, that video was deleted. "

"Good men are rewarded. Yun Huangqing took the lead in donating money and building thousands of schools, which gave countless poor children the chance to change their fate. You must be blessed to have done so many good things. "

The incident of Keiko Ishii has also caused great repercussions among the singers participating in the competition. No one would have thought that some women who like to play big names should be so insane.

At the same time, we are also very curious about Xiao Yunhai's real identity.

Just relying on the name of a world superstar can't let a provincial police minister come in person. Can't we say that the hearsay in the past is not groundless?

No matter what you guess, the final battle of the singer's night has started.

Because Keiko Ishii was taken away, the original 13 singers turned into 12.

The first competition will be the promotion. The singer and the guest singers will sing a song. Three singers will be selected by 1500 fans of different ages.

According to the number of votes, six of them were selected from high to low to enter the contest for the king of songs.

Thirty percent of the votes were won in the first show and 70 percent in the second. The sum of the two is the total number of votes this evening, and the number one winner is the singer of the first season of singer's night.

In addition to its fans, Jiangsu Satellite TV has invited more than 30 famous musicians in the industry to form a super luxury expert group to make a simple comment when the singer finishes singing the song. At the same time, the number of votes won by singers will be counted to ensure the fairness and justice of the competition.

At eight o'clock in the evening, "singer's night" officially begins.

Tonight's hosts are not singers, but pillars of Jiangsu Satellite TV, Li Meng and Zhang Yanrong.

The hosting style of the two people, one atmosphere and gentle, the other flexible and changeable, simply said a few words, then all 12 singers were introduced once.

Next, we play the singer draw. It was recorded at 5:00 p.m. Zhao Wanqing was lucky enough to get her tenth performance.

In the room, Xiao Yunhai saw Zhao Wanqing constantly brightening her voice and said with a smile, "No. I'm still nervous after participating in so many competitions. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "of course. This stage is like a magic. Every time I go on stage to sing, I feel a little nervous. It wasn't particularly fierce before, but tonight is the night of decisive battle, so I feel very obvious. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at the camera opposite his eyes and said, "wife, you can't say what the organizer asked you to say. The advertisement trace is too thick."

Zhao Wanqing gave Xiao Yunhai a look and said, "you think I'm as thick as your skin."


"Ha ha ha."

Their words made the audience in front of the TV set burst into laughter.

Originally, at this time, the TV station was broadcasting the singers' preparations in the room, and the words of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing reached the ears of the national audience.

"It's not true. I'm so happy after yunhuangqing."

"The relationship between them is so good and enviable."

"The advertisement trace is too thick, ha ha, that is, the cloud emperor can say such words."

"Qinghou is also very good. He satirized the emperor of cloud for his thick skin in front of us. This couple is so interesting. "

Next, Li Meng introduced the musicians who were present. Good guys, they were all senior musicians with similar qualifications as Wang Lin.

The competition officially began. Rick, the representative of African American music, was the first to sing on stage.

The boy has always been very active, but his luck is not very good. He came to No. 1 directly. However, his strength is very strong, otherwise he will not become the only three remainingOne of the first singers.

Today, he brought a new song called "it's my life", which translates to "this is my life".

Rick's singing was as popular as ever, especially his sharp rap, which directly swept the whole audience.

In the middle, American singer Angel uses her moving voice to make a perfect foil for him, which makes Rick's songs more tender and less dry.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "this song is very good. With Rick lisso's mouth and angel's beautiful voice, if there is no accident, there must be a place for them in the final battle

Zhao Wanqing said: "Rick's strength is very strong, his performance in the scene is unique among all the singers, and has been loved by countless fans. Now, he has made a thorough reputation in China, with more than 10 million fans. "

According to the rules of the competition, the judges can communicate with the supporting guests after singing, but the singers must step down immediately and can not stay on the stage, so as not to affect the judgment of the fans.

So after their singing, only angel was left on the stage.

Experts and judges gave a very high evaluation of their performance. The famous musician Zhou Yuanqi even used "beauty and beast" to describe their singing, which made Angel laugh.

Angel also helped RickA with the ticket in Chinese, and then went back to his room with Rick.

The second singer is also an acquaintance of Xiao Yunhai, Han Chenghui. This time, he invited Cui Minxian as his assistant singer.

Both of them are Xiao Yunhai's "enemies", but their strength is very strong. It's not only good for singing, but also exciting for dancing.

Cheng Cheng, an old singer from Xiangjiang, invited Ye Li, an old singer from Taiwan Island, to perform on stage. All of them were classic nostalgic songs, which made fans fall into memories.

In this way, the singers continued to sing, a variety of different types of songs for fans to listen to is very enjoyable.

"Amazing," singer night "invited singers are too cattle, every song is beautiful to die."

"Yes. Their singing skills are amazing. "

"When I heard Cheng Cheng and Ye Li's classic songs, my parents' eyes were red."

"It's a real treat." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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