Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:25 AM

Chapter 840

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His voice was like a starting gun, and the leader called out, "guys"




More than a dozen old men picked up all kinds of strange musical instruments from the ground.

While playing the piano, Mr. Wang sang: "his uncle and his second uncle are all his uncles, and the high tables and low benches are all made of wood..."

Wang's voice is a little old and hoarse, but it is quite bold and unrestrained. It has a strong smell of loess and is rough and powerful, which is quite different from all the songs. This ancient primitive singing voice immediately won the applause of everyone.

After Wang finished singing these two sentences, Xiao Yunhai began to knock on the copper bowl and direct the performances of the old men with its voice.

See almost, Xiao Yunhai nodded to the band, the eastern and western music immediately perfect combination together.

The whole music is like a flood of floodgates, which madly fills the ears of fans.

"Empress Nuwa mended the sky,

the remaining stone became Huashan.

……… "."

Zhao Wanqing's voice is loud, clear, vigorous and full of confidence, with a strong flavor of Qin opera and earthy smell.

Her voice was so loud that everyone on the scene, including the judges and the singers, was stunned. At the same time, she had goose bumps all over her body. Then everyone seemed to have agreed in advance. Qi Qi stood up and yelled to Zhao Wanqing on the stage.

"This is the Chinese national music."

"I didn't expect that the emperor of cloud would come up with such a move. It's amazing."

"It seems that after the Qing Dynasty, she is also free from any worries about her goddess image."

In the whole "give you a little color", which sentence is the most difficult to sing is undoubtedly the first sentence.

In order to achieve the effect of preemptive, Zhao Wanqing must abandon all previous singing methods and break her own inherent image. She should not only sing with momentum, but also sing the original loess flavor.

After Xiao Yunhai heard Zhao Wanqing's first sentence, a big stone fell to the ground, because her singing was perfect.

In the second sentence, Zhao Wanqing, in an impossible situation, once again raised half a tune and directly blew up the whole scene.

"The birds fly with the sun on their backs, from east to west."


The fans screamed again.

"Why does the sky turn grey,

why the earth is not green.

Why people's hearts are not red,

why snow mountains become black.

Why rhinoceros don't have horns,

why elephants don't have teeth.

Why sharks have no fins,

why birds don't have wings.


after singing here, the first paragraph is over. It is unique in composition, singing, lyrics, tone and momentum.

The scene has become a mess, cheers will be the studio roof will be overturned.

After singing, Cai pingya returned to the hall with wide eyes, covered her mouth, and looked at the TV with an incredible look and said, "is this the gentle and dignified Zhao Wanqing I know? Oh, my God, it's not a different person. "

Rick was shocked to stand up and said: "this music is so powerful, and the singing is so weird, it seems that there is a taste of Beijing opera, but also mixed with other things."

Ye Li shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "the king of songs has come out. Unless Miss Zhao makes a big mistake when she sings the second paragraph, otherwise, the result is equivalent to coming out ahead of time. "

Han Chenghui and Li Xugang frown tightly, and their expressions are particularly dignified. It seems that they can see that the crown of songs is getting farther and farther away from them.

"The sky and the earth are companions,

the birds circle the sun.

Huashan and the Yellow River are partners,

the millet in the field smiles and bends down. "

In the second paragraph, Zhao Wanqing's voice is still high. Every time she sings, there will be huge cheers from the bottom.

Zhao Wanqing is able to sing this song to make people excited, thanks to her not a day of Taiji Kung Fu.

Chen Xiuzhu gave her this Kung Fu, not only can prolong life, invigorate Qi and blood circulation, but also can enhance people's lung capacity.

Zhao Wanqing couldn't sing such a high tune before she practiced martial arts. Now she is full of breath. Her explosive power and control power are far better than before. So you can sing with ease.

"Why there is no oasis in the desert,

why the stars no longer twinkle.

Why the flowers no longer bloom,

why there is no color in the world.

Why do we know the results,

Why are we still squandering.

We need to stop,

it's time to give back some color to the world.


at the end of the second paragraph, Mr. Wang stretched out his arm, pointed to the stage, and sang in Shaanxi's unique Loess Plateau tune: "dolls are all turning on the tableland. The dolls are all turning on the tableland"Whoa, hey."

Singing here, the song is a complete end, but it brings you shock can not be scattered for a long time.

There was no one sitting in the whole scene, and thunderous applause rang through the studio.

"King of songs"

king of songs < br >

king of songs < br >

br > br > br > king of songs ..

countless fans shout at the song king frantically at zhaowanqing on the stage.

Chen sighed: "the victory and defeat have been determined, and the voting link can be saved."

"This" give you a little color "is a pioneer, and it has a perfect combination of traditional folk music and modern pop music. Xiaoyunhai is so powerful

Ningxia Road: "Wan Qing's singing is also impressive. If I didn't see it with my own eyes and heard it, it would be hard for me to believe that this powerful and folk tone would come out of the goddess's mouth, which was just like a couple. "

"Let's not discuss it, let's hear what Xiao Yunhai said first," Chen said

On the stage, only xiaoyunhai was left, and zhaowanqing and the old artists had left.

"This song is wonderful, Mr. Xiao," said Wuda, a famous music producer. How do you think of combining this kind of traditional art form with our pop music? "

Xiao Yunhai certainly can't tell them that he was plagiarized. Before he took part in the competition, he expected that someone would ask this question, so he thought the answer in his heart.

"When I was writing Chinese style songs, I once overheard the old Chinese style. The original and simple flavor made me remember deeply. So I wonder if I can combine it with popular elements, which can keep the original flavor of the old Chinese style and make it easy for everyone to accept. It turned out to be what we just heard. "

Wang Lin said: "great. I really feel that every word just now, every sound hit the ground, can smoke, absolutely shocked the heart. Ha ha, I saw Miss Zhao many games, this last song is undoubtedly the most subversive performance, really let me benefit a lot. "

Xiao Yun Haidao: "Mr. Wang has won the prize. We have numerous excellent folk music in China, but few people pay attention to them. Like this Huayin old tune, has been circulating for hundreds of years, now only dozens of old artists are still insisting on singing. In another decade or two, it is estimated that there will be no successor. Huayin is the same. Is other music forms facing the same problem? I think how to save and inherit these folk arts is the urgent thing to be solved. "


Xiao Yunhai won the warm applause of all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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