Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:21 AM

Chapter 843

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After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Wang Guoan asked, "Yunhai, what are your next plans? Do you want to make a new play? "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I may produce two music albums. You know, Wanqing is pregnant. I want to spend more time with her. I happened to be in my villa in Los Angeles, and I set up a studio where I was going to record albums

Wu Zixu said, "so you and Wanqing are going to Los Angeles?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. There are not many people who know Wanqing in Los Angeles. When they are free, they can go out for a walk. Unlike Huaxia, even staying at home can be photographed by omnipotent journalists. Ladies and gentlemen, if you go to America, you must come to me. "

"Yes, no problem."

At 9:00 the next morning, Wu Zixu held a press conference on the killing of youth in the battle of Chibi.

More than 100 media have rushed to come, and countless questions have been thrown to the creators on the stage.

"Director Wu, a few days ago, the ancient costume blockbuster" Jingke stabbing Qin "directed by Mo Kaixuan was released in Europe and America, and the box office was very poor. It's said that your "battle of Red Cliff" will also be released all over the world. What do you think you can achieve? "

Obviously, this reporter is not kind.

If Wu Zixu says that he can make a good box office, then the media will certainly say that he is confident to beat Mo Kaixuan. If it is difficult to get a good box office, it is even worse.

Wu Zixu is also a man who has experienced many battles. Naturally, he was very clear about the reporter's meaning and said with a smile: "nowadays, directors of Huaxia have already set their eyes on overseas. This is a very good phenomenon. To be honest, I'm not sure I want to make a movie that is popular all over the world. However, this "battle of Red Cliff" makes me confident. Why? Because its leading actor, deputy director and artistic director are Xiao Yunhai, who has won more than 16 billion US dollars with three films. With his help, I firmly believe that the battle of Chibi will succeed. "

"Mr. Xiao, do you think" battle of Red Cliff "can sweep the world like your previous films

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what is sweeping the world? This reporter friend must not give me and "battle of Red Cliff" wear such a big hat. I'm afraid the hat is too big to cover our eyes

Xiao Yunhai's pun made everyone laugh.

"I have a lot of confidence in the play. The reason why I was willing to play Zhou Yu at the beginning was because its script and lineup were really excellent. I really didn't want to give up. " "I've never worried about Asian box office," Xiao continued. As for the European and American box office, to be honest, it's hard for me to grasp the minds of those fans. In the later stage of the English version, I may ask many film makers who are proficient in Chinese and American culture to help. If the conditions are right, I will invite some American friends to come and have a look. If they are ordinary fans who think it is very good, then our hearts will have a bottom. What do you think, director Wu? "

Wu Zixu nodded and said, "of course, I agree with you very much."

"Well, how many box office tickets will you get for" battle of Red Cliff "? Can you give me a number? "

Wu Zixu said with a smile, "Yunhai, I think you are the investor to answer this question."

Xiao Yunhai said, "director Wu, you are too ungrateful. Well, let me predict. "Battle of Red Cliff" is divided into two parts, I think at least it can get these box office

Xiao Yunhai five fingers together, made a "seven" gesture.

"Seven billion? Mr. Xiao, do you mean US dollar or Chinese currency

Xiao Yunhai listened, turned a white eye directly, shook his head and sighed: "IQ is hard injury."


"Ha ha ha."

All the people couldn't help laughing.

The reporter seemed to be embarrassed to ask a silly question.

"Director Wu," the battle of Chibi "includes more than ten actors and actresses. Who do you think performs best? "

Wu Zixu thought for a moment and said, "everyone's performance on the set is very good. But what surprised me most was the three young actors. One is Miss Dong Piaopiao. Although she is only 20 years old this year, she is not a professional, but the role of Xiao Qiao is very vivid. In front of the powerful atmosphere of the film emperors, not only did not have the slightest fear, on the contrary, it was very open, performing Xiao Qiao's unique demeanor

"The second is Mr. Li Shangliang, who plays Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong. Before, my impression of Korean actors only stayed in idol drama, but Mr. Li Shangliang's wonderful performance let me see that Korea also has very excellent actors. It's just that most of their demeanor is covered up by idol dramas. "

"As for the third, he is Mr. Xiao Yunhai next to me. But I can't imagine the image of him in my mind. After watching Mr. Xiao's performance this time, I realized that Zhou Yu was like this. If you give Mr. Xiao an evaluation, I will say that if you add one point, you will be fat; if you lose one point, you will be thin. "A middle-aged reporter heard that Wu Zixu's evaluation of Xiao Yunhai was so high that his eyes brightened. He turned to Qin Tao, who played Zhuge Liang, and said, "Mr. Qin, do you think Mr. Xiao can stand up to this comment of director Wu?"

Qin Tao sighed: "the talented people of Jiangshan generation have been leading the way for hundreds of years. Our group of old guys are basically at the same level in acting skills, but the difference is just how many parts they play. And Mr. Xiao is obviously better than us. On the set, I once said that the most difficult thing for an actor to act is "God". If I performed Zhuge Liang's three-point charm, Mr. Xiao performed at least eight. Sometimes I feel like I'm really back in the Three Kingdoms era when I play with him. "

Wang Guoan said: "nowadays, in terms of acting skills, only Liang Hui, the God of film, can compete with Xiao Yunhai. Other people, even Ge Wuyou, are a little weaker. "

Sun Yanjun and others nodded in agreement.

At this moment, all the reporters were extremely shocked.

I'm kidding.

When yunhuang entered the entertainment industry, he had three years of hard work.

But in this short period of three years, it's unbelievable that so many old movie stars are inferior to each other.

However, we did not doubt what Wu Zixu and Wang Guoan said. Because the character of these old artists is admired by all. If it wasn't for Xiao Yunhai's acting skills that really convinced them, I'm afraid they would not want to say such words even if they were given money.

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of the praise of the two predecessors?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "what do you think I should think. It's not appropriate to nod and agree. I feel a little blush myself. Shaking his head and denying it can't work. The protagonist didn't even play well. What can attract fans to see the film. I can't help it. I just don't say anything. So, I hope you don't ask any more questions, so as not to increase the embarrassment. "

"Ha ha ha."

The "battle of Chibi" news conference on the killing of youth lasted a total of one and a half hours, and the reporters' questions were various and varied.

Han Chenghui's affairs were also mentioned by them, which made Xiao Yunhai very depressed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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