Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:17 AM

Chapter 846

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Just then, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang. Turn it on. It's Chen Qingqing's phone.

"Is the post production of Yongzheng Dynasty finished?" Xiao Yunhai has a murmur in his heart.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" was finished in early September, and Xiao Yunhai was completely a shopkeeper. He never went to the studio.

Xiao Yunhai spent 900 million Chinese dollars in the whole play, most of which was spent on the actor's pay. After all, there are several movie queens in it.

Sure enough, Xiao Yunhai guessed correctly.

"Yunhai, the late Yongzheng Dynasty has been completed, only one theme song is missing. Didn't you say it was up to you? Is it written now? "

If Chen Qingqing doesn't say it, Xiao Yunhai almost forgot about it.

Chen Qingqing once called him to tell him about the theme song when the TV series was being killed. At that time, Xiao Yunhai thought of the song "the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world" sung by Liu Huan in his previous life. Without thinking about it, he agreed.

It's just that I've been so busy recently that I've forgotten about the songs.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I have already written the theme song, but it is not suitable for me to sing. I'll call Mr. Chen Huan later to see if he has time tomorrow. Let's record it together

Chen Qingqing said, "great. We'll see you tomorrow."

Put down the phone, Zhao Wanqing asked, "husband, is it about the Yongzheng dynasty?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said it again.

Zhao Wanqing said: "the day after tomorrow, we will go to Los Angeles first, and then we will go there after you have solved all the domestic affairs, so as to avoid wasting time at home and abroad."

Xiao Yunling said, "yes. Brother, you can rest assured to give sister Wanqing to us. Don't forget that transformers will be finished in the next two days. You can't go the day after tomorrow. Come back the day after tomorrow. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "OK, I'll get things done as soon as possible."

After returning home with Zhao Wanqing, Xiao Yunhai first called Chen Huan and said something about singing the theme song of Yongzheng Dynasty.

Chen Huan agreed without saying a word and agreed to go to the city of music to record songs at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Next, Xiao Yunhai contacted all the friends he made in the entertainment circle and said something about helping promote Yunyi on the home page.

For such a small matter, we naturally won't win Xiao Yunhai's face and agreed to come down one after another.

Just this phone call, Xiao Yunhai has been calling for more than two hours, and his mobile phone is almost out of power.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai drove to the city of music with Chen Huan and Chen Qingqing.

Chen Huan looked at the lyrics all the way, and exclaimed: "a great song."

Although Chen Qingqing doesn't know the music, he knows that the song "the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world" is a perfect match for "Yongzheng Dynasty".

Soon, the car stopped steadily in front of the building in the city of music.

Xiao Yunhai had said hello to them before. Naturally, the city of music did not dare to neglect the songs of emperor Yun.

The accompaniment band prepared for him is the top ant orchestra. The sound recorder is an old acquaintance of Xiao Yunhai. Meng Fei, who helped him record "borrow from heaven for 500 years again", was the first one.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's three people, Meng Fei's face showed a brilliant smile and said, "director Chen, teacher Chen, Yunhai, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Chen Qingqing said with a smile, "don't talk about it. We met in the hotel two days ago

"Director Chen has a good memory." Meng Fei laughs and looks at Xiao Yunhai. He says, "Yunhai, I remember that when I first met you, it was director Chen who came with you. At that time, you were just a very talented new man. Although I am also very optimistic about you, in any case, I did not expect that in just three years, you will become the leading entertainer in China's entertainment industry and the world-famous Oscar director. In response to that old saying, we should look at each other with a new look

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Meng, I'm flattered."

Chen Huan said, "let's talk about the past later. Lao Meng, this is a new song written by Yunhai. You should find someone to do a good accompaniment

Meng Fei's eyes lit up and said, "no problem."

Taking the score, Meng Fei looked at it from beginning to end, nodded and said, "it's another good song. Let's go to the studio first. The band is waiting there. "

Soon, the four met members of the ant band, all in their twenties and thirties.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, they didn't get too excited. They just took out more than 20 albums ready to be signed by him before leaving.

There are not only Xiao Yunhai's own, but also Zhao Wanqing's album.

Xiao Yunhai, of course, did not refuse to come and signed their names with a smile.

An hour later, the accompaniment was all done.

During this period of time, Chen Huan has become familiar with the melody and lyrics, and has sung it several times, better and better.Listening to Xiao Yunhai nodded and said in secret, "it's the older generation of Heavenly King Singers, and the music is not something you can compare with."

Chen Huan walked into the studio and yelled a few words into the sky. It seemed that her voice had been adjusted to the best. Then she made a gesture to Meng Fei, saying that she was OK.

Meng Fei understood and said to the headset, "OK, let's have a try first."

Press the start button and the recording begins.

At first, there was a fierce accompaniment sound, with a sense of urgency of the wind all over the building.

"The number of heroes on success or failure,

who can understand.

Br >

, it's a crime to let the sea and the sky alone.

It's hard to say that there is a lot of scolding after one's heart to control history.

You Dao is the world's most bitter people,

never regret death and dust. "

The lyrics of this song are not long, but every sentence is powerful.

Chen Huan's treble is natural, vigorous and broad, and its bass is deep and powerful. It is similar to Liu Huan in his previous life.

After tens of years of thousands of performances, the singing skills have reached the state of flowing water and moving freely.

Under his interpretation, the song "the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world" is full of historical vicissitudes in his bold and unconstrained way, which makes people feel shocked.

After listening to the first paragraph, Chen Qingqing outside nodded and gave Chen Huan a thumbs up. He was obviously very satisfied.

"Life and death are more important than ups and downs," he said.

Kyushu square is in the hearts of the people,

cut off the feelings and do not linger.

No one wants the country to be prosperous and the people are happy.

it is hard to predict that the water will die away to the sea.

The truth is that those who win the support of the people will win the world.

Those who win the support of the people will win the world.

see who will dominate the country. "

In the second paragraph, Chen Huan's interpretation is still perfect, especially in the last sentence, "who is in charge of the river and mountain?" the voice is as high as the limit. Even Xiao Yunhai feels a little hot blooded.

After singing a song, Chen Huan came out of the recording room.

Xiao Yunhai and the others clapped for him.

"Miss Chen, your singing is wonderful. Director Chen, what's up? My eyes are right. There's absolutely no problem finding Mr. Chen. "

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "it's much better than I thought. This theme song alone, I believe, will certainly attract a lot of audiences to watch. "

Chen said with a smile, "don't praise me first. I'll hear it again. If it's not right, I'll do it again so that I don't blow my sign

Three minutes later, Chen Huan put down her headset and said, "I think I can. I'll sing at this level again."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "let's go back. Mr. Meng, I'm going to trouble you next

Meng Fei said, "don't worry. It will be finished at two o'clock this afternoon. "

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "OK, I'll send someone to take it. Yunhai, our Yongzheng Dynasty will be finished tonight. You can contact the TV station to broadcast it now. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK. Tomorrow I'll have the people from the TV station over. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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