Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:04 AM

Chapter 854

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After a while, the remaining few people also entered the Ziguangge. Ten outstanding Chinese youths got together and chatted happily. The atmosphere was very hot.

Time in the chat, unconsciously passed.

Near seven o'clock, a chief of staff came in with more than ten media reporters and said with a smile, "please prepare yourself. The leaders will arrive soon."

Hearing his words, the other several faces can not help some excitement, there is also a trace of how can not hide the tension.

Only Xiao Yunhai is more calm, there is no difference in his face, which makes others admire.

Where do they know that Xiao Yunhai's uncle is the second Chief Executive. He talked with the chief of the number one for an hour in the courtyard. The two biggest leaders have met, so Xiao Yunhai will not be nervous.

After a while, the six leaders came to Ziguangge one by one with a smile on their faces.

The cameras in the hands of the reporters flashed, and after only five seconds, everything returned to normal.

This is a rule of the general office. There are strict rules for when to take photos and how long to take them. They will never act like those entertainment media reporters outside.

Xiao Yunhai has ten people in a row, two staff members each holding a tray, one with a trophy, the other with a certificate.

The leaders shook hands with Xiao Yunhai and others in turn, and the first chief gave them trophies and the second gave them certificates.

Although Xiao Yunhai achieved the highest achievement, he was the youngest, so he could only be ranked last.

Soon, No. 1 chief executive came to Xiao Yunhai, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Yunhai, we are meeting again."

Xiao Yunhai said: "the chief executive still remembers me, which really makes my heart warm."

The No.1 chief said with a smile: "you boy, you are still so interesting. Congratulations on becoming one of the top ten outstanding young people in China. Keep working hard. I'm very optimistic about you

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "thank you, chief. I will not let you down."

After their conversation was heard by several other people, they were shocked.

"Damn it, Xiao Yunhai knows No. 1 chief. It's unscientific."

"Chief one seems to appreciate him very much. This young man is really good."

Although the others were envious, envious and hateful, they did not dare to show any emotion on their faces, so as not to be seen by the leaders or photographed by reporters.

Taking the trophy from the No. 1 chief, Xiao Yunhai sees his uncle Xiao Chongyang.

Xiao Chongyang also patted him on the shoulder, some gratified said: "come on."

Xiao Yunhai nodded heavily.

The next four leaders, of course, also know Xiao Yunhai's name and treat him differently.

In particular, the head of the Wu family sent people to do a detailed investigation after he learned that his little boy Wu Qifa had cooperated with Xiao Yunhai to open an Internet company.

He was surprised by the results.

He never thought that a 24-year-old young man had built a hundred billion dollars of wealth by relying on his talent in three years. It was just a miracle.

What's more, he didn't have the slightest stain on him. He also set up a charity foundation for helping students in the Red Cross Society and built thousands of schools across the country.

Such a young man, of course, Wu is willing to let his son get in touch with him more.

Next, chief executive No. 1 spoke for five minutes and made expectations for the ten outstanding young people to continue their efforts and make greater contributions to the society.

When he finished, the oldest of the ten gave a guarantee, and the whole process was over.

In the crowd's warm applause, several leaders left the scene.

Xiao Yunhai asked softly, "Mr. Cai, is this too fast?"

Cai Peixin said: "the leaders are very busy. It's great to be able to take the time to give us awards. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's what I said."

Leaving the government office, Xiao Yunhai and others were surrounded by dozens of media reporters outside.

"Mr. Xiao, can you talk about your feeling of being interviewed by the chief executive?"

"I'm excited, of course, and I'm a little nervous at the same time."

"Mr. Xiao, we saw that the No. 1 and No. 2 leaders patted you on the shoulder. Did they say anything to you?"

"Let me continue to refuel and make greater contributions to society."

It took Xiao Yunhai half an hour to kill these reporters.

After rejecting Cai Peixin's invitation to dinner, Xiao Yunhai drove directly to Yanjing International Airport.

Xiao Yunhai was selected as one of the top ten outstanding young people in China, and received a cordial reception from the head of the society. The fans were all in trouble on the Internet.

"The cloud emperor is so wonderful that he can talk to the leaders.""Among the top ten outstanding young people, Emperor Yun really deserves his name."

"Congratulations to Emperor Yun on becoming the second artist to receive this honor after Wang Laozi."

"Cloud emperor, come on, create more beautiful movies and TV series in the future."


the matter of the top ten outstanding young people has not yet passed. A heavy news about Xiao Yunhai was published in a magazine.

This magazine is called century monthly. It is written and published by the Information Office of the U.S. government. It is issued every month in the world and has great authority.

To everyone's surprise, the cover figure of this year's century magazine is the head portrait of Xiao Yunhai.

We should know that "world monthly" covers politics, economics, music, science and technology, medicine, society, law and other disciplines. If we want to be on the cover, we must make achievements that are hard to reach.

Xiao Yunhai is only twenty-four years old this year. He has not graduated for two years. He has even been able to appear on the cover of the world monthly. A trace of doubt suddenly arose in everyone's mind.

Is there a mistake in world monthly? Is Xiao Yunhai qualified to be a cover character?

However, after seeing Xiao Yunhai's achievements in recent years, everyone was shocked and could hardly believe his own eyes.

Especially the fans who think they know Xiao Yunhai very well are unbelievable.

It turns out that the world monthly has turned over the details of Xiao Yunhai. In addition to his familiar novels, music, TV series and movies, it has also published all his assets.

Among them, Xiao Yunhai thinks that the collection is very strict Xinhua summer courtyard, Jiujiu music network and Yunyi shopping network.

Zhao Wanqing made a rough calculation for Xiao Yunhai. The total assets are 200 billion US dollars. World weekly is obviously much more detailed than Zhao Wanqing. The property appraised by him is 216.2 billion US dollars.

After taking out 12 million bank loans, Xiao Yunhai's net assets are 173 billion US dollars, ranking 87th in the world's rich list.

In the final conclusion, "world monthly" is even more bold prediction, with the wide use of 3D technology in the future and the rapid development of Yunyi shopping network, if no accident, Xiao Yunhai is likely to become the new richest man in the world within two years. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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