Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:03 AM

Chapter 855

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After watching the development of Xiao Yunhai, the whole of China fell into madness. In any case, people can't imagine how a young man can become a world rich man in three years with his talent.

It's legendary.

At this moment, Xiao Yunhai has become the idol of all young people, and the number of fans in China alone has increased to 200 million.

The major forums have also been occupied by excited netizens, not to mention the millions of posts on Xiao Yunhai's home page. Li linger and Xiang Ming are busy to death.

"My God, the emperor of cloud has a fortune of 170 billion US dollars. This is not a dream."

"Idols are idols. Yunhuang is really amazing."

"The cloud emperor is simply too low-key. There's so much money that the outside world doesn't even know. "

"The media in China are so stupid as to be a pig. Even emperor Yun, a world-class tycoon, didn't know it. In the end, he was blown out by the United States of America. It was a disgrace to be thrown home. "

"The title of" cloud emperor and cloud emperor "is unparalleled in the world. I hope that emperor Yun can continue his efforts and strive to become the richest man in the world as soon as possible, so as to add luster to our Chinese culture. "

"You're right upstairs. As the richest man in the world, Americans have been sitting for a long time. It's time to change. "

Taking advantage of this trend, Wu Yifa quickly uploaded the news that Xiao Yunhai was the shareholder and spokesman of Yunyi shopping website. In a short period of three days, the number of registered members on the website reached 80 million, and tens of thousands of businesses applied for online stores. Even some international brands sent people to contact and negotiate with each other, making Wu's game method extremely busy.

The market value of Yunyi shopping network has increased more than ten times, from 5.2 billion yuan when it was registered to 63 billion yuan.

In addition to Yunyi shopping network, Anhui TV station and Yunan TV station almost simultaneously launched the trailer of Yongzheng Dynasty, highlighting Xiao Yunhai's identity as an investor and screenwriter.

Hanhai's propaganda companies have also carried out a lot of publicity on Yongzheng Dynasty. The Online Trailer of Yongzheng Dynasty has reached hundreds of millions of hits in one day.

Xiao Yunhai's endorsement of the products, the relevant companies will not miss such a good opportunity, have increased publicity efforts, sales increased.

It can be said that in the recent period of time, no matter what, as long as Xiao Yunhai is involved, it can be a mess.

It's been a week since Xiao Yunhai came back from his villa in Los Angeles. He has received countless phone calls, all from his best friends in the entertainment industry.

There's no way. The influence of "world monthly" is really too big. Let alone the domestic, even the United States is not clean. In recent days, many reporters are stationed at the door of the villa, scrambling to interview Xiao Yunhai, which makes him dare not go out.

"At last. These reporters are so patient. " Xiao Yunhai hugs Zhao Wanqing's fragrant shoulder and looks out of the window.

"Who made you a world-class celebrity now?" Zhao Wanqing touched her slightly raised abdomen and said, "if I were a reporter, I would not help wanting to interview you."

Xiao Yunhai said, "yes. Wife, let's go to the hospital tomorrow. I want to know the gender of the child. "

Zhao Wanqing's face changed slightly. She pretended not to care. She asked, "tell me, do you want a boy or a girl?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't try me out. For me, boys and girls are good. "

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said, "I dare say you want a boy. Other elders also want to be a boy, especially grandfather. He never said anything, but I can guess he wants a great grandson

Xiao Yunhai said: "my grandfather has already had three great granddaughters. It is not difficult to understand that he wants to report a great grandson. After all, there was a certain preference for men in their time. Even if he had been the head of Huaxia No.1, he was no exception. And I don't care. Boys and girls, I will love them the same. I'm just going to check my guess. "

"What guess?" Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise.

"I heard two slight heartbeats, and I suspected it was a pair of twins."

"Really? Can you hear that? "

"Of course. My kung fu training to this extent, even 10 meters away, I can hear the sound of mosquitoes clearly

"Well, we'll check it now. If it's really twins, that would be great

"Don't you have to be in such a hurry?"

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said: "you said so, where can I stay at home. Hurry up. Let's go to the hospital

The day before yesterday, Chen Xiuzhu and Xiao Yunling had already returned to China. In addition to the couple, only Yan Feiyun was left.

Hear two people want to go to the hospital, Yan Piaoyun is not at ease, also followed in the past.

Less than 30 minutes, the doctor's test report appeared in front of Xiao Yunhai.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xiao. The two children are very healthy in their mother's stomach."Xiao Yunhai asked in surprise: "are they really two? Is that a boy or a girl? "

The doctor asked, "don't you think it's best to have both children?"

Xiao Yunhai said with surprise and joy: "you said the fetus of dragon and Phoenix. Oh, my God, that makes me happy

Zhao Wanqing heard the doctor's words, her face also showed a brilliant smile.

Yan Piaoyun is excited to shed tears, mouth can not help murmuring: "great, God is too good for us."

Xiao Yunhai took a red envelope from Zhao Wanqing's hand, handed it to the doctor and said happily, "thank you, doctor. According to our Chinese custom, this red envelope is for you. "

The doctor quickly refused: "no, I can't accept it. It's against the hospital regulations."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "please respect our customs and habits. I hope you can do it for us next time. I think you will bring us good luck. Goodbye. "

After the three people left happily, the doctor opened the red envelope. Inside was a bank card, which said $6666.66, and the password was also six sixes, which meant six sixes.

The doctor said happily, "Chinese people are so generous."

Back home, Xiao Yunhai can't wait to call his mother, Chen Xiuzhu.

"Mom, I want to tell you a big piece of good news. We went to the hospital today and found out the gender of the child. "

Chen Xiuzhu, who had just brought the meal to the table, said in surprise: "don't sell me the truth. Tell me quickly, is it a boy or a girl?"

Hearing Chen Xiuzhu's words, Xiao Leshan and Xiao Changfeng looked at each other, and their ears were up.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mom, you will have a grandson and a granddaughter. Wan Qing is pregnant with a dragon and a Phoenix. "

Chen Xiuzhu Hua, tears of joy could not stop flowing from her cheek, and said: "great, great. Take good care of Wanqing. If she wants to lose a hair, I have to peel your skin. Do you hear me? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I know. You go to inform my grandfather and dad. I'll call my grandfather and make him happy

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xiuzhu wiped her tears, looked at her father-in-law and her husband, and said, "our Xiao family will usher in a pair of twins."

Xiao Leshan clapped his hands and said happily, "Changfeng, bring me the Maotai liquor that I have treasured for decades. Let's have a good drink tonight."

Xiao Changfeng nodded and said, "I'm going to get it."

Since Zhao Wanqing found out that she was pregnant with twins, Xiao Yunhai has become more careful. She is always around Zhao Wanqing and takes good care of her.

Yan Piaoyun is very happy to see Xiao Yunhai doting on her daughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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