Published at 11th of May 2022 05:47:02 AM

Chapter 856

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That day, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Cai Peixin, saying that he would arrange for someone to come to Los Angeles tomorrow and ask him to do live broadcast.

Xiao Yunhai felt that he was OK anyway, so he agreed.

Recently, in addition to accompanying Zhao Wanqing, he has been making his album songs in the studio.

So far, Xiao Yunhai has finished four Chinese songs and two English songs.

The Chinese songs are Zhang Jie's "counter war", "this is love", Sha Baoliang's "dark fragrance" and Zhang Xueyou's "have you all the way", while the English songs are Michael Jackson's "beat it" and "Billie Jean".

After listening to the songs, Zhao Wanjia appreciated them.

With these songs, Xiao Yunhai can make a promotion in advance through the UU studio.

Cai Peixin put down the phone and said, "Mr. Xiao has already agreed. This evening, I will personally take people over to try to live at 9:00 p.m. Yanjing time. Lao Li, the task of your technical department is not light. "

It turns out that the news that Xiao Yunhai will be a guest in the studio recently has been passed on by Cai Peixin. My dear fellow, the number of members of UU studio has exceeded 100 million in ten days.

Once Xiao Yunhai's live broadcast officially begins, it is estimated that the number of listeners will increase, which is a great challenge to the server of UU live broadcasting room.

"Mr. Cai, you can rest assured. According to the design of our server, it can accommodate 150 million people online at the same time. If you add the backup server, 200 million people will have no problem. Although Mr. Xiao is famous, I don't believe that he can attract so many audiences

Cai Peixin frowned: "maybe not before, but not necessarily now. In three years, he started from scratch and became an international tycoon. The attraction of such a miracle to the Chinese people is too great. We have to be prepared for everything. We must not have problems in the live broadcast. "

Lao Li thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Cai is right. I will try to find ways to accommodate more people. "

Cai Peizhi must not nod his head

Los Angeles time is 15 hours faster than Huaxia time. Xiao Yunhai's live broadcast time is arranged at 9:00 p.m., which is 12:00 noon in Los Angeles.

Cai Peixin's plane arrived at Los Angeles International Airport at 10 a.m. Xiao Yunhai personally drove them to the villa.

"Mr. Cai, this is Wanqing. You should know it?"

Cai Peixin laughed and said, "who in China doesn't know the famous Qing Hou? Congratulations to you and Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao. I'm really bothering you this time. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "Mr. Cai, you are welcome. You have come to Los Angeles for this live broadcast, which shows your sincerity. Honey, lunch is ready in the kitchen

Xiao Yunhai said: "the sky is vast and the earth is vast, and eating is the biggest.". Mr. Cai, let's have lunch in advance so that we don't have time for the live broadcast later. "

Cai Peixin said with a smile: "great, we are just hungry. The things on the plane are really bad. "

After a simple meal and a little wine, the staff began to install equipment for live broadcast in Xiao Yunhai's study.

Under the explanation of a technician, Xiao Yunhai only used two minutes to skillfully operate these things.

Cai Peixin said, "Mr. Xiao, what are you going to say?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "singing and telling stories are OK."

At this time, there are 10 minutes to go before 9:00 p.m. Yanjing time.

Numerous netizens have entered the UU live room and chatted in the comment area.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the world-class tycoon has finally appeared. What do you think he will talk about?"

"The emperor is brilliant. He must have said something we have never heard of."

"What kind of gifts do you have this time? I've heard that this time our gifts will be directly converted into money and put into the Red Cross account

"I have ten aircraft carriers ready."

"I'm six spaceships."

"My God, you are so rich. I only have 999999 roses."

"Shit, it's all big money."

In the UU studio, there are six kinds of gifts. The most basic ones are roses, one yuan for each flower, one thousand for a luxury sports car, ten thousand for a tank, fifty thousand for an airplane, one hundred thousand for an aircraft carrier, and two hundred thousand for a spaceship.

Ten aircraft carriers are one million Chinese dollars, and six spaceships are 1.2 million.

Xiao Yunhai secretly exclaimed, these people really don't regard money as money.

Time will soon come!

Countless people have entered Xiao Yunhai's online room to watch his live show, including some of his friends in the entertainment industry.

The number of people watching in the live broadcasting room has reached 80 million, and it is still increasing by geometric multiples. There is no problem in breaking 100 million.The live broadcast officially began.

Xiao Yunhai's sunny and handsome face appeared in front of everyone.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Yunhai. I'm very glad to meet you in the UU studio."

In a short sentence, countless comments appeared on the computer screen.

"Wow, it's really the cloud emperor. It's so handsome."

"Emperor Yun, are you not wearing makeup. It's so manly. "

"Cloud emperor, come on, we support you."

"I'll give you a plane as a gift."

"It's too light to meet you upstairs. At least one spaceship."

Xiao Yunhai just said a word, netizens gave him a variety of gifts, rough calculation, the value is as high as 8 million.

Cai Peixin's shocked eyes almost burst out. His mouth was open and he could lay down a duck's egg. In his heart, he said, "how could I have promised to donate directly, even if I left one percent."

Xiao Yunhai said, "let me talk about it in advance. I hope that when you give gifts, you must do what you can. All the things you send will be turned into charity. If you hit the charity foundation I set up in the Red Cross Society of China, it is also a good thing we do after playing. OK, no more nonsense. First of all, I'll give you a song. It's called "have you all the way". It's written for my wife. I hope you like it. "

Comments on the barrage reappeared.

"It's wonderful to hear a new song. What I didn't say, I'd like to send two aircraft carriers first. "

" it's so happy after sunny days. If a man writes a song for me, I will marry him immediately

"The product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. Today, I have ear blessing. "

"The emperor of cloud is invincible. Here are the 66666 roses. I love you so much."

Xiao Yunhai turns on the accompaniment and the microphone is close to his mouth.

With the sound of music, Xiao Yunhai's eyes quickly become blurred, eyes are full of infinite affection.

"You know,

it's not easy to love you,

it takes a lot of courage.

It's the will of God,

many words can't be said,

I'm afraid you can't afford it.

Do you believe that meeting you in this life is what I owe you in my last life.

It's the will of God,

that makes me fall in love with you,

makes you leave me.


this song is the work of Zhang Xueyou, the former God of song. Almost every concert is his must sing.

Xiao Yunhai's voice is deep and affectionate. The timbre is brighter than that of the God of songs. A lot of trills are added in the middle, which makes people cry more.


At this time, everyone was immersed in Xiao Yunhai's song, and there was no time to comment. However, countless tanks, planes, aircraft carriers and spaceships rushed out to express their love for this song. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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