Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:59 AM

Chapter 858

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Now it's too late for us to listen to Xiao Huahai's live broadcast, so I think it's too late for us to listen to the live broadcast

The comments on the pop-up window burst into flames.

"No, we have to listen."

"It's only eleven o'clock. It's still early."

"Yes. Yunhuang, I'll send ten more spaceships. You can talk about it for a while

"I'll give you a hundred airplanes, just tell me more. It's so interesting to listen to your live broadcast. "

"I send 80 tanks."

"999 roses."

Xiao Yunhai's parents are also watching his live broadcast. When they see that more than 200 million people in China are trying to retain their son and want him to speak more, their eyes flash with pride and pride.

Xiao Changfeng held Chen Xiuzhu's hand and said, "the sea of clouds is really promising. What he said, even those professors specializing in history, couldn't say it. What is teaching with pleasure? This live broadcast of Yunhai gives a vivid lesson to all history teachers in China. "

Chen Xiuzhu said: "in two hours, we have made nine hundred million. No, now it is one billion. Who else in the world can make money like our son."

Xiao Changfeng said, "do you know? What I appreciate most about our son is not how much money he can earn, but his indifferent attitude towards money. Even my dad admires this

Chen Xiuzhu said triumphantly, "this is my usual education. Whew, Wanqing is here. "

On the computer, Zhao Wanqing came to Xiao Yunhai with a cup of tea and a smile.

She didn't make up, she was totally plain faced, but her delicate white skin, beautiful face, slender and enchanting figure and elegant intellectual temperament made the studio explode directly.

"It's so beautiful to have a plain face after clearing up. The emperor is very lucky. "

" a lot of actresses become monsters when they take off their make-up. It's the same whether they wear makeup or not after sunny. "

"No wonder the emperor has never had any scandal. If you have such a beautiful wife at home, you won't take other women seriously. "

"Men and women are made by nature. You must be good, otherwise, I'm afraid I don't believe in love in my life

Xiao Yunhai stood up, took the cup and said, "come on, wife, say hello to everyone."

Zhao Wanqing sat in front of the computer with a smile and said, "Hello, I'm Zhao Wanqing. Thank you for your support to my husband."

"Now that you thank us, sing a song."

"Yes, it's a strong demand for a duet of love songs."

"I like love in the wind and rain and love story myth."

Then, countless gifts exploded again.

Zhao Wanqing thought about it and turned her head to Xiao Yunhai and said, "husband, let's sing a piece of" intimate love. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, are you all right?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "I can't be so delicate."

Five minutes later, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing nestled in front of the computer and began to sing.

"Let my love be with you forever..."

after the song was sung, it got a strong reaction from everyone, and some even gave them 999999 roses directly.

"It's so good to hear that they can't sing well."

"What I like most is the deep feeling in their eyes when they sing."

"It's great after yunhuangqing. I love you all my life."

The radiation of the equipment in the live broadcasting room was very serious. Xiao Yunhai didn't let Zhao Wanqing stay much longer. After singing, he sent her out.

Xiao Yunhai said: "since everyone doesn't mean to sleep, I'll tell you a story about tomb robbing, hoping to scare you away."

"Ha ha ha, I like ghost stories best."

"Yes, I'm going to sleep on this ghost story tonight."

"Don't say anything I've heard before."

"Come on, yunhuang."

Xiao Yunhai said: "the name of this story is the Seven Star King of Lu, which is the first one in the tomb robbing notes. 50 years ago, the city of shaoziling in Changsha. Four tufu children were squatting on a mound, and all of them did not speak. They were staring at the Luoyang shovel on the ground. The shovel is carrying the old soil just brought out from the underground. Strangely, this bad soil is constantly seeping out with bright red liquid, just like it was dipped in the blood... "

" Tomb theft notes "is an extremely popular network novel in the previous life, which is as famous as ghost blowing lamp. Once published, it has won the crazy pursuit of countless fans, and even has been made into TV series and television Shadow.

Xiao Yunhai is also very fond of these two novels. He has read them back and forth several times. Every word in them is deeply engraved in his mind. There is no problem in speaking.Two hours later, Xiao Yunhai finished the Seven Star King of Lu. Seeing that the number of people in the live broadcasting room increased instead of decreasing, he said with a helpless smile: "you are really amazing. I've tried to use a frightening tone. I didn't expect that you were not afraid at all. You seemed to listen with great interest

"That's great. I'll send you 10 aircraft carriers."

"Yunhuang is indeed the best screenwriter for three consecutive years. I've been fascinated by what I've heard."

"The most powerful thing about Emperor Yun is that he didn't read the manuscript, but said it out of thin air. This "Seven Star Lu Wang" at least has 100000 words, he just finished it in one breath. It's worth at least ten spaceships

"I've taken it. I really want to hear the second chapter of tomb robbing notes."

While commenting, everyone gave Xiao Yunhai a gift. In just two minutes, he had a gift worth 100 million yuan. I don't know how many people envy it.

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said, "OK, everyone, the broadcast is over. Finally, I'd like to send you a new song called "this is love". Let's all wash and sleep after singing.

The sound of the sound came on.

"Memories may fall into the sea,

some memories may not come back,

years may steal and wait,

after a long time of love, they may be separated.

We like the present together,

we have been replaced by others,

we all have similar regrets,

so we drift in the sea of people together. "

Xiao Yunhai's voice is very clean, delicate and tender in the atmosphere. Although the lyrics are simple, there is a deep feeling between the lines.

"The lingering haze,

let me bury it for you.

The way you cried all night,

has been planted in my mind ever since.

Dialogue under the moon,

is simple like a child.

You have asked me several times,

what is that? "

After singing the main song, Xiao Yunhai's voice suddenly rose, and the things the song wanted to express burst out like a rock out of the sky, directly into the hearts of the audience.

"This is love.

This is love.

... "

the five consecutive" this is love "is very exciting.

"The song of emperor Yun is wonderful."

"Great, it's probably another song for Qing Hou."

"It's so happy after sunny days."

In the second section, Xiao Yunhai is still playing perfectly.

"I think I can get the favor of time,

I think there is no accident in the journey,

I think I will say good night every day,

but with you, there is no uneasiness.

Because miss is more powerful than anyone,

because loneliness will come in vain,

because love on sunny and cloudy days,

exist in the heart at the same time.

In the climax part of the second paragraph, Xiao Yunhai sings this is love for ten times. The tone is higher and the mood is stronger. The changes of true and false sounds are like flowing clouds and flowing water without any stagnation and astringency.

The whole live broadcast ended with "this is love", and the final gift value exceeded 1.4 billion Chinese dollars. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!