Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:58 AM

Chapter 859

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Xiao Yunhai took off the earphone, stretched out a stretch, and said with a smile, "everyone is tired."

Cai Peixin shook his head and exclaimed, "Mr. Xiao, you are so talented. To tell you the truth, some of the stars live with their own faces, and we have prepared the manuscript for them in advance. But you rely on your own real strength. From the beginning to the end, you have been talking about it for four hours. It's just amazing. "

Other several people are also looking at Xiao Yunhai with admiration.

Not to mention anything else, the $1.4 billion prize alone is shocking. It is undoubtedly much faster than robbing the bank.

"Mr. Cai, we have agreed that the money will be given to the Red Cross Society of China."

"Don't worry, the Red Cross will receive the remittance information tomorrow."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's good. I'll cook this afternoon. Would you please go to the Italian restaurant for authentic steak

Cai Peixin waved his hand and said, "we understand Mr. Xiao's kindness. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of things to do in China. In three hours, the plane we ordered will take off. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "that's a pity. That's OK. We'll get together later when we're free. "

An hour later, Xiao Yunhai put them on the plane.

The impact of Xiao Yunhai's live broadcast is very big.

China's major media have reported.

"Xiao Yunhai is a guest in the UU live broadcasting room, earning 1.4 billion in four hours."

"The cloud emperor's popularity is amazing, and 200 million netizens are online at the same time."

"Cloud emperor's 1.4 billion revenue, a new record of all live broadcast."

"After clearing up, he expressed his love to the emperor with 9999999 roses, and his blood pressure soared."

"The Red Cross Society of China held a press conference and claimed to have received 1.424 billion donations from UU live network."

Xiao Yunhai's donation of all the live broadcast income has won praise from numerous netizens. Meanwhile, there has been a boom in the entertainment industry.

It's a pity that no matter what way they use, they can't copy Xiao Yunhai's brilliant achievements. Most of them are only tens of millions.

After all, everyone is not a fool. The emperor really took their money to do a good deed, while other stars were all paid in their own pocket. Compared with the two, they made a higher sentence.

Another week later, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Chen Qingqing.

"Yunhai," Yongzheng Dynasty, "will be premiered on Anhui TV station and Yunan TV station on October 20. Can you come here?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm sure I can't go back. Don't give me any advice. There are so many movie queens in our play, where can I use it. By the way, how could it be so late? "

Chen Qingqing said: "Anhui TV station and Henan TV station have signed a TV series before, so they can only broadcast them first. I also want to tell you a piece of news that is not good or bad. On October 16, "outlaws of the marsh" will be broadcasted on CCTV at prime time, four days ahead of us, which is exactly the right channel. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that Tian Junhao has enough confidence in Outlaws of the marsh.". Also, the All-Star lineup, just their fans, can support the ratings

Chen Qingqing said: "cloud sea, do we want to avoid their edge for a while. After all, "outlaws of the marsh" is the key TV series of the Ministry of culture this year. It is not appropriate for us to win or lose. "

Xiao Yunhai thought and asked, "who announced the premiere date first?"

Chen Qingqing said: "we announced it last night, and the outlaws of the marsh is at 8:00 this morning, as if we were deliberately picking on us."

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "they are looking for our stubble. Well, it must be Tian Junhao's bad idea again. Mr. Chen, I'll call to see what they mean

For Tian Junhao's sinister intentions, Xiao Yunhai is very clear.

If the rating of Yongzheng Dynasty is not as good as that of outlaws of the marsh, Xiao Yunhai's invincible gold body is broken, which is definitely a very bad thing for him. The TV series invested or directed in the future will be questioned by the TV station.

On the contrary, if the Yongzheng Dynasty does down the outlaws of the marsh, there will be no place to put the face of the Ministry of culture. After all, this is the key TV series of this year. The ratings are not good, and the face of the Ministry of culture is even more disgraceful.

Therefore, no matter win or lose, Xiao Yunhai is not worth the loss, so he wants to call in advance to ask, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

"What are you doing, brother?"

Soon, Xiao Yunhai got through Xiao Yuanyang's mobile phone.

"Just finished the meeting. What can I do for you

Xiao Yunhai said: "I heard that the water margin station was scheduled to premiere on October 16, while my Yongzheng Dynasty was on October 20, which happened to meet. What do you say to do about it? "

Xiao Yuanyang said in a bad mood: "I still need to ask about this broken thing. If you go straight with it, you'd better beat him to rout. ""Why? If so, wouldn't the face of your Ministry of culture look ugly? "

"Wrong, it should be said that Tian Jishang's face will be very ugly. Yunhai, even if you don't give me this call, I will call you. The post of minister of culture will be vacant at the beginning of next year. I am not qualified enough to go. But both Liang Qianqiu and Tian Jishang had this possibility. Whether it is background or qualifications, Tian Ji is still better than liang Qianqiu. If there is no accident, Tian Jishang is more likely to be on top. Once he becomes the Minister of culture, it will be very unfavorable to my development. You boy, I think there will be a lot of unnecessary trouble. "

"Director Xiao Dahai"

Xiao Yunhai quickly interrupted Xiao Yuanyang's words and said: "what do you say has anything to do with my Yongzheng dynasty? You don't think that if the ratings of Yongzheng Dynasty can defeat the outlaws of the marsh, you can prevent Tian Jishang from becoming Minister of culture. That's impossible. "

Xiao Yuanyang, on the other end of the phone, narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "generally speaking, even if we beat ten outlaws of the marsh, it is impossible to have any impact on Tian Jishang. But now is a sensitive period, and at the beginning, Liang Qianqiu should have been responsible for "outlaws of the marsh", which Tian Jishang forcibly seized for his son. Once the result is not good, it is absolutely not a bit of a blow to him. At the same time, we will seize this point and question his ability. The so-called thousand mile dike was destroyed in the ant nest. Political failure is often caused by something as small as it can be. As long as you recognize a little bit, that is to fight "outlaws of the marsh" to death, that's right. "

Xiao Yunhai asked in a puzzled way: "since the outlaws of the marsh is so important, why should Tian Jishang and his son make it compete with my Yongzheng dynasty. It's not that I boast. With my previous record in TV series, as long as I have a little brain, it's impossible to hit me

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile, "you have wronged others. It has nothing to do with Tian Jishang and his son. The director of CCTV reported the broadcast date of outlaws of the marsh to the Ministry of culture three days ago. There is no special reason why we will not object to it. So it was settled. "

"Will they change it?"

"For what reason? Is it because of fear of your "Yongzheng Dynasty", so need to change the premiere time. I'm kidding. Now the key is to see whether you can defeat the outlaws of the marsh, and it must be the victory of destroying Gula

"Don't worry, brother. I'm very confident in this play. By the way, if Vice Minister Liang takes the post, what good will it do to you? "

"Ha ha, I want to sit in the position of minister of culture. It's definitely impossible. But if it's a deputy minister, there should be no problem. "

"OK, I'll go back to China in person to publicize the Yongzheng Dynasty, and make sure that you can take the position of vice minister." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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