Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:57 AM

Chapter 860

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Xiao Yunhai put down the phone and looked at Zhao Wanqing who had just come by and said, "wife, I'm sorry."

With a smile, Zhao Wanqing said, "it doesn't matter. Business matters. I have been very happy that you have been with me for such a long time. When are you going back? "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to the Marvel Comics auction house tomorrow morning. If everything goes well, I'll fly home tomorrow night. "

A while ago, Xiao Yunhai had contacted RENUS, the boss of Marvel Comics company, and wanted to take over the company privately. Unfortunately, renas made a condition that unless Xiao Yunhai could lend him another 10 billion dollars, he could sell the company to him according to the current market value.

Xiao Yunhai immediately refused, joking that renas's industry was in an economic crisis, and the bank was pressing for debts every day. If he could not survive, Xiao Yunhai's $10 billion would not have been lost.

After the negotiation failed, Xiao Yunhai had to attend the auction.

Zhao Wanqing asked, "do you need me to go with you?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "you can rest at home and raise your fetus. I can handle it."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "do you think I'm worried about you? I was worried about my son and daughter's milk powder money. If you get excited and spend 200 yuan on the original 100 yuan thing, it will be a loss. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "my calmness is not comparable to that of ordinary people. What's more, I have already set a maximum price for it in my heart. If it exceeds this price, I won't buy it. "

At nine o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai came to the Christie's auction house next to the Oscar Golden Avenue.

"Hey, Xiao, long time no see."

Just walked in, Xiao Yunhai heard a familiar voice.

Looking around, it turned out to be Kerry.

After they hugged each other, Kerry asked, "Shaw, let me guess, are you interested in Marvel comics?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "of course not. I heard that there is a diamond called heart of hope. It weighs about 46.52 carats. You know, since my marriage with Wanqing, I have never bought anything for her, so I want to give her a surprise. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't cheat him. In addition to manwei, he was really interested in this diamond.

Three days ago, Christie's auction house sent Xiao Yunhai a list of items, in which Marvel Comics was the last to appear, and this heart of hope ranked third from the bottom. For marvel, Xiao Yunhai is not a must. If the price exceeds his bottom line, even one dollar, he will give up immediately.

But hope can't do it, because Zhao Wanqing spent the longest time on this page when reading the auction catalogue, even with a trace of intoxication in her eyes.

Although Zhao Wanqing said nothing, Xiao Yunhai could see that she really liked the diamond very much.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai decided to buy it for his wife even if he spent more money.

Kerry said with a smile: "this diamond is not cheap. You can see if there are many beautiful ladies around with her husband. I tell you, they're all here for this star of hope. You know, this is a good thing that has been passed down for hundreds of years. "

Xiao Yunhai looked around for a week, and found that the big money basically had a woman beside them, all dressed up in fancy clothes. If they are really for this diamond, I am afraid they will have a big fight.

"Kerry, how much do you think this diamond will sell for?"

Kerry thought for a moment and said, "a 41.27 carat diamond sold for 398 million US dollars at Yatai auction house a few days ago. This star of hope is heavier and more famous than it is. Without 500 million dollars, I think it will be very difficult to win it. Do you really want it, Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. No matter how much it costs, I will buy it because Wanqing likes it very much. "

Kerry raised his thumb and said, "Xiao, there is a saying in China called Chong Guan Yi Nu is a beauty. I admire you for spending hundreds of millions of dollars to surprise my wife. Tell you secretly, don't look at these people all come, actually willing to spend so much money for their wife's rich few. Wait a minute. You just have to be a little overbearing, and no one will dare to argue with you. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "really or not?"

Kerry said with a smile, "believe me, it's absolutely right. These rich people can spend a lot of money for the little three outside, but they will never buy for the original. It's like fishing. The original match is the fish that has been hooked, while the third is the fish that has not yet been hooked. Who do you think the fisherman will give bait to eat. Of course, there are still some infatuated people like you, but the number is certainly not large. "

Xiao Yunhai patted Kerry on the shoulder and said, "maybe you are right. Kerry, are you here for marvel

Kerry nodded and said, "of course. Not only we MGM are interested in it, but other Hollywood entertainment companies are here. You see, isn't that Thomas and his uncle Angu who you've taken to magic effects

Xiao Yunhai looked at the direction of his finger. As expected, Thomas was chatting with a young man.He seems to feel Xiao Yunhai's eyes, eyes to the direction of Xiao Yunhai, his face suddenly became a lot ugly.

Speaking of all, Xiao Yunhai should thank Thomas. Because he can develop to this point, the starting point is magic effects company.

Without it, although Xiao Yunhai could still develop, it would not be so fast.

"Xiao, are you really not interested in marvel? From what I know about you, I'm afraid it's impossible? "

Kerry has read the magazine world monthly. It is not so difficult for Kerry to know that the good brother in front of him is a millionaire with $170 billion. It is not so difficult to buy Marvel comics.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if your price is below my bottom line, I will certainly not let it go. After all, I'm very optimistic about superheroes like Thor, Spiderman and Batman

Kerry snorted and said, "I knew you were going to steal Marvel from MGM this time."

In the process of chatting, more and more rich people entered the auction house. Among them, many people also took the initiative to come to Xiao Yunhai and got to know each other.

At ten o'clock sharp, the auction began.

The person who presided over the auction was a young man in his thirties. He was slender and handsome, and saw many expensive women with shining eyes.

He had a pair of white gloves on his hands, and he spoke with passion and appeal.

Within an hour, the first 20 items were bought by the rich at high prices. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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