Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:54 AM

Chapter 861

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Soon, it was diamond's "star of hope". Xiao Yunhai sat up straight and looked serious.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next item is this star of hope that has been handed down for hundreds of years. It is said that whoever can take it will bring good luck. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for you to show off. The starting price is 300 million US dollars, and each increase shall not be less than 10 million US dollars. Here we go. "

"350 million."

"Well, the gentleman offered 350 million dollars for his wife. Don't you think it's time to kiss your husband, madam

When they heard this, they all laughed.

Xiao Yunhai nodded secretly. This young auctioneer is really powerful.

After the lady gave his husband a kiss, another voice rang.

"I gave 360 million dollars."

"Well, Mr. five added 10 million, now 360 million."

Xiao Yunhai raised the number plate in his hand and said, "I'll give 500 million dollars."

As soon as the voice dropped, the whole scene was quiet for a moment, and then everyone turned their heads and looked at Xiao Yunhai.

"Is this man Japanese, Korean or Chinese? How rich are you? "

"That's the famous world-class director, and Xiao, who ranks 87th in the world's rich list. Of course, he has money."

"Is he the Xiao who just appeared in the world monthly? It looks much younger than the photo. "

"In three years, from a poor student to a millionaire with a net worth of 170 billion dollars, Xiao is really amazing."

All the people were talking about it one after another, and some celebrities also threw their eyes at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai turned a blind eye to this and kept his eyes on the bright star of hope.

"Well, Mr. Xiao is really extraordinary. He raised the diamond to 500 million US dollars. Is there anything higher than him? There are more... "

" 520 million dollars. "

Before the auctioneer finished, a young voice interrupted him.

When Xiao Yun searched for fame, he saw Thomas looking at him with a kind of proud eyes, as if to say, you can't get this diamond so easily.

Xiao Yunhai knows that the other party is just making trouble, so he smiles and puts down the sign intentionally. He spreads his hands and says he doesn't want it.

Thomas's face changed. Although he was a little fleeting, he still did not escape Xiao Yunhai's eyes.

Thomas now has only a few shares in paramount. Where can he put forward 520 million dollars.

The auctioneer said excitedly, "it's very generous of Mr. 18th to offer 520 million dollars. I believe that no matter who is your girlfriend, will be extremely happy. Everybody, is there anything higher than him? Is there anything higher than him? "

The auctioneer asked three times in a row. Each time, Thomas looked ugly, and his heart was even more nervous.

He just saw that Xiao Yunhai seemed to be very interested in the diamond and wanted to block him. Who knows that the other party gave up on his own initiative. Thomas couldn't calm down when he bought a diamond for 520 million dollars.

Next to the angle is also a gloomy face.

The auctioneer found that everyone did not make a sound. His eyes turned and looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, are you really going to give up?"

The auctioneer knew Thomas and knew that it was very difficult for him to come up with $100 million, not to mention 520 million.

But as a professional auctioneer, he certainly can't say that you can't buy without money, so he put his idea to Xiao Yunhai, a big money.

Under everyone's gaze, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "there is a Chinese idiom called the beauty of becoming a man. Seeing that Mr. Thomas likes this diamond so much, I should give it to him. I'm sorry to add ten million dollars to it, so I just like it. If Mr. Thomas is more expensive than that, I'll give it up. "

"Great, Mr. Xiao offered 530 million dollars. Is there anything higher than that? "

All eyes were on Thomas.

Thomas was relieved when he heard that Xiao Yunhai had added another 10 million US dollars. Where would he dare to increase the price.

"530 million dollars a time."

"530 million dollars twice."

"530 million dollars three times."


The auctioneer dropped the hammer and said excitedly, "congratulations to Mr. Xiao for winning this star of hope with 530 million dollars."

Everyone clapped.

Beside Kerry clapped his hands and laughed in Xiao Yunhai's ear: "what I said is right. There won't be many people who can give up their blood to buy a star of hope for their wives. "

Xiao Yunhai photographed the diamond and looked very happy on his face. He said, "when Wanqing sees it, I think she will be very happy."

The star of hope is the first item of the finale, and the second one is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Xiao Yunhai doesn't understand this thing at all, so he has no interest in bidding.Finally, the painting, 84 cm long and 50 cm wide, was bought by a European Tycoon for 320 million US dollars.

Finally, Marvel Comics company, which ended the auction, began. Xiao Yunhai found that most of the people in front of him sat up straight, and Kerry's expression beside him became solemn.

"The last item is not an item, but a company with great potential, Marvel comics," the auctioneer said. It has no less than Disney's animation production ability, and has created numerous popular superheroes in the world, such as Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Raytheon, Captain America and so on. I dare say that whoever can get it is equivalent to getting a huge treasure house. Its starting price is $8 billion, with no less than $50 million each time. Now the bidding begins. "

Kerry held up the sign and said, "ten billion dollars."

"Shit, you're a tough guy. It's up to 10 billion." Xiao Yunhai chuckled and scolded.

"We MGM are very interested in it and I want it anyway. Xiao, give me a face. How about giving it to me if other people don't dispute it? "

Kerry knew Xiao Yunhai very well and knew how crazy he was.

The Lord of the rings, which requires an investment of more than two billion dollars, was invested by Xiao Yunhai without blinking an eye, not to mention Marvel Comics company with unlimited potential.

Xiao Yunhai said with a noncommittal smile: "I hope you can hold on to the end."

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai did not answer himself positively, Kerry immediately understood that Xiao Yunhai did not want to give up. Although there was no change in his face, he felt a strong threat in his heart.

"12 billion dollars." Paramount's angar has increased by two billion again.

Before the auctioneer could speak, another magnate raised the number plate.

"Thirteen billion dollars."

Kerry didn't hesitate and yelled, "16 billion dollars."

Today, the market value of Marvel comics is US $16 billion. Kerry calls this price, and everyone's faces show a cautious expression, and the price rise has slowed down.

"16.2 billion."

"16.3 billion."


"17 billion."

When Disney representatives called out $17 billion, Kerry bit his teeth and went up a billion dollars.

"I gave 18 billion dollars."

The auctioneer said excitedly, "Mr. Smith has offered us $18 billion. It seems that MGM is going to win. Is there anything higher? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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