Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:53 AM

Chapter 862

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Just after the financial crisis in the United States, the eight major Hollywood companies suffered heavy losses. In addition, they bought the Huaxia cinema line, so there is not much liquidity that we can control. MGM has borrowed so much money.

"Is there anything higher?"

The auctioneer asked for three times, but no one offered any more. Kerry's face flashed a little surprise, but his eyes secretly turned to Xiao Yunhai for fear that he would suddenly raise the number plate.

"I'm offering $19 billion."

A loud voice made Kerry shake all over, his eyes like electricity looked at the guy who weighed at least 200 Jin.

"Liandel, the boss behind thunder pictures." Said Kerry, gnashing his teeth.

At this time, his face was hard to see, because Leander's price had exceeded Kerry's bottom line of 18.5 billion dollars.

Just as Kerry was nearly pissed off by leandrel, another rich man raised his sign.

"19.5 billion dollars."

Kerry murmured: "Damn it, these birdmen are too cruel. They are more than 3.5 billion in market value. Are they not afraid to pay? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "are you not ready to bid?"

"Fart, I don't have that much money." Kerry said, suddenly realized something, said: "Xiao, you don't want to put a foot in it. It seems to be a lot more expensive. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "but it did not exceed my bottom line."

With that, Xiao Yunhai raised the sign and yelled, "I'll make it up for you, 20 billion dollars."

The price finished, the scene suddenly quiet down.

20 billion is not a small amount. Even if you are a world-class tycoon, you should consider carefully whether Marvel comics is worth this price.

"20 billion US dollars, Xiao Yunhai now has 20 billion dollars, is there anything higher than him?"

"Marvel comics has countless superheroes. Once it is made into a movie in the future, it is likely to become popular all over the world. This is a very good opportunity. 20 billion is definitely not the limit. Is there anything higher than that? "

Looking at the chattering auctioneer there, Xiao Yunhai exclaimed, "Sir, you are indeed a very good auctioneer. It's just can we be faster? If you talk about it for a minute, maybe we will spend another billion or two billion dollars later. Will you give us the money? "


"Ha ha ha."

When they heard Xiao Yunhai's complaint, they couldn't help laughing, and the tense atmosphere was swept away.

The auctioneer said with a smile, "it seems that Mr. Xiao is very worried. Well, let me ask you one last time. Is there anything higher than $20 billion? "

"20 billion dollars a time."

"20 billion dollars twice."

"20 billion dollars three times."

"Congratulations to Mr. Shaw on becoming the new owner of Marvel comics."

Kerry stood up and hugged Xiao Yunhai fiercely. He said, "Xiao, I'm going to eat at your house this afternoon. I must eat poor you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, no problem."

At this point, the whole auction is over.

Everyone got up and went out. When Angu came to Xiao Yunhai, he suddenly put out his hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, congratulations on taking over Marvel comics."

Xiao Yunhai smiles and shakes hands with him, saying: "thank you very much."

"I hope we have the opportunity to work together," Angu said


Angu's approach seems to have begun, and representatives of other film companies have also come to him and have a close relationship with Xiao Yunhai, which makes Xiao Yunhai very puzzled. Some of them don't understand what they mean.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai returned to the villa with Kerry with a series of contracts from "star of hope" and marvel comics.

"Hello, Kerry. Long time no see." Zhao Wanqing said to Kerry with a smile.

Kerry said, "Wanqing, you are still so beautiful. I heard that you have children in your stomach, or twins. Congratulations

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "thank you. Lunch is ready. Let's go there together

"Is it Chinese food?"

"Of course, my mother made it herself."

"Well, I'm so lucky."

"As long as you don't dislike my cooking." Yan Piaoyun walked in and said with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai introduced: "this is my mother-in-law, Ms. Yan Piaoyun."

Kerry said in surprise, "Auntie, you are so young. I can't believe that you will be Wan Qing's mother. I think my sister is pretty good. "

Yan Piaoyun said with a smile, "you flatter me."

Four people came to the restaurant, Xiao Yunhai took out Maotai wine and drank it with Kerry.

Zhao Wanqing asked, "Yunhai, how about this morning's auction?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "everything goes well. I bought Marvel comics for 20 billion dollars"20 billion dollars?" Zhao Wanqing was surprised and asked, "can you make this money back?"

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "of course. Once the films of superheroes such as spider man, Batman, Superman, Thor and Hulk are made, they will definitely be popular in the world. It is not difficult to make 20 billion yuan. "

Kerry said with a smile, "Shaw, one of the things I appreciate most about you is that you are always confident. Do you know why Angu and they came to say hello to you when they left

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "why?"

"They want to work with you," Kerry said

"No way."

Xiao Yunhai spent so much money to buy Marvel. Naturally, it is impossible for others to share a share of the profits. Not even Kerry, who has the best relationship with him.

Kerry seemed to know what Xiao Yunhai was thinking, and said: "Xiao, they are not going to cooperate with you to invest in films, but hope you can use the actors of their company. Once you become the protagonist of a series of movies, the actors will be able to soar to the sky, and the company will naturally benefit a lot. "

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized and said, "so it is."

If these superheroes were to be made into movies, they would have to use Hollywood actors. After all, they are western heroes and can't be played by Oriental actors.

Xiao Yunhai doesn't have his own company in Hollywood, so he has to look for suitable actors in the whole Hollywood. If you can have a good relationship with him, the opportunities for these entertainment companies will naturally be much greater.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai suddenly looked at Kerry and said with a smile: "you boy, you don't have this idea in mind, do you?"

Kerry exclaimed, "how can I be like that. Besides, is it necessary for me to get close to you as they do, just because of our relationship? If there's something good, you'll think of me, won't you? "

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "your boy's face is really thick now."

It's called "crimson" as the saying goes. I've known you for a long time, and I'll be influenced more or less by you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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