Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:49 AM

Chapter 864

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Soon, they came to the large conference room on the 11th floor.

Seeing the arrival of Xiao Yunhai, the noise quickly disappeared, and everyone clapped up spontaneously.

Xiao Yunhai sat down in the middle of the rostrum, waved his hand and said, "my name is Yunhai Xiao. I'm the new boss of our company. I have just talked with Raul, the manager of the company, and got some information about the company. If you use two words to evaluate, it's bad. The whole company has basically been in a state of stagnation, even the balance of payments can not reach, let alone create profits. I want to ask a question. Do you want to work in marvel

"Yes, of course."

"Boss, it's not that we don't want to work hard, but we have no work to do."

"Yes. Marvel children's park closed three months ago. What can we do? "

"Now that jobs are so hard to find, who wants to be part of the unemployment army?"


the staff under the stage began to talk in succession, and the whole conference room became noisy.

Xiao Yunhai didn't stop him. Instead, he let them vent and argue. He felt almost the same. Then he knocked on the table and said, "although you said a lot of things in a mess, I didn't seem to hear that anyone was going to resign. This is very good, which shows that we still cherish this job. To rejuvenate Marvel comics, it depends on money and you. There is no need for you to manage the problem of funds. I am the boss to solve it. If one billion is not enough, then two billion; if two billion is not enough, then five billion. In a word, any problem that money can solve is not a problem. "


Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone immediately burst into warm applause.

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "if you want to bring the company back to life, it is not just money that can solve the problem. The most important thing is you. You are the most precious wealth of the company. But looking at what you are like now, I feel terrible. This is definitely not the spirit and working state of a company, so I hope you can change my mind as quickly as possible

"I come out to work naturally to support my family. You may know my magic effects company. I can tell you clearly that any employee in the company gets more than three times the annual salary of you. Even Raul is not as good as some magic technicians. Why? Because they have created profits for me, and the annual income can reach several billion dollars. As a boss, I will not treat them badly. In the same way, I will not treat you badly. In order to improve your work enthusiasm, from today on, everyone's monthly salary will be increased by $2000. "

"Yes, long live the boss."

"The boss is the most generous boss in Hollywood. "

" great, two thousand dollars is enough to make a big difference in my family. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "if you are satisfied with an increase of two thousand dollars a month, you will be too unprofitable. As long as you listen to my arrangement and work hard, I promise you will double your annual salary in less than one year. "

"Oh, my God, really?"

"Double it. I'm not dreaming."

All the staff under the stage were shocked.

Xiao Yunhai said: "if we want to get a high annual salary, our company must turn a loss into a profit. Now I will arrange the tasks of various departments. First of all, there is the cartoon department. I have a very good cartoon called transformers. Now it has been made. If you translate it into English, I will find a publishing house to publish it. Our biggest problem is that there is no creativity. Since you can't think of it, let the strong people in America think for us. I'm going to hold a cartoon creativity competition on the Internet. They will provide creativity and the cartoon team will review it. As long as their ideas are accepted by us, the company will award the contestants from 500000 to 1 million US dollars. I think the attraction for comic book lovers should be very big. Decker, you're the director of the comic book department. I'll leave it to you. "

Dekker said excitedly: "boss, you can rest assured that I will do this job well."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said: "the animation department will also focus on transformers. I want you to make a 20 episode animation for me. After that, I'll give you a script of Kung Fu Panda. Let's shoot a big animated movie directly to make Marvel famous. Sean, are you sure you'll do well? "

"No problem. As long as the script is wonderful, our animation department is absolutely capable of making the best animation. " Sean clenched his fist and yelled.

"Well, that's what I want." Xiao Yunhai said: "Sidney, your toy company is our only profit point. If you have any difficulties, please report to me separately later. You'll probably be very busy when we get transformers all over the world

Sidney's eyes flashed and he said, "OK, boss, there are some problems with our toy company."

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'll talk about it later. Randy, I want you to say, if Marvel children's paradise is transformed, can it come back to life. I want you to give me a clear answer. "Randy stood up and said confidently, "yes, certainly. We marvel children's Park has been in the United States for decades, longer than Disney. I believe that as long as our hardware can keep up, there will be absolutely no problem. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "we have 22 children's parks in total. How much does it cost to have a major operation on them?"

Randy thought for a moment and said, "boss, the biggest paradise needs 400 million dollars, and the smallest one only needs 200 million dollars. In total, it will be at least four billion dollars. I'm talking about a total renovation to make a better paradise than Disneyland. "

Xiao Yunhai pursed his lips and said, "I'll give you 600 million dollars first. You should use the fastest speed to make two children's parks, one big and one small, for me. Remember to ensure safety. At that time, I'll take the experts to examine it carefully. If the effect is good, all the other 20 parks will have to be rebuilt and even rebuilt. Do you understand? "

Randy said happily: "boss, you can rest assured that we will not let you down."

Xiao Yunhai said: "the propaganda department should do its best to do a good job in the publicity company of transformers and marvel children's paradise, and give me a list of relevant expenses. I'm going to invest three billion dollars into the company these days as our start-up capital. Ladies and gentlemen, I have provided you with the best platform. It depends on you whether you can grasp it or not. If you want to have a high salary like magic employees, give me a good job. All right, the heads of each department will stay, and the others will go back to their posts. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Deafening applause resounded throughout the conference room, and everyone seemed to have been brainwashed by Xiao Yunhai. They were in high spirits and in high spirits, in sharp contrast to the previous depression and sighing.

"The boss is so generous that I can see millions of dollars beckoning to me."

"Offer a million dollars for an idea. God, I believe the whole of America will be totally crazy."

"Yes, even I want to sign up."

"What is that. I heard that the boss put in more than two billion dollars to shoot "the Lord of the rings", which is only half a million dollars. What is a million dollars? "

"I feel full of strength to work with a boss like this."

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