Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:46 AM

Chapter 866

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It takes 11 hours to fly from Los Angeles to Yanjing. When the plane landed steadily at Yanjing International Airport, it was already 6:00 p.m.

The news of Xiao Yunhai's return home has been known by the media for a long time.

This is what Xiao Yunhai deliberately let people reveal, the purpose is naturally to publicize the Yongzheng Dynasty.

He heard Chen Qingqing say on the phone that Tian Junhao and his son used all kinds of means to publicize the outlaws of the marsh.

"Outlaws of the marsh" 100 single Eight Generals, together with some other supporting roles, there are more than 100 actors and actresses with names and surnames, not to mention more than 20 movie stars joined. It is said that the propaganda cost alone has cost 500 million yuan, and the advertisements have been all over China. Now, no one does not know that "outlaws of the marsh" will be premiered on October 16.

Even Yanjing International Airport has their posters, let alone other places.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai also had to be serious this time. He changed his previous low-key and started to publicize from the plane.

With Xiao Yunhai's popularity and status, how can the media let go of his news.

Just out of the airport, Xiao Yunhai was surrounded by countless reporters. The shutter of the camera kept popping. The flash directly turned the night into the day, which dazzled people's eyes.

Sal, who originally wanted to say hello to Xiao Yunhai, saw this situation and quickly gave up the idea and left by car.

"Mr. Xiao, what are you going back for this time?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, it is to publicize the Yongzheng Dynasty.". I wrote and invested in this play. It's going to be broadcast on October 20. I can't keep my face shut. "

"Mr. Xiao, different from the past, today's television industry is surging. The highest audience rating of the TV series "death apartment" broadcast by NNC TV station reached 6% last night, and that of NBC TV station "survival in the wasteland" also received 5%. In addition, the TV series "outlaws of the marsh" launched by the Ministry of culture this year is being widely publicized, and there are some other idol dramas. Do you think Yongzheng Dynasty can learn from this Do you stand out from so many strong players? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "why not. "Yongzheng Dynasty" is a script I wrote. It is no less wonderful than the original langyabang. In addition, the director of Chen Qingqing, the wonderful performance of teachers Wang Huang, Li Tianming, Wang Guoan and others, I believe that its appeal to Chinese audiences is not inferior to any TV series. "

"Do you mean that the Yongzheng Dynasty can beat all the other TV dramas to the top

"I didn't say that. But I have confidence in it, just as I have confidence in the original "Langya bang."

Reporters' eyes are bright, where they can not hear the meaning of Xiao Yunhai dialect.

As confident as langyabang is, isn't it that Yongzheng Dynasty will sweep all TV dramas like langyabang?

The reporter was originally a group of people who like to catch the wind and make things out of nothing. Naturally, Xiao Yunhai deliberately said such words with obvious hints, and one by one, with brushes, recorded them in the book.

"Mr. Xiao, how much do you think the audience rating of Yongzheng Dynasty can reach?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "with the quality of the play, even if the average rating exceeds 20%, I won't be surprised. Ha ha, who dares to say it's not good to attract Mr. Wang Huang to perform in the TV series. "

"Mr. Xiao, I heard that you bought Marvel Comics company. I don't know if it's true?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, thumbed up and said, "your news is really very smart. Yes, I did buy Marvel for 20 billion dollars. "

"Marvel has a lot of Western superheroes. Will you bring them to the big screen?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "of course. Manwei's development in the past two years is not satisfactory. I will completely change this situation. Recently, the comic strip transformers, written by me, will meet with children and cartoon fans in China. Marvel Comics Co., Ltd. is also working hard to produce cartoons, which will be completed in three months. If the result is good, I will also make it into a live action movie, which will definitely enrich our eyes. "

"Transformers" will be put on sale in China on October 25, and Xiao Yunhai naturally doesn't mind doing a publicity campaign with it while promoting the Yongzheng Dynasty.

"Well, everyone, Mr. Xiao has just come back from Los Angeles. He is very tired and needs a rest. Please give way."

Early came to Xiao Yunhai next to the agent Mo Yina saw almost, and then with the bodyguards around Xiao Yunhai sat on the nanny car.

On the bus, Mo Yina asked curiously, "Yunhai, how can you be willing to come back? Don't say it's for the promotion of Yongzheng Dynasty. I don't believe it even if it's said to the heaven. "

Xiao Yunhai doesn't even publicize his crazy series, let alone his screenplay Yongzheng Dynasty.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Mo, you are wrong this time. I came back for Yongzheng Dynasty. This play is very important to me. It's more important than all the movies I've made before, so I have to come back. Don't ask me why. I can't tell you. "Mo Yina said angrily, "it's not what a good artist should do to hide the agent."

Xiao Yunhai said: "knowing too much is not good for you. Don't you see the plot of killing people often in movies? In the final analysis, the people killed inside know too much. "

Mo Yina couldn't help laughing and said, "what are you talking about? It's too serious. Well, I don't have to ask, isn't it? To avoid being killed. By the way, how is Wanqing? Do you know it's a boy or a girl? "

Xiao Yunhai said happily: "there are two babies in her stomach, one male and one female, dragon and Phoenix fetus, ha ha."

Mo Yina said with surprise on her face, "then I really want to congratulate you."

"Thank you."

In a villa in Yanjing, Tian Jishang and Tian Junhao are looking at the computer screen, which shows Xiao Yunhai's interview with reporters.

Five minutes later, Tian Junhao turned off the video and said, "I didn't expect Xiao Yunhai to come back in person. It's really important."

Tian Jishang Jingguang flash, way: "his goal is not" Water Margin ", but for me."

Tian Jishang was able to become the next minister most likely to take over from the Ministry of culture. He was very capable and politically minded.

It is not his problem that he is always in a bad position in Xiao Yunhai, but because Xiao Yunhai doesn't play cards according to the routine, which can be either sarcastic or abusive. Such a person, what do you want Tian Jishang to do? You can't let him scold him as a deputy minister of culture.

In a few months, it is time to choose the new minister of culture. If everything goes well, Tian Jishang will be the best candidate for the top position. But it's really hard to say that we have 100% confidence in political affairs until the dust settles.

In the whole Ministry of culture, Liang Qianqiu is the biggest threat to him.

It has to be admitted that Liang Qianqiu's ability and political accomplishment are very high. However, Chinese officialdom pays attention to seniority. It has been less than three years since Liang Qianqiu was transferred to the Ministry of culture. As long as He Tian Ji is still alive, he can not be elected.

But if it wasn't for him, it wouldn't be.

Therefore, Tian Jishang thinks that Liang Qianqiu will not be able to put himself in the top position so easily. He is likely to make some things happen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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