Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:40 AM

Chapter 868

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After speaking, Xiao Yunhai changed his clothes and went out.

At this time, Li Bing was already waiting outside. In the car, there were still agent Mo Yina and full-time stylist and makeup artist Lu Xinran, and a group of four people headed for Yanjing TV station.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Lu Xinran beside him and said with a smile, "sister Lu, long time no see."

Lu Xinran said: "it's been a long time. Now I understand what you and WAN Qing need only a makeup artist, because you are really too busy. I've been with a couple of first-line stars who are so busy that they don't even have time to sleep every day. I'm really comfortable as a stylist. I just feel sorry for the salary you gave me

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing basically share the same team. Lu Xinran, as their full-time stylist and makeup artist, should have been very busy.

But the reality is the opposite.

Zhao Wanqing is a little better. She is always busy with the singer's night. But Xiao Yunhai is not the same. Since he entered his team, the number of times he used her was very few. Among them, Lu Xinran asked to make up for him in the past when he was shooting a crazy series of films, which made people really speechless.

If there is a problem now, who is the least concerned about showmanship in the entertainment industry? Lu Xinran doesn't want to think about it. She will answer Xiao Yunhai.

Nevertheless, Xiao Yunhai paid her a lot of salary, which was definitely the top one in the industry. From time to time, she also paid some bonus.

Therefore, Lu Xinran is very satisfied with this job. Compared with the big stars who are hard to serve, Lu Xinran is really too happy.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Lu, you may not be free these days. I need to run back and forth across the country, and you must follow me. "

Lu Xinran said: "that's great. I'm worried that I don't have a chance to show my skills. Don't worry. I promise to make you look smart and handsome

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't be too handsome. I'm afraid that if I get those little girls crazy and cry all day to marry me, it will be bad


"Ha ha ha."

There was a burst of laughter in the car.

Soon, the car will stop steadily in front of Yanjing TV station building.

Xiao Yunhai just got out of the car. A middle-aged man in his forties who seemed to weigh at least 200 Jin came to Xiao Yunhai in a trot.

"Mr. Xiao, welcome to Yanjing TV station. I'm Liu Jian, the director of star interviews."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said politely, "Liu, nice to meet you."

Mo Yina, who came out of the car, looked around for a week and saw that there was no one else. Her face was gloomy.

Xiao Yunhai, an international superstar and the world's top tycoon, visited Yanjing TV station in person. It's really outrageous that the other party only sent a live director of a variety show to meet Xiao Yunhai.

For such details, Xiao Yunhai's identity naturally doesn't care much, but Mo Yina, as an agent, can't help but care.

"Director Liu, I don't know if director Chen and Mr. Wang have arrived yet?"

Seeing Mo Yina's expressionless face, Liu Jian seemed to know the other party's mind, and quickly said with a smile: "they have just arrived. Vice director Geng has connected them. I'm sorry to meet Mr. Xiao in person. Unfortunately, I received an urgent notice from the film and Television Bureau this morning. I had a meeting in the past, and I haven't come back yet. I'll call deputy director Geng right now and ask him to come down as soon as possible. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "no need. Let's go up together

Mo Yina looks better when she hears Liu Jian's explanation.

Under the leadership of Liu Jian, several people came to the recording site of "interview with stars".

The star interview of Yanjing TV station is not famous in Chinese variety show, and its audience rating is less than ten. Although they also invited a lot of big stars, I don't know why, but they just can't get angry.

This time, the TV station also hopes to improve the ratings of their programs through the Yongzheng Dynasty.

In particular, the arrival of Xiao Yunhai makes Yanjing TV station pay more attention to it, because since Xiao Yunhai became famous, the highest ratings of all the interview programs he participated in never dropped by 10%.

Geng Jiakang, the deputy director of the Taiwan TV station, saw Xiao Yunhai and rushed to meet him. He said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm really sorry. I should have gone down to meet you."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "you are welcome. Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang are the elders of the film and television industry, and they are the elders. You should do so. "

Geng Jiakang could see that Xiao Yunhai's words were from his heart. He could not help smiling and said, "thank you for your consideration. Yuehua, come and see Mr. Xiao. "

He waved to Li Yuehua, the host on the stage, and then introduced: "this is Miss Li Yuehua, the host of our star interview."

Xiao Yunhai has never seen the star interview, and does not know Li Yuehua. However, he extended his hand politely and said with a smile, "Hello, Miss Li. It's nice to meet you."To his surprise, the host of the three line variety show just touched the water with his hand, and then quickly took it back, as if there was something dirty on Xiao Yunhai's hand. He said in true colors, "Mr. Xiao, I've heard a lot about you."

When Xiao Yunhai saw the other party's perfunctory expression, he couldn't help frowning. His face changed slightly, but he soon recovered.

If it was in the past, Xiao Yunhai would definitely seek justice if he encountered this situation.

But now, he is not only an international superstar, but also a world-class tycoon. It would be inappropriate to quarrel with a third tier host in public.

Xiao Yunhai can laugh off this kind of behavior, but Mo Yina can't stand it. She sneers and says, "the Yanjing TV station is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Even a host who doesn't change his name dare to make faces for our artists. I've been in the business for ten years, and it's the first time I've met. Well, I don't go to the bathroom to pee and look in the mirror to see what I am and what I am qualified to do in front of an international superstar. "

Li Yuehua picked out the corner of her eyes and shot a sharp look in her eyes. She was about to retort, but she was robbed by Geng Jiakang.

"Mr. Xiao and Miss Mo, please don't be angry. Yuehua has always been a cold temperament, and some cleanliness habits, so it is inevitable that there are some improper things in speaking and doing things. Please forgive me a lot Geng Jiakang explained with a smile.

Xiao Yunhai took a deep look at the wayward Li Yuehua and said with a smile: "my xiaoyunhai's gas is not so small. Where is the dressing room, Geng Tai Chang? "

Geng Jiakang even said, "I'll send someone to take you there. Xiao Wang, take Mr. Xiao to dressing room one

After seeing Xiao Yunhai leave, Geng Jiakang's face sank and said angrily, "Li Yuehua, what happened to you just now? In Mr. Xiao's position, can you afford to offend him? "

Li Yuehua snorted and sneered: "in your eyes, he is a great man, but in my eyes, he is nothing."

Geng Jiakang frowned and said angrily, "Li Yuehua, I know your background is very deep and the backstage is very hard. But in the program recording, I hope you can abide by the professional ethics of a host. You can look down on anyone in your heart, but never on your face. "

Li Yuehua waved her hand carelessly and said, "don't worry, I'm not so stupid." With that, he left without looking back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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