Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:37 AM

Chapter 87

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The popularity of fame has little impact on Xiao Yunhai's life, what to do or what to do. After all, there are too many celebrities coming out of Yanjing Film Academy. There are not many more celebrities in Yanjing Film Academy.

Students in addition to at the beginning of some envy and jealousy, soon recovered calm.

Xiao Yunhai felt that he could try to direct a play after such a long time of professional study and understanding in the studio.

Let's forget about TV dramas and movies. Now he doesn't have that skill. After thinking about it, he decided to make a micro film and try it. After searching carefully in his mind, Xiao Yunhai finally decided to shoot time gate.

The content of this micro film "time gate" is very simple.

Kay is a company executive who has been busy working and socializing. He wanted to spend his 10th anniversary with his wife, but he didn't want to pass out in the parking lot.

After Kai woke up, he learned that his memory would slowly disappear, and doctors could only retain the memory he wanted to leave through new medical technology.

After a difficult choice, Kay finally left a scene of himself and his family together.

As soon as the film was released in a previous life, it received millions of hits and triggered a wide debate in the community.

Although this play is a micro film, the things it involves are very complicated.

The characters, plot, soundtrack, venue, photography, costumes, props, and other links in a big movie are all included. It is equivalent to a reduced version of a large screen movie, which is suitable for a fledgling director like Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai with the script to find the teacher Yao Wenyuan, let him help look at the script.

After reading it, Yao Wenyuan took off his glasses and said to his favorite student in front of him: "this book is very good. It makes people feel very warm. Your writing? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and told Yao Wenyuan about his plan.

Yao Wenyuan thought for a moment and said, "who are you going to play the leading role?"

"Teacher, I want to challenge the hero?"

"You?" Yao Wenyuan was surprised. He frowned, looked at Xiao Yunhai from top to bottom, and shook his head: "you are too young. Although you can turn you into a middle-aged man without any flaws by virtue of the present make-up technology, it is very difficult to act out the mature temperament of the protagonist who is experienced in the world and gentle and elegant

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "teacher, I understand what you mean, but I am confident to interpret him well. In fact, what worries me most is the other actors, especially the heroine. The students in our school are too young to know if there is any suitable person for the teacher? "

"You boy? I am so confident in myself, but when I come to other people, I feel distrustful. You can play a middle-aged man. Can't other girls in our school play middle-aged women? Well, it's typical that only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps. "

Hearing Yao Wenyuan's words, Xiao Yunhai can only sit there embarrassed giggle.

Yao Wenyuan thought for a while and continued: "in our school, in line with the intellectual, gentle and mature heroine image, I think only teacher Zhang Xiaoyan."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened. Zhang Xiaoyan, 34, is a teacher in charge of teaching physique in the film school. She is beautiful, virtuous, dignified and generous. She has the temperament of a lady in ancient times, which matches the role very well.

Xiao Yunhai hesitated: "teacher, teacher Zhang is really suitable. But would she like to play? "

Yao Wenyuan said with a smile: "I'll call to ask. I don't think there will be any problems. She has always been very supportive of students' activities. And her daughter is so smart and cute that she can play the leading role of the child

In the face of Xiao Yunhai, Yao Wenyuan dials Zhang Xiaoyan's phone. As soon as Xiao Yunhai asked her to act with her daughter, Zhang Xiaoyan hesitated a little and agreed.

Lead a family of three to find a good, the rest of the supporting role is very simple.

With Yao Wenyuan's help, Xiao Yunhai applied for shooting equipment from the school.

Zhang Xiaoyan's newly decorated building was chosen as the venue. Xiao Yunhai found a good hotel and rented a whole floor. The costumes of the actors were also tailored according to the body of the characters.

As for the crew members, such as the photographer, the lighting engineer, the artist and the makeup artist, Xiao Yunhai has also found a good job. All of them are the most outstanding students in all majors of Beijing Film Academy.

As soon as they heard that they wanted to help with the filming, they all agreed. Naturally, they will not let go of such a good opportunity.

Before shooting, Xiao Yunhai invited all the crew to have a meal in the hotel, which is also the opening banquet of time gate.

During the dinner, Xiao Yunhai solemnly thanks Mr. Zhang Xiaoyan. The other party not only promised to act, but also contributed his own house as the shooting site. Xiao Yunhai is very grateful in his heart.

Other students are very excited, this is serious in filming.

They have studied in school for three or four years. They usually go to the drama group to mix with each other. At most, they have a look. The crew won't let them touch, let alone test, equipment like cameras.The next day, Xiao Yunhai's first play "time gate" was officially launched.

Downstairs in the hotel, Xiao Yunhai suddenly lifted the red cloth on the camera, and Zhang Xiang, the dramatist, lit firecrackers. In the crackling sound, the crew members were excited and clapped hands. This is where everyone's dream will begin.

As an art director, Yao Wenyuan looked at the cheering young people and sighed: "it's so hard to get ahead in the entertainment industry. I don't know how many of them can get along with each other. Maybe this first film is their last. "

Mature and dignified Zhang Xiaoyan took her daughter and said with a smile, "is Mr. Yao too pessimistic. Strive for the youth, so as to be full of vitality. No matter what the outcome will be, at least they all have something to remember. "

"I dare not say that your student Xiao Yunhai has a bright future." Zhang Xiaoyan looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was busy moving things with her classmates.

Originally, as directors, they didn't need to do such physical work. As long as they told the choreographers, they would arrange the props and equipment for filming before shooting.

However, the cast members of "time gate" are all students from the film academy. They don't even want any money. We can't put on airs against them.

So whether it's the director or the photographer, they all start to help. Fortunately, there are a large number of people. We have completed all of them by going back and forth twice.

Xiao Yunhai has been here before, because it is just finished decoration, so there is a smell inside. However, it does not affect the shooting.

In order to create a warm feeling at home, Xiao Yunhai installed large pictures of him and Zhang Xiaoyan's mother and daughter on the wall, and put some small toys and calendar on the TV cabinet. In less than half an hour, Xiao Yunhai took everyone to set up the scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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