Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:33 AM

Chapter 871

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Li Yuehua was able to become the host of Yanjing TV station because of her family background. Her level and ability were not high. She suddenly saw that the situation was beyond her control. She was still confused.

Fortunately, she has worked in Yanjing TV station for many years. Although her reaction speed is not good, she still has some experience. She said, "Mr. Xiao, it seems that you have misunderstood me. I put you last because I have too many questions to ask you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I see. I thought I had offended Miss Li somewhere

Li Yuehua hated Xiao Yunhai to death in his heart, but his face was full of smile and said: "you really can be joking. Mr. Xiao, have you not answered my question? Why did Miss Zhao go to America to have a baby? Is it not good to be in China

Li Yuehua's question is very sharp. The subtext is that you let Zhao Wanqing leave China to have children in America. Do you think America is better than Huaxia?

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai was very clear about Li Yuehua's intention and said lightly: "going to Los Angeles is a helpless move forced out by friends of reporters. After Wanqing was exposed to be pregnant, we did not stop reporters at the door. Don't talk about going out to play. Even if we went out for a walk, we made headlines. But the United States is not the same, there are few people know Wan Qing, even if you are shopping, as long as you wear sunglasses, there is no problem. Miss Li, you said that if it was for you, you would choose where to go. "

Xiao Yunhai's answer is very perfect, did not give Li Yuehua the slightest loophole to drill.

Not discouraged, Li Yuehua continued to ask, "the world monthly said that you are a millionaire with 170 billion US dollars. What's your opinion on this?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't have any opinions. If it wasn't for them, I didn't know I was so rich. "

"The entertainment media in China all highly appreciate your Yunqing scholarship charity fund. In particular, you and Miss Zhao Wanqing have promised to donate at least 200 million yuan a year. Do you think that is more than your wealth?"

"Shit, what does she mean? Is it to say that the emperor did not donate much money? "

"I dare say that the emperor Yun must have offended Li Yuehua. Otherwise, she would not have asked such a question."

"As the ancients said, only women and villains are hard to raise. That's quite true. "

"What I hate most is moral kidnapping, which I saw again today.

The audience were all whispering under the stage.

Xiao Yunhai's sense of propriety was not disordered at all. He asked with a smile, "Miss Li, 200 million Chinese coins, do you think it's very small?"

Li Yuehua said with a smile: "of course not. I'm afraid 200 million is an astronomical number in the eyes of ordinary people, but compared with your huge assets, it is somewhat insignificant. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "you also said it was assets, not cash. Assets are like a hen and cash is its eggs. Where does the egg come from without the hen? Miss Li, what you said has some moral significance. Since its establishment, Yunqing charity fund has raised 67.3 billion yuan in just two years. It has built 12000 schools and 3600 homes for the aged, enabling countless children to go to school and countless old people to rely on. Love is boundless. I don't think it can be measured by how much money. Even if it's a penny, a dollar, ten dollars, it's love. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Everyone at the scene clapped and cheered one after another.

Mo Yina's hand clapping is the most forceful, to Xiao Yunhai's EQ, IQ is simply satisfied to the extreme.

Seeing Li Yuehua's reluctant smile, Xiao Yunhai pressed his hands down, as if his hands had some magic, and the scene quickly returned to calm.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Miss Li, I heard that your father is Mr. Li Guoke of Guoke iron and Steel Group, isn't he?"

Li Yuehua was stunned. A trace of caution flashed in his eyes and said, "what does Mr. Xiao mean?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I mean the market value of Guoke iron and Steel Group is more than 400 billion Chinese dollars. If you think my donation is not more than 200 million, you can ask your father when you go home, how much money he can put out for charity a year. Unless he dares to suspend the development of China's iron and steel group. Assets are assets and funds are funds. They can never be equal. "

"The emperor is right. Enterprises need funds to develop. If they donate all of them, it will be tantamount to killing the chicken and laying the eggs. "

"Since the establishment of Yunqing student aid fund, yunhuangqing has already donated 700 million yuan. What else do you want them to do?"

"Yes. How many rich people in China can be like their husband and wife? As for the Guoke iron and Steel Group, I'm sorry, I didn't hear that they donated money. "

"Well, my father didn't have a hundred billion dollars. The daughter ran into a philanthropist who donated 300 million yuan a year. Hehe, it's too thick skinned. "

The audience under the stage talked and looked at Li Yuehua with a trace of contempt.

At this time, Li Yuehua's heart was bursting with anger. Her full chest suddenly rose and fell, and her smile on her face turned into a skin smile. Her hatred for Xiao Yunhai has increased from hatred to hatred.The reason why she found Xiao Yunhai's trouble was completely entrusted by her cousin Tian Junhao. Who knows that the other party is so difficult to deal with.

Speaking of his words, he is sharp and skillful, and does not leave any loopholes in his words for others. This makes Li Yuehua feel helpless, and even has some fear in his heart. He is worried that if he continues to ask questions, he will be defeated.

So she had to lead the topic to the Yongzheng Dynasty.

"Mr. Xiao, how much audience rating do you think" Kangxi Dynasty "can achieve

With a triumphant smile, Xiao Yunhai said, "Miss Li, you should have talked to me about Yongzheng Dynasty for a long time. I've seen this play from the beginning to the end, and the quality is much better than I thought. Whether it is clothing, art, props or the performance of actors are outstanding. I think it's normal that the others did well. After all, they are all masters of the film queen class, and all their actions are drama. What really surprised me was the new Chen Xiangyang, the young man you see now. Every expression, every manner and every action of him in the play is in place, which can be said not to be under any film emperor. I can guarantee that next year's golden cup film and television industry's best rookie award will never get out of his palm. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Chen Xiangyang hastily and modestly said: "Mr. Xiao flatters me too much, Xiangyang is not worthy of it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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