Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:31 AM

Chapter 872

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Chen Qingqing beside him knew that he was building momentum for his son, and gave Xiao Yunhai a look of gratitude.

Wang Guoan said with a smile: "Yunhai's words, I agree very much. Xiangyang's thirteen elder brother is really very brilliant. He is no worse than any old dramatist. Even Mr. Wang highly appreciates him. In terms of acting skills, there is only one person who can surpass all young artists under the age of 35 in the entertainment industry. "

Li Yuehua asked curiously, "who?"

Wang Guoan ha ha smile, way: "far in the horizon, near in front of."

Li Yuehua moved in his heart and said: "at the launching ceremony of" battle of Red Cliff ", Mr. Wang once said that Mr. Xiao's acting skills can only be countered by Liang Hui, the God of film. I don't know what Mr. Xiao thinks? "

Seeing Li Yuehua as a thief and digging a hole for himself, Xiao Yunhai felt angry and felt that she was a bit ungrateful, so he said, "I'm just acting with my heart."

"Miss Li, I heard that your cousin is Mr. Tian Junhao, the director of" outlaws of the marsh "

When the film "outlaws of the marsh" was shot one third of the time, the director was kicked aside and took a vacation abroad on the grounds of physical discomfort. Tian Junhao naturally took over his class and became the director of "Water Margin".

The reason why Xiao Yunhai brought it up was to embarrass Li Yuehua and Tian Junhao.

From the beginning of the program, Li Yuehua has been looking for his own troubles everywhere. Everyone has seen it in their eyes. Now Xiao Yunhai says that Tian Junhao is her cousin. Naturally, people will think that Tian Junhao asked her to do so.

Moreover, when publicizing outlaws of the marsh recently, Tian Junhao often belittled Yongzheng Dynasty. The combination of the two makes Li Yuehua unable to get rid of the suspicion.

"It turns out that Li Yuehua and Tian Junhao are relatives. No wonder they are in trouble with the emperor."

"It's said that Tian Junhao and Emperor Yun are very unruly. They hate Wu and Wu, and they want to embarrass the emperor."

"It's a pity that Li Yuehua's level is limited. It's just humiliating to compete with the emperor."

Just as the audience was talking about it, Taiwan President Wang Xiangnan walked into the recording scene and quietly came to Geng Jiakang's back.

Hearing the noise, Wang Xiangnan frowned and whispered, "Lao Geng, what's going on?"

Geng Jiakang realized that Wang Xiangnan was standing behind him, and said quickly, "Taiwan leader, this Li Yuehua is too disrespectful..."

Geng Jiakang simply said the matter from the beginning to the end. He was extremely dissatisfied with Li Yuehua.

Seeing Li Yuehua, who was forced by Xiao Yunhai on the stage, Wang Xiangnan snorted and said, "who is Mr. Xiao? How can Li Yuehua compare with him? It's really self-made and can't live."

Wang Xiangnan has long tolerated Li Yuehua to the limit. She made a good program stink at home.

With the influence of Yanjing TV station, even a big star can't be invited. It's just a joke.

This time, I managed to invite Chen Qingqing and Xiao Yunhai's "Yongzheng Dynasty" crew to come over. This is a rare opportunity for the program to re name.

I talked to her about it for more than an hour yesterday afternoon, and my mouth was dry. I didn't expect Li Yuehua's promise was very good. In the end, the dog couldn't change his eating excrement. Wang Xiangnan was very angry, but there was no way.

Who let others be Mr. Li's granddaughter.

I'm just a little head of the stage, and the backer is not too hard. I can't compare with the famous Li family.

I'm afraid that Li Yuehua will be taken down on the first day, and he will leave on his own the next day.

Wang Xiangnan took a deep breath and forced down his anger. "Lao Geng, don't let Li Yuehua lose his face on the stage. Tell the live director to stop the show. That's ridiculous. "

Geng Jiakang nodded and said, "I'll do it right away."

On the stage, after Li Yuehua admitted that Tian Junhao was her cousin, Xiao Yunhai did not stop.

"To tell you the truth, Miss Li, I am very dissatisfied with your cousin. How many actors and actresses are there in Outlaws of the marsh, not to mention the second and third line, there are no less than 70 artists who are above the first line, and there are at least 20 movie queens, which almost cover the whole Chinese entertainment circle. As for our Yongzheng Dynasty, there are only more than ten actors and actresses. There is no comparison between them. Even so, he has to transfer our people away to help him promote "outlaws of the marsh". Even Wang Tianming, the leading role of Yongzheng, went to him. Hehe, don't you think it's too much? "

"Yes," Water Margin "is the key TV series of the Ministry of culture this year, but it can't be because of this, he takes chicken feather as an order arrow and robs our leading role and important supporting roles in the middle of the way. You know, they are just guest stars in Water Margin."

Li Yuehua tried to resist the impulse to kill Xiao Yunhai and said: "I heard that this is the document regulation of the Ministry of culture."

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes. So I can only complain here, play with the mouth to get a dry addictionThe crowd burst into laughter.

At this time, director Liu Jian came to the stage with a microphone and said, "I'm sorry, everyone. Due to our negligence, some equipment failure has occurred, so the program needs to be suspended for 20 minutes."

"No, is there any mistake?"

"It's good to hear, so I was interrupted and depressed."

"The emperor is brave enough to complain even the Ministry of culture."

"I'm kidding. When he was not so famous, he complained about the slow audit efficiency of the Ministry of culture for the sake of the legend of Zhen Huan. Now that he is successful, he is bolder."

"That Tian Junhao is really a little too much. Relying on the power of the Ministry of culture, the protagonists of Yongzheng Dynasty were taken away, which made it impossible for people to publicize the play. It was really insidious. "

"Well, I guess I'm afraid that my own drama can't compare with Yongzheng Dynasty."

"For me, the video of Tian Junhao and Xu Qianqian is the best to watch."

Xiao Yunhai and director Liu jianlai arrived backstage.

Chen Qingqing saw Wang Xiangnan, the head of the TV station, standing there. They had been friends for more than 20 years. Chen Qingsi did not save face for him and said angrily, "Lao Wang, do you want us to participate in the program just to make us lose face?"

On hearing this, Wang Xiangnan quickly explained, "Lao Chen, I didn't expect Xiao Li to be so ignorant. I'm so sorry, Mr. Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai has not yet said, just entered the agent Mo Yina first opened a mouth.

"Mr. Wang, Li Yuehua has done too much. Our family Yunhai is in Yanjing station, even CCTV, no host dares to treat him like this. "

Wang Xiang said, "what Miss Mo said is that this is really the fault of Yanjing TV station. We will deal with Li Yuehua seriously when the festival catalogue is finished. "

"Deputy director Geng, what do you want to do with me?"

Li Yuehua stepped on high heels, gloomy face, like a proud peacock, came to the public.

Wang Xiangnan frowned and said, "Miss Li, you are old Li's granddaughter. Being a host is just playing with tickets. To you, "star interview" is just a toy for you, but it is a very important variety show for Yanjing TV station. We Yanjing TV station can't play with you any more. Please let us go, Miss Li. "

In front of a group of people, the head of a TV station was forced to say such words by a girl in her twenties. Even Xiao Yunhai felt very uncomfortable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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