Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:26 AM

Chapter 875

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What's up? Obviously, he came to publicize the outlaws of the marsh. As a result, you boasted the Yongzheng Dynasty to the sky. Isn't this a fight in his face?

"Mr. Wang, are you biased in your evaluation because you played the leading role in Yongzheng dynasty. After all, you haven't seen the finished two shows. " It is Xu Jianyi, an old actor who plays the role of Prince Yinren in Yongzheng Dynasty.

He is also very blind to Tian Junhao. He is just a guest star. His part is not as good as Wang Tianming. It is said that he has been cut off. Even so, he had to let himself come over to help publicize. He almost didn't get angry.

The reason why he asked this question was not for Wang Tianming's trouble, but for Wang Tianming to say more about the Yongzheng Dynasty, so as to make Tian Junhao angry.

Wang Tianming was very clear about Xu Jianyi's meaning and said: "I always say what I have. I never say good things as bad ones and bad ones as good ones. I used to watch several episodes of Yongzheng Dynasty when I was doing post production in director Chen Qingqing. The quality was really excellent. Mr. Xu, the prince you play in it is very wonderful. If there is no accident, you may be shortlisted for the golden cup award for best supporting actor. "

"That's great," Xu said with a smile

The two people asked and answered each other, which made the atmosphere of the scene extremely embarrassing.

When Xu Jun saw the bad situation, he immediately turned off the topic.

In the next 20 minutes, Xu Jun never asked any actor who had been involved in Yongzheng Dynasty.

After the live broadcast, Tian Junhao angrily came to Wang Tianming and said, "Mr. Wang, are you too much. We are promoting the outlaws of the marsh, not the Yongzheng Dynasty. "

Wang Tianming laughed: "I know. The host asked me about the two operas. I knew nothing about outlaws of the marsh, but I was very clear about Yongzheng Dynasty. I don't say what it says. "

Next to him, Xu Jianyi said, "yes. When I got to the set, I filmed for two hours and then left without a meal. Mr. Tian, what do you want us to say? We can't make it up. "

Zhang Yan, Xia Ping'an, Wang Zhongmou and others all gathered around and stood behind Wang Tianming and Xu Jianyi to confront Tian Junhao.

And those "outlaws of the marsh" actors are irrelevant to themselves, no one stood up to support Tian Junhao.

Tian Junhao's behavior makes these old guys also very disgusted. Although he doesn't say it on weekdays, he looks down on him very much. He feels that this guy has some evil intentions.

Seeing this situation, Tian Junhao was even more furious. He shivered and sneered: "I know you want to leave water margin and go to Yongzheng Dynasty to help. I tell you, there's no way. Even if it's a TV play, you're going to publicize it all over the place. Hum. "

With that, Tian Junhao left without looking back.

Wang Tianming looked at his back and cursed, "what is it? You know that the dog helps the people. After that, I won't cooperate with such people. "

Wang Zhong thought: "I just pity Chen daothey, four people have already run to several cities. Fortunately, the sea of clouds flew back from the United States of America, otherwise the propaganda of the Yongzheng Dynasty might be completely destroyed. "

Xia Ping'an said: "after the broadcast of outlaws of the marsh, we will immediately meet with the director Chen. The Ministry of culture will do whatever it likes. We've done our best, haven't we? "

The others nodded.

Time flies, blink of an eye came to October 16, "outlaws of the marsh" held a grand premiere ceremony on CCTV.

The crew not only invited a lot of celebrities in the entertainment industry, but also the managers of entertainment companies and leaders of the Ministry of culture. With more than 100 actors who have participated in the role, it is much more lively than the golden cup ceremony.

Xiao Yunhai also received the invitation, was he casually find a reason to prevaricate in the past.

Although the Ministry of culture knows that he is talking nonsense, no one dares to touch his head.

Chen Qingqing and Wang Guoan are not as powerful as Xiao Yunhai. They can only hold their breath and express their congratulations in the past, but there is no smile on their faces.

What is surprising is that despite the popularity of Water Margin, the highest ratings of the first two episodes only reached 4.7%, and the average audience rating was only 2.3%, far lower than the 4.4% of death apartment and 3.6% of survival in the wasteland.

Seeing this achievement, people in the industry are in an uproar.

"How could that happen? "The outlaws of the marsh", which includes more than 100 Chinese stars, has been defeated by a foreign TV series, which is surprising. "

"The quality of the first two episodes of outlaws of the marsh is not low, but why can't it attract audiences? I don't understand. "

"Is it true that Chinese TV series, like movies, will be defeated first and then won?"

"Death apartments and wasteland survival already have countless audiences. It is no doubt impossible for them to give up two plays and pursue a well-known" outlaws of the marsh. ""Yes. The other side has already taken the lead, and the quality of the play is good. It's hard to win over the audience

Numerous film and television experts have made comments on the Internet, attributing the low ratings of outlaws of the marsh to external factors.

Unfortunately, the audience did not think so. They belittled "outlaws of the marsh" on the major film and television forums.

"This is the" outlaws of the marsh "that I have been looking forward to for half a year. My God, it's just a joke."

"Clothing failed, modeling failed, art design failed, action design failed."

"It's a little too much upstairs. "Outlaws of the marsh" is also a bright spot. For example, the setting is still good. For example, the performance of the actors is also commendable. In particular, Mr. Huang Weihong, who plays Lu Zhishen, portrays Lu Zhishen as a hater of evil. Unfortunately, his modeling and clothing are really too dramatic. "

"Let me say the worst part is the lines. When Lu Zhishen boxed in Guanxi, a modern word like "beat you up" appeared, which almost didn't make me laugh. Director, can we go a little bit

"The director just wanted to make an appointment with those star sisters, and he didn't pay attention to the play at all. Ah, I'd better look forward to the Yongzheng Dynasty, which is invested by Emperor Yun and directed by Chen Qingqing. "

Xiao Yunhai, who had just finished recording programs in Anhui TV station, was surrounded by reporters as soon as he left the building.

"Mr. Xiao, the average audience rating of outlaws of the marsh was only 2.3% last night. What's your opinion on this?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "I didn't watch the play. I can't comment on it. However, we can see from it that the competition in the Chinese TV drama market is indeed very fierce. "

"The audience are very dissatisfied with the quality of" outlaws of the marsh ". What do you think caused this result

Xiao Yunhai knows that these reporters are the masters who fear that the world will not be chaotic. They are very clear about their relationship with Tian Junhao. They deliberately ask these questions just to let themselves say some bad things about Tian Junhao, and then let them have a hyped topic.

Xiao Yunhai naturally won't let them succeed. He said, "I haven't seen this play. I really can't talk about it."

"Some audiences said that this is the result of the insufficient director level of Tian Junhao. What do you think?"

Seeing that the reporters were desperate, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm not really interested in the story of the outlaws of the marsh. The only thing I'm interested in is when the teachers of our crew can come back. "Outlaws of the marsh" has been broadcast, but we still have four days of precious publicity time for "Yongzheng Dynasty", and we can go to many places. So I sincerely hope that Director Tian DA can see my actors back to the crew for the sake of all Chinese TV dramas. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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