Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:24 AM

Chapter 876

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Xiao Yunhai's news was quickly seen by Tian Junhao.

"Well, there's no way to get back to the actors. My "outlaws of the marsh" ratings are not good, your "Yongzheng Dynasty" do not want to get good results

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Tianming called Xiao Yunhai.

"Director Xiao, it's not good. We've been arranged by Tian Junhao to publicize" outlaws of the marsh "in Yunnan TV station. We've already reserved the plane tickets for tonight. But we are ready to leave at once and meet you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Wang, don't worry. Tian Junhao has lost completely. As long as our "Yongzheng Dynasty" can get more than 5% of the ratings, he can be nailed to the shame rack. Isn't he not letting people go? Then you can cooperate with him. When I went to Yunnan TV station, I said more about Yongzheng Dynasty. We don't fight against the Ministry of culture, but if we want to control our mouth, it's impossible. "

The purpose of Xiao Yunhai's propaganda back home this time is to go to Tian Jishang. If Tian Junhao gives people back to him, Xiao Yunhai can't make any trouble. But now "outlaws of the marsh" has been broadcast, he still does not release people, that Xiao Yunhai has sufficient reasons to find everyone to comment on.

Wang Tianming said with a smile: "you mean to use their money to publicize the Yongzheng Dynasty. That's a good idea. It just gives us this evil spirit."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Teacher Wang, the failure of outlaws of the marsh has turned our attention to us. This opportunity is very beneficial to our publicity. As for Tian Jishang and his son, from this afternoon, I will fight them to the end. Hum, is the Vice Minister of culture great? Bah. I'm getting mad these days. How can I make them feel better? "

Wang Tianming asked curiously, "what are you going to do?"

Xiao Yunhai said mysteriously, "you will soon know."

At 6:30, not far away from Anhui Satellite TV, countless reporters with cameras, DVS and cameras rushed towards the hotel.

"Hurry up, the emperor will hold a press conference."

"Gentlemen, do you know what it is?"

"I don't know. But every time the cloud emperor opens a news conference, there must be something big happening. I don't think it's too small this time. "

"It should be related to the Yongzheng Dynasty."

After the entertainment media reporters rushed into the hotel, the hotel staff had already taken everyone to the conference room on the second floor.

For example, when a star holds a news conference in a hotel, the hotel will cooperate with him very much, because it is a good opportunity to promote himself.

No matter which media, when reporting, they will say that a certain star held a press conference in which hotel, which virtually made a very good advertisement for the hotel.

Entering the conference room, we found that the entertainment reporters of Anhui Satellite TV had long been close to the water and occupied the favorable terrain.

People did not dare to neglect, so they quickly adjusted the machine and were busy again. The meeting room was quiet.

At seven o'clock sharp, Xiao Yunhai and Chen Qingqing walked in together.

Xiao Yunhai sat down on the main seat and said to the microphone, "the reason why I invite you to come here today is not for other reasons, but to let all journalists seek justice for me. The script of Yongzheng Dynasty was written by me with great efforts. Every word and every sentence I wrote was studied countless times. Although I didn't take part in the performance, I really attached great importance to it. I have invested 1.2 billion yuan in publicity since the formation of the crew, but in the end, because of the outlaws of the marsh, the only four of us can come out to help publicize. "

"Outlaws of the marsh" has made a contribution to you. But what I don't understand is that since your TV series has already been broadcast on the TV station, why do you still want to hold our actors. This afternoon, I received a phone call from our protagonist Wang Tianming. He said that Tian Junhao had ordered them to fly to Yunnan and asked them to go to Yunnan TV station to publicize "outlaws of the marsh". It's a deliberate mischief. Hehe, we have only three days left before the broadcast of Yongzheng Dynasty. What does that mean? It should be clear to everyone. There are only four people running before and after the big production of 1.2 billion. Even if they break their legs, what can they do. What a bully. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Countless flashlights came on.

Reporters look excited, while taking photos, while writing crazily in their books.

After taking a sip of tea, Xiao Yunhai continued: "yes, I offended you. I didn't play Wusong, and I scolded you. But I don't need to deal with me with this kind of vulgar means. At the beginning of this year, wasn't that why I was banned? How come now? Isn't the punishment over yet? "

The more Xiao Yunhai said, the more angry he became. The more excited the reporters were, the more excited some reporters were shaking their hands with pens.

"Big news, big news. Emperor Yun wants to break with the Ministry of culture. "

"What was the reason for the ban at the beginning? All the artists were very secretive. It seems that today we are finally coming to the conclusion.""There was a saying in the circle before that the emperor was rebellious and scolded the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of culture, which led to his being banned by the Ministry of culture."

"Then why should he scold each other. Does it have anything to do with the role of Wu Song? Wait a minute. Be sure to ask. "

The reason for this is to attack Xiaotian Jiwang. Anyway, in the final analysis, Xiao Yunhai is reasonable, while Tian Jishang and his son play an ignominious role.

If this matter is spread out through reporters, it is absolutely not a good thing for Tian Jishang and his son.

Chen Qingqing next to him didn't know Xiao Yunhai's identity. Hearing his words so extreme, he couldn't help worrying. He touched his arm and said in a soft voice, "Yunhai, don't go too far."

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and said, "Mr. Chen, it's OK. From the preparation of" outlaws of the marsh "to now, how much injustice have I suffered. I'm afraid I'll be suffocated if I don't say it. Well, you'll kill me again. "

A reporter asked, "Mr. Xiao, do you mean that you originally wanted to play the role of Wu Song, but for some reason you didn't play it. I wonder if you can tell us the real reason? What's the reason for the original ban? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "do you want to know?"

"Yes." Cried the reporters.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, I'll tell you the whole story of the matter and let you judge it for me. This incident starts with the golden cup film festival. At that time, I received a call from director Chen... "

" ha ha, let me play Wu Song, and my wife Zhao Wanqing plays Pan Jinlian. Do you know who is playing Ximen Qing? He is Tian Junhao. Isn't this clearly taking advantage of us? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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