Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:23 AM

Chapter 877

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A reporter stood up and said, "Mr. Xiao, even so, Mr. Tian Junhao may not have such a dirty mind, right?"

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "he has. Do you know why my relationship with him is so bad? Because he and his mother, Tian Jishang, was Vice Minister of culture, went to my father-in-law's house to force my wife, my then girlfriend Zhao Wanqing, to marry him. But my mother-in-law directly refused and asked Wanqing to marry me. Do you remember the legend of Zhen Huan and Jingwu hero? One stayed in the audit department for a month, and the other almost didn't show. Ha ha, do you think it's a coincidence? There are so many coincidences in the world. "

"If someone else plays Ximen Qing, I probably don't think so. But if it's Tian Junhao, I think it's a deliberate insult to us. At that time, I was so angry that I directly scolded Tian Jishang and his son in front of dozens of artists, and picked out the dirty inside, so I was banned. Because of the Ministry of culture, I have to knock out my teeth and swallow blood. I have never said why. But today, I really can't stand it. Their father and son are simply deceiving people

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, the reporters began to whisper under the stage.

"That's what happened. Tian Jishang's father and son are indeed too much. "

"Let cloud emperor play Wu Song, after Qing Dynasty Pan Jinlian, Tian Junhao himself play Ximen Qing, ha ha, thanks to their imagination."

"Yes. If it's not dirty, I won't believe it. "

"If Qing Hou really plays this role, he can't be taken advantage of by Tian Junhao. This is equivalent to putting a green cap on the emperor of cloud. Let alone the emperor, we can't stand it. "

Taking advantage of the victory, Xiao Yunhai continued: "the water margin is in the full charge of Tian Jishang, the Vice Minister of the Ministry of culture. Tian Junhao is nominally the deputy director. In fact, all the rights of the crew, including the right of casting, are in his hands. The director is just a tool pushed forward by them. Director Chen saw that I was in trouble because I answered his phone call. He felt guilty in his heart, so he resigned as the director of the outlaws of the marsh. But I was also a little embarrassed, so I took advantage of being banned to write the script of Yongzheng Dynasty. I invested my own money and asked director Chen to shoot it

"But I never thought that the Yongzheng dynasty would be so disastrous that even the actors could not get together. Hehe, I think it's funny. I know that when I say this, there will be another disaster. But I Xiao Yunhai, a man of seven feet, has suffered such a great injustice. If I swallow it again, there is no way. Huaxia can't accommodate me. If it's a big deal, I'll go outside to develop. I don't believe it. Is there anyone else who can cover the sky with one hand? "

"Dear journalists, I have explained everything clearly. Since I dare say so, I am ready for the storm. I'll ask you now, do you dare to report? "


"What dare you?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction and said, "very good. Xiao Yunhai never causes trouble, but I'm not afraid of it. Don't say that he is a vice minister of culture. Even if he is a senior official, I dare to touch him. People die and birds rise to the sky. Never die. Damn it. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai stood up and left the meeting room with Chen Qingqing.

"My God, the entertainment industry is really going to be windy this time."

"International superstar and world-class tycoon attacked Vice Minister of Chinese culture in public. Is this a movie?"

"If he had not been forced to be impatient, the emperor would not have done such things as killing 1000 enemies and losing 800 himself."

"It is estimated that emperor Yun will be banned again, but Tian Jishang is no better. This time his prestige has been lost."

"Shit, that's so much nonsense. Call the editor in chief. This is big news."

While the reporters were busy sending news, Chen Qingqing followed Xiao Yunhai to his room, along with Wang Guoan and Chen Xiangyang.

Looking at Xiao Yunhai who was making tea, Chen Qingqing said anxiously, "Yunhai, you can still drink tea now. Do you know how much trouble your words will cause? It's too bold of you to expose the secret in public and attack the Vice Minister of culture of a country. "

Xiao Yunhai's face was ancient and unshaken. His hands didn't shake. He said with a smile, "don't worry, director Chen. I know it in my mind."

"How many? How many times have I touched you at the scene and told you to stop immediately and stop talking about it, but how can you just listen to me? "

Wang Guoan asked, "Lao Chen, what did Yunhai say?"

Chen Qingqing said Xiao Yunhai's words from the beginning to the end. What Wang Guoan heard was a cold sweat.

Chen Xiangyang is young and vigorous, and looks at Xiao Yunhai with adoration on his face.

"Brother Xiao, you are my idol. From today on, I will be your iron powder. "

Chen Qingqing angry way: "fart, you kid shut up for me."

Wang Guoan frowned and suppressed the shock in his heart and said, "Yunhai, you have always been as steady as a mountain, and you will move after making a plan. Tell me what your plan is? Why do you have to do this? "Xiao Yunhai made tea and brought it to the three of them. He said, "Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang, the reason why I pointed out these things in front of the reporters was after careful consideration. The purpose is not only for our Yongzheng Dynasty."

Wang Guoan asked, "what are you doing this for?"

Thinking of the dialogue between Xiao Yunhai and Wang Xiangnan, Chen Qingqing pointed to it and said, "are you for that position?"

Wang Guoan listened and said, "Yunhai, you dare to intervene in this matter. You don't want to die."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if Tian Jishang successfully ascended the post of minister, it would be a real disaster for me."

Chen Qingqing sighed: "so you killed a thousand enemies, lost 800, and directly lifted the table."

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. My next focus will be abroad. Even if it's blocked, it doesn't matter. "

Zhang Guoan said, "if you don't want to go out of the country, you can go out of the country. Ha ha, in a short period of three years, you have come to a situation that others can't go to all their lives. You are really good. "

Chen Qingqing nodded and said, "it's not polite to come but not to go. People's movies and TV plays have already hit us in China, so we have to go to them anyway. Yunhai, since you have thought about it, we will not be wordy. I wish you all the best and make the best of our Chinese artists in the world. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, you will not lose face." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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