Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:21 AM

Chapter 878

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As soon as Chen Qingqing was sent off, five minutes later, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Open a look, Uncle Chen Zhan iron blue face, silent from the door came in.

Xiao Yunhai knew that he must have heard the report of the TV reporter, so he came here impatiently.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Yunhai closed the door, Chen Zhan's voice came into his ears.

"Yunhai, are you crazy and dare to do such things? At the beginning of this year, you just had a fight with Tian Jishang in front of dozens of artists, and your boy was banned for half a year. Now, in front of numerous reporters, you have shaken out all the things that should be said and should not be said. It is estimated that in a short time, the whole China will know. The disaster you made this time is much more serious than the last one. It may even lead to a permanent ban. Do you understand? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "uncle, don't worry. Let me give you a detailed analysis."

Next, Xiao Yunhai said his idea again, and finally concluded: "if I do this, the problems I will face will be very serious, but it will also prevent Tian Ji from becoming the Minister of culture. In this way, uncle Liang and my brother have the possibility to go up. You think, once they take control of the Ministry of culture, it is not an easy thing to lift the ban on me? Just give me a reason. "

At this time, Chen Zhan had completely recovered his composure. Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, he shook his head and sighed, "who is wrong with Tian Jishang. Ah, it's eight years of bad luck for him to stand up against such a despicable opponent as you. "

Soon, the front page headlines of the major entertainment websites on the Internet, without exception, were all the news conferences held by Xiao Yunhai.

They have tacit understanding, did not write the name of Tian Jishang, but as long as it is not a fool, we all know.

The forum has long been crazy, especially Xiao Yunhai's fans, most angry.

"Bullying our emperor, Tian Jishang and his son are blind."

"It's useless to publicize the outlaws of the marsh without publicity. It's really too much to hold on to the actors of the Yongzheng Dynasty after the TV plays have been broadcast. "

"Now I know that this is the reason for the last ban. Well, some people are really shameless. The fool knows what he has in mind

"The emperor is too polite to his father and son. If I were to be him, I would have to beat them up."

"Boss, you don't know how good the emperor Yun is. Just like Tian Jishang and Tian Junhao, it's strange that they can catch the emperor's fist. "

"The emperor of cloud is so pitiful that he may be banned again."

"I am the first to refuse to accept the ban of emperor Yun. If we all go to Yanjing collectively, I don't believe that there is no justice. "

In the villa of Yanjing, Tian Jishang worked for a day, and it was already seven o'clock when he came back.

After dinner, I went out for a walk. As soon as I entered the door, I heard his wife Li Rong give out a scream.

Tian Jishang thought something was wrong, so he went to the bedroom and saw her on the Internet. He said, "what are you doing? It's a surprise. It gives me a big shock. "

Li Rong's face was pale. Pointing to the computer, her fingers were trembling. She said to Tian Jishang, "Lao Tian, Xiao Yunhai is crazy. He even told the whole story in front of the reporter. Now the Internet is full of people who are abusing us. "

Tian Jishang a listen, look immediately dignified up, a few steps to grab the computer, look up.

Ten minutes later, Tian Jishang watched the video of Xiao Yunhai's press conference. His face was hard to see. His hands tightly clenched into fists, and his knuckles were a little pale.

Li Rong said, "Laotian, what should I do?"

Tian Jishang flashed a trace of ferocity in his eyes and said, "what a cruel man, a cruel heart. Xiao Yunhai is dying with me. He denounced a vice minister of culture in front of reporters. He would certainly be severely punished, but my position as Minister of culture was also yellow. In any case, the government will never let me, a highly controversial person, become the Minister of culture. Xiao Yunhai is just an artist. The heaviest punishment is just to ban him, but I have completely cut off my way up. Kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred. Hehe, it's really powerful. "

Li Rong said, "is he not afraid that he will be blocked by China all his life?"

Tian Jishang shook his head and said, "he thinks very clearly. If I can't be Minister of culture, Liang Qianqiu, who wears the same trousers as the Xiao family, will probably come to power. Xiao Yuanyang may also become the new Vice Minister of culture. With the two of them and the second chief in charge of the Ministry of culture, the ban will be cancelled in a few years. It's killing two birds with one stone. Li Rong, we lost. We lost completely. My whole life's effort was lost to Xiao Yunhai. I really regret that I shouldn't have provoked him. "

Li Rong saw her husband sitting on the bed, and the whole person seemed to be getting old all at once. All of a sudden, her tears were about to flow out, and she said, "Laotian, let's go to my father. He will have a way."

"It's no use. It's no use looking for anyone. The news has spread all over China, even the No. 1 chief executive has no way to recover the influence. Unless it is proved that what Xiao Yunhai said is false, the problem is that there are too many people who know these things, and there is no way to stop you. ButSpeaking of this, Tian Jishang's face suddenly burst out a strong killing machine, and said grimly: "hum, even if I can't do it, I will never let Xiao Yunhai feel better."

Tian Jishang took out his mobile phone and called directly to Cao Huaqian, Minister of culture, asking for an emergency meeting tomorrow morning.

Cao Huaqian also just saw this matter and was very angry with Xiao Yunhai's practice and immediately agreed.

Le Jia Hotel, from Chen Zhan left to now, Xiao Yunhai has received countless phone calls, all from those friends in the entertainment industry.

Xiao Yunhai took the trouble to explain countless times, and finally got rid of them, but did not want Xiao Yuanyang to fight in again.

"I don't see. You are so cruel that you cut off Tian Jishang's official career. Now, you're in big trouble. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you beat a snake, you will not die. If you are bitten by a snake, I don't want to happen to me. Brother, in this way, can you and uncle Liang do it? Don't make a wedding dress for others? If that's the case, I'll have to cry to death. "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "don't worry, we have 80% confidence. However, you will be miserable. It is estimated that you will be permanently banned. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'm going to go abroad and make a lot of changes.". The Chinese Ministry of culture should not be in charge of it? "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "it's no problem. Even if you take the works directed by yourself to Huaxia to show, as long as there is no name and role on it, it is OK

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. Brother, I sacrificed for you and uncle Liang. In the future, you two can't ignore me. "

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "as long as you make outstanding achievements outside, we can use this reason to lift the ban on you, but it will take at least two years."

Xiao Yunhai said: "no problem. I just want to spend more time with my wife and children at home. For me, they are the most important

Xiao Yuanyang said, "OK. I almost forgot to tell you that you will come to the Ministry of culture at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. It's estimated that Tian Ji is going to make a hard time for you. Because of our kinship, I can't speak for you, understand? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a gloomy face: "by, tomorrow at nine o'clock, then I have to go to take a plane now?"

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "I have just received the notice from director Cao. Your behavior makes Tian Jishang crazy. Minister Cao is no better. It is estimated that you will be criticized tomorrow. You should be well prepared. "

Xiao Yunhai said without any care: "I know. I really want to see Tian Jishang's face now. The more unhappy he is, the more happy I am. Ha ha ha , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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