Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:15 AM

Chapter 883

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While he was on the phone, Xia Xiaohu also flew up. The whole person hit the wall and fainted.

Xia Hongda looked at Tian Junhao in horror, came to his son, helped him up, pointed to Tian Junhao and said, "Tian Junhao, you are crazy."

Tian Junhao turned a deaf ear, and his whole body was more murderous. Looking at Xia Xiaohu, who had fainted on the ground, he said, "are you not going to die? I'll help you now. "

At this time, seven or eight security guards outside suddenly rushed in with electric sticks.

Xia Hongda was overjoyed and said, "take this madman down quickly."

Everyone turned on the button on the electric stick and rushed to Tian Junhao.

After a fierce fight, Tian Junhao was corona in the past, and only two security guards were left. The others were solved by Tian Junhao.

Xia Hongda immediately called the police, then called the hospital emergency call, only 10 minutes later, the police and the doctor came at the same time.

October 18 was destined to be a eventful day. Xiao Yunhai and Tian Junhao were blocked by the Ministry of culture at the same time. Then Tian Junhao came to Hongda film and television media company. Xia Xiaohu, who was suspected of uploading the video to the Internet, was beaten to death. His five internal organs were bleeding and he was almost rescued. Xia Chengfeng also broke three ribs and was rushed to the hospital. Tian Junhao was corona, but he was not hurt, but the crime of intentional wounding has been determined. Whether the crime of attempted homicide is established or not remains to be judged by the court.

Some legal people believe that Tian Junhao will be sentenced to at least five years' imprisonment.

A scandal between Tian Junhao and Xia Xiaohu shocked Huaxia. One was just a cat and a dog, with no fame. Netizens had no interest in them, but strongly opposed the ban of Xiao Yunhai.

"What are you doing? Isn't emperor Yun exposing the truth? How can it be blocked. "

"Don't you understand upstairs? What the emperor said is actually tantamount to breaking the hidden rules. Of course, he will be punished. "

"How can I feel like a literary inquisition in the Qing Dynasty. I dare not say anything, I can't say anything, and I will be punished if anyone says so. "

"Without yunhuang's novels, music, movies and TV series, how to live the next days?"

"We strongly urge the Ministry of culture to lift the ban on emperor Yun, or we will go to protest collectively."

"Yes. With 200 million fans, I don't believe that the government will pay so little attention to our requirements. "

"Support. It will be Saturday in two days. We will gather at the gate of the Cultural Ministry of Yanjing. If we fail to achieve our goal, we will never give up. "

"Cloud emperor, we will always support you."

The speed of network transmission is the fastest. As soon as the Ministry of culture's processing documents were released, tens of millions of fans already knew. In just one hour, more than three million fans were ready to go to the Ministry of culture for collective petition.

Naturally, the Ministry of culture has long been aware of such a strong momentum.

If we really let millions of people gather in China, the consequences will be too serious, and China may even become the laughing stock of the whole world.

Cao Huaqian immediately called all the staff of the Ministry of culture to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the countermeasures.

Liang Qianqiu took a sip of tea and frowned: "Xiao Yunhai has more than 200 million fans in China, which is only part of it. If we don't handle it properly, it will probably lead to the biggest demonstration since the founding of the people's Republic of China. At that time, all of us sitting here will not want to run away. It will be a small matter to lose office and leave office. If it is written in history textbooks, we will really be infamous. "

For Xiao Yunhai fans, Liang Qianqiu also felt very headache.

Although he knew that Xiao Yunhai's popularity and status in China's entertainment industry were very high, it was far beyond his expectation that millions of people would often come to Yanjing to demonstrate for him.

Xiao Yuanyang is also extremely depressed. This proverb is undoubtedly the best interpretation of him now.

At the beginning, Xiao Yunhai wanted to make trouble. Although he didn't have strong support, he still agreed in his heart. In exchange for Liang Qianqiu and his superior position in exchange for a year or two, the deal is still very cost-effective, and Xiao Yunhai is not too hurt.

But who ever thought that the consequences would be so serious.

He now felt deeply regret, had known that Xia Xiaohu would put that ugly video on the Internet, which still needed Xiao Yunhai's hand. Now, it's a big problem.

Cao Huaqian said: "the government has given me death orders. Xiao Yunhai's handling results can not be changed. At the same time, the processions and demonstrations should be solved perfectly. Is Xiao Yunhai's works off the shelves

Liang Qianqiu nodded and said: "all the martial arts novels he wrote, the songs he sang, and the films and TV plays he played were all removed from the network. At the same time, we have also informed major TV stations across the country that Xiao Yunhai's name, advertisements and his works are not allowed to appear. "

Zhao Wuyan said: "Minister Cao, I think we can open a way to leave his works. One is to give those fans an account, and the other is not too conflicting with our notice. To tell you the truth, Xiao Yunhai's works are really excellent. Even I find it a pity to delete them like this. "This morning, Xiao Yunhai cured his dislocated arm and made him suffer less. Zhao Wuyan is still very grateful. To say these words is also to return Xiao Yunhai's favor. Anyway, Xiao Yuanyang is here. He is not afraid that Xiao Yunhai doesn't know.

Cao Huaqian nodded and said, "this is a way. However, the most important thing is Xiao Yunhai's attitude. If he could stand up and say something like he did last time, it would be the best thing. "

Speaking of this, everyone looked at Xiao Yuanyang.

"Please don't look at me." Xiao Yuanyang said with a wry smile: "after the meeting, he flew to Los Angeles to take care of his daughter-in-law. Now it's on the plane. "

Liang Qianqiu said in a hurry: "then you call him quickly. Maybe he hasn't boarded the plane yet."

Cao Huaqian said, "yes, fight quickly."

While dialing, Xiao Yuanyang sighed: "we have a Ministry of culture, but we have to ask an artist who was banned by us to help us. How can I feel so uncomfortable?"

Xiao Yuanyang's words made everyone look at each other and sigh at the same time.

I want to block others, and their fans are not willing to ask them to persuade them in turn. It sounds really speechless.

Isn't it just a matter of looking for trouble?

Soon, the phone went through.

"Brother, I heard that Tian Junhao beat Xia Xiaohu half to death and beat Xia Chengfeng into the hospital. Ha ha ha, it's really a dog biting a dog."

Xiao Yuanyang rolled his eyes and said, "I'm in a meeting. It's useless for you to talk about it. Your results have been published. Have you seen it? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes, your Ministry of culture is cruel enough. In less than an hour, I took all my works off the shelves. But my fans seem to have made a lot of noise. Director Xiao, don't tell me. It's for this. "

Xiao Yuanyang said awkwardly, "it's still this thing."

Xiao Yunhai directly laughed and said, "director Xiao, don't you think it's inappropriate for you to do this? If you block me and take all my works off the shelves, I will have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars with others just for advertising expenses. Now, let me go back to talk to you and persuade my fans, do you think I'm so cheap? To tell you the truth, the reason why you blocked me doesn't hold water at all. It's just a crime of words. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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