Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:13 AM

Chapter 884

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Xiao Yunhai heard a very clear voice outside from Xiao Yuanyang's phone. Knowing that his own words would be heard by others, Xiao Yunhai deliberately put his position forward for bargaining.

Xiao Yuanyang was a little annoyed and said, "you boy, don't give it to me..."

Cao Huaqian next to him touched Xiao Yuanyang's arm and interrupted him. He took the mobile phone from his hand and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm Cao Huaqian."

"Hello, Minister Cao. It's not that I don't give you face, but it's really ridiculous. It's a joke for a banned artist to persuade his fans to let the Ministry of culture ban him. Even if it's a sketch, there's no such thing. "

Cao Huaqian frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, this incident is very serious and the government attaches great importance to it. Once not handled properly, it will make the whole China a laughing stock. You are one of the top ten outstanding young people in China, and you have been praised by the leaders. I hope you can stand up and say a word to persuade you not to be so impulsive. Our treatment of you is quite different from that of Tian Junhao. You have a chance to lift the ban through your good performance, but he has no chance. We have just discussed your previous works. We can keep them on the shelves. However, later works will not work. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "I may shoot movies in Hollywood in the next time. Can the Ministry of culture let them show in China?"

Cao Huaqian said, "yes. But your name and your picture can't appear in the film

Xiao Yunhai said: "in other words, my next works can continue to be broadcast in China, but no matter in the publicity or works, there can be no trace of me, right?"

Cao Huaqian nodded and said, "yes. This is the biggest concession we've made. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK. You unseal my home page again, and I'll ask someone to write a post and post it. I don't know whether it will work or not

Cao Huaqian said happily, "as long as you write. You can rest assured that we will also remember your good performance this time as an important factor in lifting the restrictions in the future. "

After that, Cao Huaqian said to Liang Qianqiu, "Lao Liang, put his previous works on the Internet immediately. After Xiao Yunhai publishes the post, you immediately let the Propaganda Department follow up, with the fastest time to suppress the matter. "

Liang Qianqiu nodded and said, "I understand."

Cao Huaqian stood up, sighed and said, "it's really unprecedented for an artist to do Xiao Yunhai's job."

Xiao Yunhai's post soon appeared on his homepage.

"Dear brothers and sisters, in order to get rid of the" seal "as soon as possible, please don't go to Yanjing culture department for my business. Otherwise, I would be really miserable. The Ministry of culture has given me a free hand. All my works will be put on the shelves again. Later works can also be seen with you, but there is no name or image of me. "

"Next, I'm going to Hollywood to shoot a disaster movie called" 2012. ". Maya civilization said that 2012 is the end of the world, and human beings will be completely extinct. My film will let you know what is the real end of the world, and I will use a new 3D shooting technology to let you feel the horror of disaster

"There is only one goal for this film, that is, to hit the $7.6 billion war of aliens to become the highest box office movie in the world. Remember, after the movie is released, you must watch the 3D version. Although it is much more expensive than 2D, it is definitely worth the money. Also, I have written a cartoon called transformers, which will meet you on October 25. The cartoon will also appear on TV at the beginning of next year. Children who like cartoons can have a good look

"When my" 2012 "becomes the number one box office in the world, I think the" seal "will be lifted, so I hope you will not be too impulsive. If I led to the biggest parade in the history of China, then China will become the laughing stock of the whole world. I'm guilty of Xiao Yunhai. Brothers and sisters, let's see you next year in 2012. "

Xiao Yunhai really has a plan to shoot 2012.

Wu Hao received a phone call yesterday. He could not finish the 3D camera development in a month.

Xiao Yunhai is naturally very happy and wants to use a movie to promote 3D film technology to the world as soon as possible.

Xiao Yunhai thought all night, filtered all the films on earth, and finally decided to shoot 2012.

Because this is a typical disaster film, the scene is extraordinary grand, if you watch with 3D glasses, the effect can absolutely shock everyone. What's more important is that this film can be starred by Chinese actors, and the background of the story can be put in a certain city in China, without any incongruity. If you look for a group of Hollywood actors, it is a typical Hollywood blockbuster. Even if it can win the first box office in the world, it can not represent Huaxia.

Once Xiao Yunhai's post was sent out, it quickly spread all over the network.

"The Ministry of culture has done a good thing. It has not banned the emperor completely, otherwise I have to protest.""Since the emperor has said that, we should not go again, lest we do evil things with good intentions."

"The new movie" 2012 "of yunhuang, which I am most concerned about, sounds like a special force."

"Ladies and gentlemen, what is 3D technology? Who can popularize science?"

"3D technology is able to make people through the difference between the vision of the two eyes to produce the feeling of being in the presence of the eyes. I didn't expect that the dream of emperor Yun was developed. It's amazing. "

"Really? That's a cow. "

"I didn't say that. When 2012 is released, I must feel it."

Seeing that these crazy fans were dismissed by a post by Xiao Yunhai, the word "yihuwanying" appeared in everyone's mind of the Ministry of culture.

Cao Huaqian breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile to Liang Qianqiu and Xiao Yuanyang who came to report their work: "the influence of Xiao Yunhai in China is really too great."

Xiao Yuanyang said with a smile: "I'm afraid even my grandfather didn't expect the wonderful flower of cloud sea to appear at home."

Cao Huaqian said: "if his" 2012 "can really break the world box office record, our Ministry of culture can immediately lift the ban on him. Lao Liang, ocean going, the work of the Ministry will depend on you. In a few days, I will recommend you as minister and Deputy Minister of culture. You two need to be ready. "

Liang Qianqiu and Xiao Yuanyang looked at each other and said, "thank you, Minister Cao." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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