Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:09 AM

Chapter 887

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Only half an hour, a police officer will be happy to come in.

"Report director, after our detailed cross examination, they have already explained. The middleman who called them, named copple, was apparently a paramount agent and actually had close ties with many organizations

"Paramount?" Xiao Yunhai moved in his heart and said, "Tian Junhao is not the contact person who asked Thomas to do it. If anyone in Hollywood hates himself the most, it is Thomas

Taps nodded and said, "good. You go and get copple at once

The police officer said, "the deputy director has already taken people there."

Turnps nodded with satisfaction and said, "well done. Mr. Xiao, you can see... "

after taking a sip of tea, Xiao Yunhai said quietly," kopur is just a middleman, and there must be big fish behind. It's not easy to make 100 million dollars, director tips

"When things get to this point, I'm absolutely sure that there won't be any problems," he said with a smile

It's a pity that the reality gave a loud slap in the face. Copple left Los Angeles this morning, and his mobile phone was turned off.

When he heard the news, he almost fainted. It seemed that a hundred million dollars had wings and flew away. Now all the clues have come to copple, and they are completely broken. It is no doubt difficult to find out the murderer behind the scenes.

Xiao Yunhai looked at some worried Mr. trump, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "chief, I can provide you with a clue."

On hearing this, he asked, "what's the clue?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if you go to arrest a young man named Thomas in paramount, you will say that you have already arrested kopur, and also confessed that he is the mastermind behind the scenes. I believe you will have a great harvest."

Turnips turned his eyes and asked, "isn't Mr. Shaw getting on well with Thomas?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "it should be said that it is very poor. I know that Thomas' uncle, Mr. angle, is a big shot in paramount. Now it's up to Mr. turnps to gamble for $100 million

Staples frowned, thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "OK, dry."

In a villa in Los Angeles, Thomas walked restlessly in the living room, with a nervous and uneasy face, and his mobile phone was almost flattened by him.

"Copple, the son of a bitch, doesn't even turn on his cell phone. Where is he going

Xiaoyunhai manor attack is Thomas received a call from Tian Junhao, looking for someone to do this thing.

Tian Junhao promised to give him one billion dollars after the success. Thomas hated Xiao Yunhai deeply. With so much money, he agreed without thinking about it.

He knew that copple had contacts with many organizations, so he asked him to do it.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong. The group of mercenaries didn't finish the task, and three of them died.

Thomas was shocked. From the moment he got the news, he had been in contact with Koppel and made hundreds of calls. Unfortunately, the other party's mobile phone had been turned off, and no one was found at his home.

Thomas is extremely flustered now, and his biggest worry is that copple will fall into the hands of the police.

Just as he was fidgeting, the sound of a police car suddenly sounded outside the villa.

Thomas quickly came to the window, opened the curtain, saw a lot of police outside the door, is ringing the doorbell.

"Ring the bell."

The sound of the doorbell came from the living room, but to Thomas it sounded like the sound of hell.

At a loss, Thomas called his uncle Angie.

"Uncle, I'm going to be arrested by the police. You must help me."

"What did you do?" Angu asked in a deep voice

Thomas quickly told the story in general. Before Angu could reply, the police had forced their way in.

"Mr. Thomas, we suspect that you are suspected of employing murder. Now please come with us. This is a warrant, please. "

Thomas's mobile phone, directly fell on the ground, flustered: "uncle, help me, help me quickly."

Unfortunately, his mobile phone was quickly seized by the police, and people also took away.

Police station, can not help struggling Thomas was taken to the interrogation room, a glance saw Xiao Yunhai, way: "it is you."

Xiao Yunhai looked at him coldly and said, "Thomas, you are really brave enough to send someone to hurt my family. Do you know that if my wife has something to do with you, you're going to die worse. "

Thomas pretended to be calm and said, "Xiao, what are you talking about? I don't understand at all. "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and sneered: "your acting skills are really bad. If there is no evidence, do you think the police dare to invite you, a shareholder of paramount cinema, here? Thomas, don't do unnecessary struggle any more. Copple is next door to you and is being tortured by the police. This guy has committed a lot of things. It's estimated that he can't get out in his life. The two mercenaries who did not die were sent directly to prison, and life imprisonment was waiting for them. By the way, as well as that Tian Junhao, your old classmate, is now in a very bad situation in China. When you went to college, the video of the party was spread all over China. When he was excited, he beat Xia Xiaohu, who distributed the video, to his death. He committed the crime of intentional wounding and faced at least five years' imprisonment. But that's not enough. He dares to find mercenaries to hurt my wife and the children in my stomach. How can Xiao Yunhai be so cheap to himWhen Thomas heard that Xiao Yunhai knew everything, he felt soft and collapsed on the ground.

Looking at his pitiful appearance, Xiao Yunhai knew that the bluff was almost over. He said, "Thomas, the reason why I asked to see you alone is to give you a chance. The charges of the mastermind and the accomplice are totally different. One was sentenced to life imprisonment, and the other was just seven or eight years in prison. Whether you can grasp this opportunity depends on whether you have the evidence to nail your old classmates to death. If not, I'm sorry, you are the only scapegoat

It's just that Mr. Xiaoli grabbed a straw and shot his life in front of me. I'm obsessed with hatred and a billion dollars. You'll let me go this time. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "what about the evidence? There's no evidence. It's no use just talking about it. "

Thomas said, "I have. It's in my cell phone. When I learned that he was going to do it, I secretly recorded it

"Come on, check Thomas' cell phone and tune out the recording inside," says Mr. turnps, who is watching the surveillance outside the room

A young policeman played with him for a long time and said, "chief, I have found it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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