Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:08 AM

Chapter 888

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Topps pressed the play button. There was a conversation between two young people.

This is supposed to start with the middle paragraph, so they go straight to the subject.

"Tian, you are crazy. If you attack Xiao's wife, we can't afford his revenge

"I'm not crazy. Xiao Yunhai, this bastard, broke my father's official career and let his decades of hard work go to waste. How could I let him go. Thomas, don't you hate him? It's not because of your magic effects company that he became a 100 billion millionaire. Now that I've given you a chance to get revenge, don't you

"Tian, I'm sorry. I won't do it. You'd better find someone else."

"Thomas, I'm very aware of your financial situation. As long as this is done, I can give you a billion dollars, plus the stake in paramount cinema, enough to spend your life. "

Thomas seemed to think about it for a while and said, "OK, I promise you, but you have to pay me a deposit of 500 million dollars first."

Tian Junhao said, "no problem. Xiao Yunhai is in China. You'd better do it as fast as possible. This man's Kung Fu is too high. Once he comes back, it will be very difficult for you to do it. "

"Don't worry, within 24 hours, I promise you'll hear what you want to hear," Thomas said

This is the end of the first recording. In addition to this, Thomas also recorded his next two phone calls with Tian Junhao and a telephone transaction with copple. It can be said that the facts are all there and the evidence is conclusive.

After listening to the recordings, TOPPS grinned, shook his cell phone, and said with a smile, "guys, cheer up. Here comes 200 million dollars."

Several police officers in the room cheered and clapped hands with each other.

Even if most of the $200 million is to be handed over to the Bureau, only a small part is needed, and they can get hundreds of thousands of dollars each.

Next to Gao Xiangfeng came to topus, took out his mobile phone, said: "we want to copy a copy, to China to fight a lawsuit."

Topes naturally nodded and agreed to his request.

Gao Xiangfeng has just copied the recording, a burst of rapid footsteps came in from outside.

A police officer opened the door and said in a hurry, "chief, Mr. angle is coming."

Topps asked the police to turn off the surveillance video, and then said to Gao Xiangfeng, "the matter has come to the end. Mr. Gao, please inform Mr. Xiao to come out. "

Gao Xiangfeng nodded.

In the interrogation room, Xiao Yunhai looks at Thomas who is looking forward to his face. The killing opportunity in his eyes flashes away.

"Thomas, I hear you still have a 10% stake in paramount, don't you?"

Thomas was stunned, nodded and doubted, "what do you want to do?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you don't want to go to prison, you can give me the shares of paramount. You know, I'm the only one who can take care of you

"No way." Thomas said.

Xiao Yunhai showed a vicious smile and said, "you have no choice. Thomas, it seems that you don't know much about American law. You don't really think it's only seven or eight years for murder? "

In Thomas' incredible eyes, Xiao Yunhai continued: "I tell you, your problem will be sentenced to you for at least 30 years, and you can't be bailed. Unless I die first, you will be in your fifties by the time you come out. "

Thomas sat down on the ground and looked at Xiao Yunhai in horror and said, "you are a devil. I will never believe you again. "

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the interrogation room opened, and Gao Xiangfeng nodded to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai knew that the evidence had been found. With a bright smile on his face, he stood up and said, "if you don't believe it, let your lawyer tell you in person. Remember, I'll get a call from your lawyer by ten tomorrow morning. Otherwise, no one can save you. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai left the interrogation room directly, leaving only Thomas sitting on the ground in a daze. After a long time, he cried out with indignation: "Tian, you have killed me."

For Tian Junhao, Xiao Yunhai has no pity.

Previously domineering Keiko Ishii was sentenced to three years for abortion drugs, but in prison, she couldn't stand bullying and committed suicide within a week.

How did you die? Xiao Yunhai doesn't have to think about it all. It must be the old man's hand.

Again, this Thomas is on the must kill list.

It's just that the Xiao family's hand can't reach into the American prison, so Xiao Yunhai pretends to let Thomas use 10% of paramount's shares to keep private with him.

Once he's out there, any traffic accident can get Thomas to see God.

In the general office of the police station, TOPPS immediately saw Angu sitting on the sofa drinking coffee, beside which stood a dozen bodyguards wearing sunglasses, headed by Wang Yao, who had reached the peak of dark strength.

"How do you do, Mr. angle? What brings you here?" Topps opened his arms and beamed at angle.Angu stood up and smiled and hugged him and said, "I have something to ask for, director thomps."

After the two men settled down, thomps said, "they are old friends, Mr. Agger, I will not go around with you. Your nephew Thomas bought murderers. The evidence is firm. I'm afraid I can't go back with you tonight. "

"Angu frowned and said," is there no other way? "

"No," said Thompson, shaking his head. There is not only evidence of this, but Thomas has admitted that there is no room for accommodation. "

Angie knocked his fingers unconscious and thought about it, and said, "is Mr. Shaw here? I want to see him. "

"Mr. anger, it doesn't work if you want to see me. Everyone has to pay for what he or she does. "

Xiao Yunhai came in with frost and said.

"Mr. Shaw, Thomas was just a fool for a while and did such a stupid thing," said Angu. I hope you can let him go this time, I will give it as much as you can. "

Xiao Yunhai made the sofa opposite Angu and said, "if it is not for the brothers who defend the villa security to fight for resistance, my wife and two children will die. This time my brother died and injured two, all of them started with Thomas. Mr. anger, what would you do if it were you? "

"Mr. Shaw, he is not the master," said Angu

"So he's alive," Xiao said. Otherwise, you can't even see his body. "

The next to the thomps felt his nose awkwardly, picked up the cup and had a coffee.

In front of him, the chief of the police, Xiao Yunhai said this kind of words recklessly, which is really uncomfortable.

Once Angu changed his face, he said, "can't Mr. Xiao give me this face?"

Xiao Yunhai heard that he seemed to be mixed with threat. For the first time, a smile appeared on his cold face and said, "your nephew sent someone to kill my wife and children, but you let me give you the face here. You tell me, can your face compare with the safety of my relatives? Mr. Angu, I'm not in a good mood lately. I advise you not to provoke me. Otherwise, you will be very sorry. "

Angu looked at the sea of clouds coldly, stood up and said, "now that's the case, let's take a look."

Angu left a lawyer and then left the police station in a rage.

"Mr Shaw, Angu is not a normal man. Are you not afraid of retaliation?" thorps said

Xiao said with no doubt: "he has no such courage. Laogao, have you got the evidence? "

"Enough to give Tian Junhao a lifetime imprisonment," Gao Xiang said

Xiaoyun Haidao: "very good. Director thomps, I'll have someone send you 100 million dollars tomorrow. Another 100 million, you need to change with me with Thomas and the bastards' trial books. I don't want to. As soon as I go, Angu takes Thomas out. "

"No problem," said thomps

Xiao Yunhai nodded and pulled out a check of 50000 dollars from his pocket and said, "please, this evening, I will invite the officers to have coffee."

"I think you said, this is what our police station should do," said thomps, who took the check quickly. Mr. Xiao, what will happen in the future? We will do our best to the Los Angeles police station, as you may command. "

For xiaoyunhai, a rich and generous rich, he naturally wants to have a good relationship with each other.

After a busy day, he made 200 million dollars. He worked for a lifetime and never touched it.

Xiao yunhaidao thanked him, and then he left with Gao Xiangfeng, who was sent by thomps himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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