Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:05 AM

Chapter 890

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At nine o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai came to the Los Angeles police station with a lawyer.

"Have you figured it out?" Xiao Yunhai saw a haggard Thomas, and said with a smile, "then don't talk nonsense. This is the share authorization letter I asked someone to write. You can have a good look at it. If there is no problem, sign it. "

Thomas bit his lips and said, "Shaw, you are a man eating, bone spitting bastard."

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said coldly, "buy decades of freedom with 10% of paramount cinema shares. You can make a lot of money by selling like this."

Thomas's face was hard to see the extreme, but in the end he took the material and handed it to the lawyer behind him.

Five minutes later, the lawyer nodded.

Thomas picked up the pen with his trembling right hand. He knew that as long as he signed it, billions of wealth would be gone, and he would become a pauper immediately.

But there's no way. If you don't sign it, you'll spend the rest of the decades in prison. It's better for Thomas to die.

As soon as he was about to sign his name, he was startled by a sudden burst of drink from outside, and even his pen fell to the ground.

"Thomas, do you want to die?"

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and saw an anxious face coming in.

Thomas, with a sad face, said, "uncle, I can't go to jail."

Angu gave him a hard look, looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are now a hundred billion rich man. I didn't expect that you are still so interested in our paramount cinema."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. In today's world, what industry is the most profitable? I will definitely choose the cinema. I have to admit that your management of paramount cinema is indeed very good. Although I have only 10% of the shares, I have made a profit of US $4 billion over the past year, which is really admirable. Ten percent is still the case. If it is 20 percent, it will be even worse. "

It is true that the North American cinema has brought a lot of profits to Xiao Yunhai. This year, it has exceeded 20 billion US dollars, of which paramount is the most powerful. The films shown are very good, and Xiao Yunhai has made a lot of money.

"Mr. Xiao, I can buy these 10% shares in cash at 200% of the market price. Please agree."

In addition to 28% of the shares he owns, plus 10% of Thomas' shares and 8% of his other partner's shares, Angu can become the controller of paramount cinema, which makes up 46% of the shares.

Once Thomas's shares were in the hands of Xiao Yunhai, his shares would be only 36%, which was an intolerable thing for Angu.

Because on the board of directors, he has a very strong competitor. Once the 10% is lost, the other party's shares will surpass his own and become the new controller. At that time, Angu will be really finished.

Therefore, when he heard the lawyer report that Thomas was going to hand over the shares to Xiao Yunhai, he was shocked and rushed by car.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "do you think I'm short of money? In terms of capital flow, I'm afraid you are not as much as me. I'm sorry, Mr. angle. Don't say you have a 100% premium. Even if it's 1000%, I won't sell it. To me, it's not for sale. Thomas, have you decided? Sign it and you can go out at once. "

Angu looked at Thomas coldly and said, "if you dare to sign this document, I will kill you immediately. Thomas, don't be fooled by him. You almost killed his wife and children. How could he let you go. The reason why he let you out is to find someone to get rid of you. "

Although Xiao Yunhai was surprised that this angel could guess his mind, he said: "I admire Mr. angel's imagination. To put it bluntly, Thomas is a dispensable little man to me once he has no paramount courtyard. Does it make sense for me to kill him? On the contrary, if Thomas doesn't sign it and chooses to go to prison, I promise he won't come up with it for 30 years. Unless, sir, you want to kill me first, though you have the power

Thomas was so excited that he knew there was no way for him to do it. Thomas shuddered at the thought of spending the next 30 years in prison.

"I'm sorry, uncle. I want to be free."

With that, Thomas took up his pen and signed the power of attorney.

Angu was shocked and said, "stop him."

Bodyguard Wang Yao takes the lead and hits Thomas. The punch was fast as lightning, and it was about to hit Thomas.

Suddenly, a powerful fist with a burst sound, hit Wang Yao's arm.

Wang Yao immediately felt scalp numbness, the surrounding air seemed to be hot up, the muscles on the arm from countless goose bumps.

His face changed greatly and he retreated quickly.

Wang Yao knows that he can't take this punch at all. Once he collides with the other side, he is afraid that his arm will not be able to hold.Wang Yao was shocked and looked at Xiao Yunhai, who seemed to have never done anything before, and said, "Mr. Xiao is indeed the first in the world. To this extent, Kung Fu is no different from the land gods. It's too much for Thomas to try to be your enemy. "

Xiao Yunhai smiles, but he doesn't say anything.

Thomas at this time in a dilemma, signed the contract, uncle will certainly not let himself. If you don't sign the contract, Xiao Yunhai will send him to prison immediately.

It was all over, and Thomas, after only a moment's consideration, signed the document.

After all, Angu was his uncle, and it was impossible to kill him. But Xiao Yunhai is not the same. He has a grudge against himself. If he disobeys his will, his life will be really over.

If the two are lighter than each other, Thomas will naturally choose the one who does the least harm to himself.

Angu closed his eyes in despair when he saw Thomas's signature on the power of attorney.

Xiao Yunhai picked up the power of attorney, blew a breath of immortal spirit towards it, and said with satisfaction: "very good. Congratulations, Mr. Thomas. You can leave. My lawyer will be here to help you with everything. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai was about to get up and leave, but was stopped by Angu.

Seeing that everything is done, Angu's attitude towards Xiao Yunhai has changed 180 degrees. His face shows a sincere smile. Even Xiao Yunhai has to sigh that it is a pity that he is not an actor.

"Mr. Shaw, I think we should have a good talk about paramount."

At the beginning, Xiao Yunhai, in order to buy North American cinema, had no rights except dividends in the agreement. Paramount cinema is only obtained by other means, so it has full freedom.

Once Xiao Yunhai doesn't support Angus in the board of directors, and turns to join his competitors, the attack on him will undoubtedly be fatal.

So after seeing Xiao Yunhai own 20% shares of paramount, angel immediately changed his attitude.

Although Xiao Yunhai doesn't manage the internal affairs of paramount cinema, he still knows something about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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