Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:04 AM

Chapter 891

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Just as he was about to speak, a loud voice came from outside.

"Mr. Xiao, as long as you can support me at the paramount cinema board, I can give you five percent of my profits."

They turned their heads and saw a big meatball with a weight of at least 250 Jin came in.

Xiao Yunhai immediately recognized that the other party was the boss of thunder pictures, who had met at the Christie's auction house.

This man is very powerful. He is a famous oil tycoon in America. He bought a medium-sized film and television company three years ago.

Maybe I saw that the future development of the entertainment industry will be very rapid, so I suddenly put my eyes on the film and television industry last year. First, I bought 25% of the shares from other shareholders of paramount cinema, and then successively annexed three entertainment companies of different sizes, and then integrated them together to establish thunder pictures.

Whether it is money, strength or actors, they are not under the top eight Hollywood film companies. If he is allowed to take over paramount cinema, leandrel's thunder will immediately become one of the Hollywood giants.

Therefore, he was willing to give 5% of the profits to Xiao Yunhai in order to gain control of paramount cinema.

Next to Angu thought that Leander was invited by Xiao Yunhai. He could not help but change his face and feel uneasy.

A pair of eyes are fixed on Xiao Yunhai, trying to see his reaction.

Xiao Yunhai stood up, shook hands with leandrel and said, "Hello, Mr. Leander. Nice to meet you."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Angchang breathed a sigh of relief.

For him, as long as they don't collude behind the scenes, it means he still has a chance.

Leandell laughed and said, "Mr. Shaw, I heard that an asshole has found a group of mercenaries, which is not good for your wife and children. It's really hateful."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you for your concern. My family is all right."

Leandrel glanced at angle and said, "I'm sorry I didn't help you. How about my proposal, Mr. Xiao? In exchange for your support, five percent of paramount's profits. "

"Mr. Leander, you seem to be very well informed. You can even know in advance that Mr. Xiao has acquired 20% of the shares."

Leander shrugged and said, "you're not the only one in the police station."

Angu frowned, looked at him coldly, and said, "Mr. Xiao, you have just said that I have managed the paramount line well, and I can also give you 5% profit in exchange for your support. I believe that my five percent will be far greater than leandrel's five percent. "

Leander scoffed, "Mr. angle, don't look down on people. I tell you, I've got Mr. Duncan, the former Disney Line Manager, at a high price. His ability to manage paramount is more than enough. Mr. Xiao, the eight major film companies have ruled Hollywood for a long time. We need to change. As long as you support me, Hollywood will have a ninth film giant to break their monopoly. I can do it at all costs. Mr. Xiao, ten percent. I'll give you ten percent. "

"Leandrel, you're crazy." Angu got up and yelled.

The 10% profit of paramount cinema can bring Xiao Yunhai at least 3.5 billion US dollars a year. This is still a bad time.

In other words, leandrel has to give Xiao Yunhai at least 3.5 billion dollars a year in order to get the paramount cinema.

If Xiao Yunhai doesn't agree to such a good thing, will he become a fool

seeing that Angu doesn't seem to mean to bargain with Leander, Xiao Yunhai stands up and laughs at Leander and says, "since you are so sincere, if I refuse, it's too inappropriate. Today, while my lawyer is here, I don't mind signing another agreement with you. "

Leander couldn't help laughing, shook hands with Xiao Yunhai again, and said, "Mr. Xiao, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Angu, who was next to him, looked at Thomas fiercely, then said to Xiao Yunhai and leandel: "Hollywood's cake is so big. It's not so easy to be the ninth giant. At that time, not only we paramount, but even the other seven companies will never agree

Leandrel said with a smile: "Mr. angle, I'm sorry, after the contract between Mr. Shaw and me is signed, there will be no paramount cinema in the world. I will change it to thunder cinema. I think this name is more domineering. As for the other seven companies, ha ha, I believe they will make the right choice. Mr. angle, you'd better deal with the internal problems of paramount. Don't let your company fall out of the big eight, no, nine giants because of the cinema business. "

Angu gave him a cold look and said, "let's see."

With that, he took people away.

Leandrel looked at his back and said scornfully: "the biggest advantage of Angu is greed, which makes him have strong energy and strong desire to attack in his fifties. Similarly, his greatest weakness is greed. Because of the 5% profit, he gave up the paramount cinema. Soon, he will find that the most important reason why eight companies can become Hollywood giants is that they control the cinema. Without the courtyard line, they are equivalent to tigers without claws and teeth, and they will soon starve to death. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "so, the 10% profit of paramount cinema I want seems to be a little low. It seems necessary for me to consider the appropriateness of my decision. "

Leandel said, "Mr. Shaw always talks in his words, which is much more useful than the so-called agreement and contract. Harry Potter is the best example. In fact, we thunder are also very interested in it, but also have the ability to shoot it well

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "you all said that I'm a man of my word. How can I be so good as to do something that ignores justice and gain. Mr. Leander, you don't want to sign a contract here

Leander said happily, "of course not. Our thunder pictures building is not far from here. We can go to my office. It's said that Mr. Xiao likes to drink tea. I happen to have a good Longjing there. We can have a drink

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "please."

As they were about to leave the interrogation room, Thomas called out, "Mr. Shaw, may I go now?"

Xiao Yunhai's murderous opportunity in his eyes flashed away, turned his head and said with a smile: "of course. My lawyer will get your business done in five minutes

In this way, with Xiao Yunhai's 20% and his own 25%, Leander occupied 45% of the shares, becoming the largest shareholder of paramount cinema.

After signing the contract, leandrel could not hide his excitement and read the contract again and again. He knew that his thunder was about to fly with wings.

Xiao Yunhai didn't stay in thunder film more. Although he cooperated with leandrel, he didn't like this guy full of copper from the bottom of his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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