Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:03 AM

Chapter 892

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After refusing leandrel's invitation to dinner, Xiao Yunhai went to the magic special effects company and had a meal with Daniel, the person in charge, in the canteen of the company. After learning about the situation, Xiao Yunhai was very satisfied with magic's recent work and achievements.

After seeing Xiao Yunhai, the magic employees were very happy and said hello to him one after another.

Two years ago, they were still living in poverty. Now they have become high-income white-collar workers, and some excellent employees have even become millionaires.

All this is brought by Xiao Yunhai, so everyone looks at him with gratitude and respect, which makes Xiao Yunhai dark and cool.

Leaving magic, Xiao Yunhai came to marvel comics company again.

Instead of telling Raul in advance, he quietly stepped up to see how everyone was working.

Xiao Yunhai found that compared with the first time he came, everyone's enthusiasm was obviously much better. Everyone's face was full of energy, and he was no longer dead.

Almost everyone is working hard and looks extremely serious.

Xiao Yunhai stood outside for several minutes before an animation department employee found him first.


With the other party's a cry, we all looked at Xiao Yunhai, and then Hula a, surrounded him.

Although Xiao Yunhai has only been here once, his prestige among the employees is extremely high, even though he only looks at his salary.

Xiao Yunhai joked with everyone. After a while, he saw Raul coming in in in a hurry.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Raul, don't be so anxious. Well, let's all go to work and try to make transformers as soon as possible. "

They all said yes.

Xiao Yunhai and Raul chatted in his office for a long time. It seemed that Raul was very excited. He had a rare smile on his rigid face. He was obviously very satisfied with his recent work.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I see that the working atmosphere of the company is good. As long as it continues, I believe Marvel will be able to be brilliant again."

Raul patted his chest and assured, "don't worry, boss. I'll take care of the company for you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's not to help me, it should be said that it's us."

Seeing the good development momentum of magic and marvel, Xiao Yunhai was relieved to return to the villa.

In the evening, they got on the plane to China and landed at Yanjing International Airport 11 hours later.

The first thing Xiao Yunhai did after getting off the plane was to call Mo Yina, the agent outside the airport.

"Sister Mo, we're here. Is there any problem?"

Mo Yina said with a bitter smile: "the problem is big. The reporters are blocking the airport exit. "

"Shit, these guys are so clever. How do they know we're coming back? " Xiao Yunhai can't help but ask in silence.

Mo Yina said: "you are both gunfight and mercenary. Of course, journalists will not let it go. It's estimated that when you're at Los Angeles International Airport, you'll be watched by them. Maybe, there will be reporters who come by the same plane as you. I think it's better to let Wanqing take a special channel. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "in this way, I'll attract the attention of the reporters. You'll take Wanqing first."

Mo Yina nodded and said, "OK. When you come out, we'll meet Wan Qing at the gate of the special passage. "

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing talked about it, then took Gao Xiangfeng several people directly to the airport exit.

Although Xiao Yunhai has been banned by the Ministry of culture, his arrival still makes the media reporters crazy. The shutter sound of the camera in his hand keeps ringing. The dazzling flash makes Xiao Yunhai's eyes feel a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Yunhai has a general look, good guy, there are at least 200 entertainment media.

"Sorry, everyone. My wife has gone, ha ha, so if you want to interview, I can only say sorry for her

A young reporter said, "it doesn't matter, Mr. Xiao. It's the same for us to interview you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm in the process of being banned now. What's the use of your interview with me? My name and photos are not allowed to appear in public. "

The reporter said with a smile: "we don't deserve photos. As for the name, it's better to use the cloud emperor directly. The Ministry of culture does not include nicknames. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned, and then gave him a thumbs up and laughed: "brother, you are too cow. All right, if you have any questions

"May I ask Mr. Xiao, is it true that your villa has been attacked by more than a dozen mercenaries and the target is directed at your wife?"

Xiao Yunhai looked serious, nodded and solemnly said: "yes. There are eleven people on the other side. The weapon is AK47. If it had not been for the desperate resistance of the security personnel, my wife and the child in my stomach would have been unfortunate. Unfortunately, one of my brothers was shot in the chest in a gunfight and died in Los Angeles"Wow, my God, it's true."

"It is terrible that such a vicious event should happen in the United States of America."

"It seems that you must be more careful when you go to the United States to interview in the future."

The reporters whispered.

"Why do these people attack Ms. Zhao Wanqing? Since they are mercenaries, does it mean that there are people behind them who employ them? "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "you guessed right. Someone put a billion dollars behind my back to kill my wife and children. Hehe, does it sound like the plot in the movie. But I want to tell you, this is not a movie, but what happened the day before yesterday. As for who it is, I have found out and have evidence. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, the reporters' eyes suddenly brightened.

"Mr. Xiao, can you tell me who the murderer is?"

"Yes. Even a family name. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "I'm sorry, but the suspect has not been convicted by the court. I can't name him. However, my lawyer will bring a lawsuit to the Yanjing intermediate people's court tomorrow. I won't give up until I'm just. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai left in Li Bing's car under the escort of Gao Xiangfeng and others.

Xiao Yunhai said in front of reporters, less than 20 minutes, appeared on the Internet.

"Damn it, isn't it? It's terrible that the plot of the movie actually appears in reality."

"Who did Yun Huangqing offend? You have to do something that you can't do. "

"This kind of person is a scum. Seeing that emperor Yun's Kung Fu is so bad that he starts at his wife and children. It's shameless. "

"Do you think it's Tian Junhao?"

"I think it's possible. A few days ago, Emperor Yun fought for the ban of the Ministry of culture, exposing the facts behind the scenes of "outlaws of the marsh" and destroying the reputation of Tian Jishang, Tian Junhao and his son. Therefore, Tian Junhao is very motivated and has the financial resources. "

"If it was Tian Junhao, what punishment would he be sentenced to?"

"It must be the death penalty."

On the Internet, tens of millions of netizens are all discussing this topic.

With these words, we talked about the Yongzheng Dynasty again, because this evening is the day when the TV play will be broadcast.

Xiao Yunhai inadvertently also can be regarded as "Yongzheng Dynasty" propaganda, at least a lot of original did not know netizens have decided, will turn on the TV to watch.

After all, Xiao Yunhai's fame is there. All the TV plays he handles, whether they are investment, screenwriter, leading actor or director, are quality assurance, and have never let people down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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