Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:01 AM

Chapter 893

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Chen Qingqing, director of Anhui TV station, was very happy to see this situation and said: "Yunhai, the boy who came back, helped us do a good job. It seems that there should be no big problem in the audience rating tonight. I believe that as long as you watch the first two episodes of Yongzheng Dynasty, you will certainly like it. "

Wang Guoan nodded and suddenly asked, "Lao Chen, do you think that Tian Junhao was behind the attack on Yunhai villa?"

Chen Qingqing frowned and said, "it's very possible. I heard that after attending the meeting of the Ministry of culture, Yunhai immediately took a flight to Los Angeles. Although he didn't catch up, I think he should have noticed by that time. Thank God, it's lucky that Wan Qing has nothing to do, otherwise the sea of clouds will not be crazy. "

Wang Guoan snorted and said, "if Tian Junhao is really a real man, he is guilty of his own crimes and cannot live. Hum, didn't you just use 2 billion yuan to smash out a "swordsman biography"? What's the big deal. He thought he was a sea of clouds. He dared to touch the theme of "outlaws of the marsh". He made the whole crew in a mess. It's just a matter of ambition and talent, but I think I'm right. Look, the All-Star lineup of outlaws of the marsh has been turned into a piece of rubbish with less than 1% of the ratings. It's just a joke

"Outlaws of the marsh" has been on the air for four days, and the ratings are declining every day. In a short period of three days, it has dropped to less than 1 percent. The audience is full of complaints on the Internet.

Chen Qingqing said with a smile: "if there is no water margin, how can we show our good. In fact, in some aspects, we have to thank Tian Junhao. If he didn't do something about it, how could Yunhai, a lazy guy, waste his time writing this Yongzheng Dynasty for us

Wang Guoan listened, nodded and said, "it's true."

While they were talking, Xiao Yunhai, who was far away in Yanjing, had brought his mother-in-law and his wife to the old man's courtyard.

After a while, his father-in-law Zhao Mingsheng will come.

This is Chen Xiuzhu's personal call to you. She wants to hold a family meeting for Zhao Wanqing.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, Chen Xiuzhu rushed to meet them.

"Wanqing, are you ok? I'm scared to death Chen Xiuzhu grabbed Zhao Wanqing from Xiao Yunhai's hand and asked nervously.

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "Mom, you can rest assured that I have nothing to do."

"That's good. That's good." Chen Xiuzhu looked at Yan and said, "floating cloud, you are frightened."

Yan Piaoyun said: "it was quite afraid at that time. Now it doesn't matter."

"It's all caused by the sea of clouds. Otherwise, there won't be so many things."

With that, Chen Xiuzhu reached for Xiao Yunhai's ear.

With Xiao Yunhai's Kung Fu, let alone Chen Xiuzhu, even the dark strength master can never meet him. But who is Chen Xiuzhu? That's the Buddha.

Where Xiao Yunhai dares to hide, she can only stand there obediently and allow her ears to be twisted by her.

Xiao Yunhai cried and said, "Ma, Ma, I'm going to be your grandson's father. Can it be done without it? "

Chen Xiuzhu snorted, not only did not release, but also turned 15 degrees, and said: "you bastard, fortunately Wan Qing and the child are OK, otherwise I must pull your ear off."

In fact, Xiao Yunhai didn't hurt at all. He made a face at Zhao Wanqing and yelled heartrendingly at Zhao Wanqing. He made Zhao Wanqing laugh and Yan Piaoyun couldn't help smiling.

Xiao Leshan directly exposed Xiao Yunhai's old man and said, "Xiuzhu, let go. With Yunhai's current Kung Fu, even if you try your best to tire yourself to death, you can't hurt him. "

On hearing this, Chen Xiuzhu let Xiao Yunhai go and asked, "Dad, are you telling me the truth? Is this boy so good? "

Xiao Leshan sighed: "Yunhai's Kung Fu has reached the highest level. Looking at the whole world, almost no one can defeat it. Even those famous martial arts masters before the founding of the people's Republic of China, I don't think they have reached the spiritual realm of Yunhai today. "

Xiao Yunhai gently rubbed his ears and said, "Mom, don't listen to my grandfather's nonsense. My ears have just been wrung out by you. You see, the earlobes are red. "

Chen Xiuzhu took a look and patted him in the ear and said, "don't come. Obviously, he just rubbed it red, and he wanted to cheat me

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

Half an hour later, Zhao Mingsheng also came.

When I first saw Xiao Leshan, Zhao Mingsheng and Yan Piaoyun couldn't let go. This time, maybe her daughter already had the blood of the Xiao family in her stomach. They were obviously better than the last time. It was natural to talk to Xiao Leshan.

After dinner, we sat together to discuss where Wan Qing would raise her fetus.

Yan Piaoyun said: "let Wanqing live there. Although there are reporters in and out, at least there will be no problem in living habits. "

Chen Xiuzhu nodded and said, "I feel the same way. The only thing is that it is far away from the hospital."Xiao Yunhai said: "that's not easy. Near the time of delivery, I directly pay for a few doctors to come over, isn't it? However, I feel that the community is a bit old, so let's go directly to the mountain side of the country and buy a larger villa. First of all, the environment there is better, suitable for rest. Second, I want to build a top-level recording studio like a villa in Los Angeles. In the future, I will record songs with Wanqing, and I won't have to run around again. "

Xiao Yunhai now lives in a community with some security problems and a small area. He is used to living in a large house like Los Angeles manor villa in the United States, and then living in such a small house makes Xiao Yunhai feel very unaccustomed.

Xiao Changfeng said: "yesterday I read in the newspaper that outside the suburbs of Yanjing, a new villa group has been built. The area is very large, but the price is very high. It is not cheaper than the villa in the third ring road."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the problem of money is not a problem, as long as it is appropriate. Wanqing, why don't we go and have a look tomorrow? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "good."

After the matter was settled, Xiao Yunhai turned to Zhao Mingsheng and said, "Dad, I heard that Hongda film and television media company has been badly hurt by the Li family, isn't it?"

Zhao Mingsheng said: "yes, the Li family sent a large number of tax personnel to investigate the tax problems of Hongda film and television media company. It seems that the tax problems are very serious. Xia Hongda and his son are so exhausted that they can't even carry out their normal work."

"It's called a dog to bite a dog's hair, and it can't live by itself. Said to say, Xia Xiaohu is a good thing for me, let my two enemies fight inside. If it had been, I would have only watched, but not now. How can I let him go when Tian Junhao makes such a crazy thing? " Xiao Yunhai said with a sneer.

Zhao Mingsheng thought for a moment and said, "I think you can delay Tian Junhao for a few days. Recently, it is said that Hongda film and television media company has been unable to hold on for several days. It is said that after only two days of investigation, the unexplained source of funds has exceeded 1 billion. "

"You can think about it. If I go to sue Tian Junhao, the Li family will surely transfer their energy from Hongda film and television media company to us, virtually equivalent to helping Xia Hongda and his son. These two guys are not good things. They have harmed many female artists. OK. Anyway, Tian Junhao can't run. Let him live a few more days. I'll deal with him after the Li family has finished the Hongda film and television company. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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