Published at 11th of May 2022 05:46:00 AM

Chapter 894

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In Xiao Yunhai's heart, Tian Jishang and Xia Hongda are birds of a feather, not a good thing. If the two families can be finished together, it will definitely kill two birds with one stone for Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Changfeng looked at his watch and said, "well, don't talk about these unhappy things. Yongzheng Dynasty is about to start. Let's go and have a look! Ah, the film "outlaws of the marsh" made by the Ministry of culture is not so good. I can't stand it after watching two episodes. I don't know how about the Yongzheng dynasty that you invested and wrote?

Xiao Yunhai said confidently: "the Yongzheng Dynasty will never let you down," the outlaws of the marsh "does not deserve to carry shoes to it."

After a while, the TV play began.

Come up is a "win the hearts of the people get the world", that majestic melody, heroic and high sounding song let people spirit greatly.

The old man nodded and couldn't help praising: "he who wins the hearts of the people wins the world, as it has been since ancient times. Not bad. "

On TV, over the capital, lightning and thunder, torrential rain.

In the Forbidden City, the Emperor Kangxi played by Wang Huang, dressed in a Dragon Robe, sits on a dragon chair, reading memorials, and meditates from time to time.

Wang Huang is worthy of being an old actor at the film emperor level. Without any action or expression, he just sat there and vividly portrayed the majesty of Kangxi, and immediately presented the demeanor of an emperor through the ages.

At the same time, the falling needle inside the house can be heard and the lightning and thunder outside form a strange contrast, which makes people feel a kind of feeling that the rain is coming and the wind is all over the building.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed, and the pen in Wang Huang's hand broke. He seemed to realize some uneasiness and frowned tightly.

Sure enough, in the wind and rain, a eunuch rushed in, knelt down on the ground and said, "report to the emperor, it's urgent for 800 Li. Recently, the Yellow River has surged, more than a dozen levees have been broken, and millions of victims have been displaced. The imperial court is in urgent need of pension. Please make a decision. "

Wang Huang looked dignified and his eyes were shining. He said to the chief eunuch next to him, "go to see Prince Xuan, the prince and all the ministers."

Seeing this, Xiao Leshan nodded and said, "good. Wang Huang is really a young man. It's more flexible than before retirement. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "grandfather, do you know Mr. Wang?"

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "of course I know him. But that was twenty years ago. "

Xiao Changfeng said: "although it is only a beginning, it still makes people feel that this play is much stronger than" outlaws of the marsh ". Yunhai, it seems that you can make a lot of money by investing in this TV series. "

Chen Xiuzhu said, "what's the use of asking for so much money. The most important thing is that the family is safe and happy. Is it, Piaoyun

Yan Piaoyun nodded and said, "sister Xiuzhu is right. Now the assets of Yunhai are almost over 200 billion US dollars. Don't say it's a lifetime, it can't be spent in ten. It's too much money. It's just a number. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the sage said that money is not everything, but without money, it is absolutely impossible."

Xiao Changfeng scolded: "you boy, don't put these filthy words on saints. When will they say such words?"

The family laughed.

On TV, the next big brothers appeared one after another.

The bold and reckless actions of the prince, the coldness of the fourth master, and the unfathomability of the eighth master are all vividly and vividly interpreted by these old actors.

Yanjing an ordinary community, a family of three also sat on the sofa watching "Yongzheng Dynasty.".

The father looked at his son who was staring at the TV without blinking, and said with some pride: "Xiaohua, how about it? I'm right. If you want to learn acting skills, you still have to watch the performances of these old actors. Well, those so-called idol plays are of no use to you at all. "

He wants to be a movie star like Xiao Yanhai.

However, recently, he has been infatuated with an idol drama. He will go to see the beautiful men and women who are wandering about in the drama at night.

This evening, he was about to exchange the remote control for the channel, but his father forcibly seized it and told him to watch Yongzheng Dynasty.

Of course, Wu Hua didn't want to. He didn't expect that his father, who had been spoiling him, would not be moved.

Depressed Wu Hua had to shrivel his mouth and look at the Yongzheng Dynasty with an aggrieved face.

However, after only 10 minutes of watching, Wu Hua, who was studying in the acting training class, was completely conquered by the performances of these old actors. He only felt that the theoretical things mentioned in the book were perfectly reflected in these old opera bones.

The teachers of the training class who thought the acting skills were good were just like the difference between the firefly and the bright moon.

"Dad, the Kangxi played by Wang Huang is really wonderful. Just through some subtle gestures, he gives people a feeling of being at the top and holding the heaven and earth in his hands. Every move shows a royal momentum. There are also teachers Wang Tianming and Wang Guoan. They are also very powerful. No wonder they said in the publicity that the TV play was made according to the film standards. Indeed, this kind of acting is rarely seen in other TV seriesMy father said with a smile, "how about those idol dramas you like?"

Wu Hua rolled his eyes and said, "Dad, can you compare the two? Idol drama is just a couple of beautiful men and women in the play, it is very pompous. "Yongzheng Dynasty" is a serious drama, but it focuses on acting skills. The competition between the film emperor and the old opera bones is absolutely Harley hitting the earth. It makes people want to stop and indulge in it. It has a guiding role in my study. "

The father said with a smile: "then you can learn something from these teachers. There are only four months to go before Yanjing film academy enrolls students in March next year. We must refuel. "

Wu Hua nodded.

Time flies, and unconsciously the first episode of Yongzheng Dynasty is over.

Anhui TV station data monitoring room, a jubilation.

The first episode of Yongzheng Dynasty had a high audience rating of 11.4% and an average audience rating of 8.9%.

Chen Qingqing and Wang Guoan clapped hands and said with excitement, "Lao Wang, we succeeded."

Wang Guoan nodded and said with a smile, "I had a premonition that our play would be OK, but I didn't expect the performance would be so good."

Chen Zhan laughed and said, "it seems that Yongzheng Dynasty will make my nephew a lot of money again."

Wang Guoan said, "it doesn't matter. When we hold the celebration banquet, we will never forgive him if there is no big red envelope with more than six figures. "

At this time, Chen Qingqing's mobile phone rang. Open it and see it's a call from Wang Tianming.

One of them is in Anhui TV station, the other is in Yunan TV station. Don't guess, it must be Wang Tianming who told him about the ratings.

Sure enough, just as Chen Qingqing pressed the answer button, Wang Tianming's uncontrollable excited voice came over.

"Director Chen, what's the ratings there? I'm sure it's not as tall as we are. "

Chen Qingqing was overjoyed when he heard Wang Tianming say this, but he disdained to say: "Lao Wang, it's not a good thing to talk too much. Tell me, what's the ratings there? "

"The highest ratings are 10.5% and the average ratings are 8.2%. How about that? Have you taken it? Ha ha ha Wang Tianming confidently said with a loud smile.

Chen Qingqing gave a cut and said, "it's too much for you to show off in front of me. Unfortunately, Anhui's ratings are a little bit higher than you, which are 11.4% and 8.9% respectively

"What? Mr. Chen, we don't bring deception. " Wang Tianming said with disbelief that "what can I cheat you to do?" The average audience rate of "Chen Qingqing" was 17.1%. I believe that with the fermentation of word-of-mouth, ratings will soar. "

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