Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:58 AM

Chapter 895

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When they called to report the good news, the Internet was also lively, and those netizens who had seen the first episode praised Yongzheng Dynasty in succession.

"Shit, finally a good film appeared," Yongzheng Dynasty "did not say

"Mr. Wang Huang's style is as good as that of his old days. Kangxi was really played by him. "

"I always thought that no one would be able to surpass Mr. Huang Peiqi after he played Emperor Kangxi. We can see the performance of Mr. Wang. Although we dare not say that he can surpass him in an all-round way, he is much stronger in momentum. "

"Nonsense. Who is master Wang Huang? There are no less than four of his chief executives

"The script written by Emperor Yun is also very good. I think he will be the best screenwriter next year

"I don't know. Just came the news on the Internet, can bring threat to "Yongzheng Dynasty" of "outlaws of the marsh" collapsed, only got 0.6% of the ratings. NNC's "apartment to death" and NBC's "survival in the wilderness" all lost, with average ratings down 2.5% and 3.1% respectively. It seems that they can't stop the Yongzheng Dynasty

In the courtyard, Xiao Yunhai and Chen Qingqing finished talking, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, look at your appearance, the result should be very good?"

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "of course, can my play be good? Wanqing, guess, what do you think the average ratings will be? "

Zhao Wanqing thought and said, "it should be more than 10%. Otherwise, you won't laugh like that

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no, it's a big mistake. I tell you, the average rating of Yongzheng Dynasty has exceeded 17%. According to this score, it is impossible to say whether it can surpass Langya bang, but it is possible to surpass the first edition of outlaws of the marsh. "

Zhao Mingsheng sighed: "it's another legendary work. Yunhai, I have to say, you are really a film and television genius. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Dad, it's OK. You're welcome. I can still stand it with a little more praise. "


"Ha ha ha."

We are once again Xiao Yunhai face no skin words to tease more than laugh.

The next day, the major entertainment media, newspapers and magazines gave a very high evaluation of Yongzheng Dynasty.

"With an average audience rating of more than 18 percent, the premiere of Yongzheng Dynasty was a great success."

"The outlaws of the marsh" was defeated, and the Yongzheng dynasty became the biggest winner. "

"Who said that China is the world of idol drama," Yongzheng Dynasty tells you, I am the first. "

"Legendary TV play reappearance," Yongzheng Dynasty "is expected to cross the mountain of" langyabang. "

"The Yongzheng Dynasty" has been widely praised


just as everyone was talking about Yongzheng Dynasty, dozens of media blocked up at the gate of Yanjing intermediate people's court, waiting for the arrival of lawyer Xiao Yunhai.

Can wait left and right, never see people.

When the reporters were waiting for some anxious time, a middle-aged man in his forties came out of the court.

Seeing these reporters, the middle-aged man said with a smile: "the news of your friends is really smart. As soon as I put the complaint in, everyone knew about Hongda. "

"Hongda?" A reporter nearest him asked, "Mr. lawyer, have you sued Hongda media?"

"What? It's not about this. Oh, I'm sorry. I made a mistake The middle-aged man laughed awkwardly and was about to leave, but was surrounded by reporters.

Since we can't interview Xiao Yunhai's lawyer, it's good to get Hongda's tax evasion.

A reporter looked at his badge and said, "Lawyer Chen, why are you suing Hongda film and television company?"

Chen Zhanpeng, a middle-aged man, said: "Xia Hongda, President of Hongda film and television company, is suspected of tax evasion. The amount is huge and the plot is serious. At the same time, he and Xia Chengfeng and his son are also suspected of being addicted to, raped and raped several female artists. According to the law, I filed an appeal to the court."

"Who is the plaintiff? Can you tell me? "

Chen Zhanpeng shook his head and said, "I represent the tax bureau for tax evasion. As for the other plaintiffs, I'm sorry, I can't disclose. "

"Do you have any evidence in your hand?"

Chen Zhanpeng said: "of course, and the evidence is very abundant. If the court is more efficient, I think it will take less than three days to pass the sentence. "


Chen Zhanpeng's words spread rapidly throughout China through the Internet.

After watching the interview video, Xia Hongda's face was hard to see.

"Chengfeng, what does the company lawyers say? This one, no, should be said to be these two cases. What is our chance of winning? If we lose, what will happen to us? "Xia Chengfeng frowned and said in a deep voice: "in addition to making up the difference, we may face three to ten years' imprisonment for tax evasion. And the other incident, once we lose the lawsuit, I'm afraid we can't afford it.

Xia Chengfeng now hates Xia Xiaohu. If he hadn't sent that video to the Internet, how could the Li family hate to bite Hongda Company.

For example, tax evasion is an open secret in the industry. Which entertainment company has not done it, even those stars often do it, and no one has ever seen anything wrong.

However, the Li family has recognized the tax problem. How can Hongda film and television media company escape. In less than two days, they were investigated by those people.

Suddenly, Xia Hongda was a little frustrated and said, "Chengfeng, it seems that we can't escape this time. Ah, I, Xia Hongda, have experienced so many storms and waves since I was a poor man. I didn't expect to be so vulnerable in front of these political aristocratic families. "

Xia Chengfeng said in a hurry: "Dad, don't be discouraged. There may be a turning point?"

Xia Hongda shook his head bitterly and said, "there is no turning point. Think about it carefully, how many bad things I have done, and I deserve the consequences. But you're still young. No matter what, you can't have an accident. "

Xia Hongda took out a gold card of Swiss bank which had been prepared for a long time from the drawer and handed it to Xia Chengfeng, who said, "before the court controls us, you should go abroad to hide. No matter which country it is, never come back. "

Xia Chengfeng turned red and said, "Dad, things haven't happened yet...

Xia Hongda waved his hand and said," don't be naive. You also have a lot of things to do. Zhang Yingzhen, Zhao Liyuan, Wang Huanxin, etc. may become female artists who will completely ruin you. Chengfeng, let's go. The gold card code is your mother's birthday. There are seven billion dollars in it, enough for you to remain anonymous for a lifetime

Xia Chengfeng bit his lips and said with tears: "Dad, I won't go. If there's something, we'll take it together

Xia Hongda laughed and said, "don't be silly. I'm over 50 years old. I still have a few years to live. But you are different. You are still young. There is no third generation in our Xia family. Remember, you must hide your whereabouts. I'm afraid the Li family will still let you go. "

Xia Chengfeng nodded and said, "Dad, I know. Don't worry."

An hour later, the staff of the procuratorate came to Hongda film and television media company and met Xia Hongda.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, I'm..."

Xia Hongda waved his hand and interrupted him, saying, "I know what you're here for? I'll call my lawyer right now. When will the court begin? "

"Tomorrow morning."

"Ha ha, can't the Li family wait so fast?"

"Mr. Xia, where is your son, Mr. Xia Chengfeng? We need to find him. "

"He should be at home. I'll call and ask."

Xia Hongda deliberately wasted time and dialed Xia Chengfeng's mobile phone in front of them, and it was really prompted that "the number you dialed has been turned off".

"Last night, he went out to play all night. Now he may sleep at home."

The leading staff took a deep look at him and said, "Mr. Xia, this is the summons of the court. Please take Mr. Xia Chengfeng to Yanjing intermediate people's court at 9:00 tomorrow morning."

Xia Hongda nodded and said, "I know." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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