Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:56 AM

Chapter 897

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Xia Chengfeng's fans came to the government's website one after another, urging the government to thoroughly investigate the cause of Xia Chengfeng's death.

After reading the newspaper, Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed: "all of them have gone abroad, and they have been found to have been secretly harmed. This summer Chengfeng is really stupid."

Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise, "husband, do you mean Xia Chengfeng was murdered by the Li family?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "eight nine is not far from ten. I dare say that the Li family must have sent someone to watch Xia Chengfeng, and then found a chance to kill him. Otherwise, there is no such coincidence in the world. Hehe, the Li family is really cruel. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "it's too dark."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "what is this. There are many things that are darker than this, but they just don't come out. Xia Hongda and his son were both jailed and killed. They deserved their crimes. Next, it's time for me and Tian Junhao to get to know each other. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "you should be careful. The Li family is terrible. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I hope they can come to me, and then I can uproot them. Unfortunately, they are not so stupid. "

In late October, it was indeed a eventful time, with heavy news one after another.

After Xia Hongda's imprisonment and Xia Chengfeng's tragic death, Xiao Yunhai filed a lawsuit against Tian Junhao. Some time ago, it was widely circulated that the attack on Xiao Yunhai villa had happened. It is very likely that Tian Junhao was behind the attack.

At the same time, news came from Yanjing intermediate people's court that the case will be tried on October 24.

The whole entertainment industry has exploded completely, and the Internet has become a pot of porridge.

"I said it was Tian Junhao? He is indeed. "

"This man is so cruel that he even looks for mercenaries to attack Qinghou."

"The entertainment industry is a mess."

"It's not a misunderstanding."

"Don't dream upstairs. Without conclusive evidence, how could emperor Yun take him to court? "

"Now, Tian Junhao is dead. Will he be sentenced to be shot. I heard that a bodyguard died in the attack. "

"The nature of this incident is so bad that even if Tian Junhao has any strong backing behind him, he will never escape the severe punishment of the law. I guess it's either death or indefinite. If the evidence is conclusive, it will be like Xia Hongda and pass a sentence in court. "

"The entertainment industry is so hot these days."

At Tian Jishang's home

Li Rong's face was flustered and asked Tian Jishang, who was sitting on the sofa without smoking: "Laotian, what should I do now? Will Junhao... "

Tian Jishang frowned and sighed:" Junhao is really confused. Zhao Wanqing's stomach is full of the blood of the Xiao family. It's said that they are still twins of dragons and phoenixes. Junhao's planning of this matter is equivalent to breaking the roots of the Xiao family. In the decades since the founding of the people's Republic of China, no one has ever done such a thing even though the political struggle is fierce. How could the Xiao family let him go. "

Li Rong's tears fell down and said, "Laotian, in this way, Junhao is not dead."

Tian Jishang, dejected and leaning on the sofa, said: "we can only hope that there is something wrong with Xiao Yunhai's evidence, otherwise, it will be hard to save the immortal."

Li Rong knew that if Xiao Yunhai didn't have full assurance, he would never have sued his son. He said, "otherwise, I'll go and ask him to tell him about his love. Maybe there is still a chance of life."

Tian Jishang shook his head and said in despair, "it's useless. Don't say dad won't go. Even if he does, he will certainly be scolded by master Xiao. All blame us, from small to large, too doting on him, let him develop this lawless character. Now, it's too late to regret. "

Li Rong's eyes are full of hate, gnashing his teeth and saying: "it's all Xiao Yunhai's son of a bitch. If it was not for him, Junhao would not have come to this point. "

Tian Jishang looked at Li Rong and said, "I'll go to Xiao Yunhai and ask him to withdraw the complaint in any case."

Li Rong was stunned, her eyes brightened and said, "yes, you need to tie the bell to get rid of the bell. If Xiao Yunhai doesn't sue, Junhao will not have any problems. Laotian, I will go with you. Even if I admit his mistake and kneel and kowtow, I will ask him to let go of Junhao. "

Tian Jishang nodded and said, "remember, you must control your temper. Let's go. "

Since Xiao Yunhai bought a villa, he began to drum up, let people tear down the two big walls to connect the three villas.

Zhao Wanqing chose the one in the middle. Xiao Yunhai found one of the most spacious rooms, bought the top-level audio equipment, and began to build a recording studio.

While he was directing the staff to be busy, Zhao Wanqing called him.

"Husband, Tian Jishang and his wife have come to my parents and have been outside the door."

Xiao Yunhai snorted and sneered: "it must be Tian Junhao's business. For the sake of their son, they can be free of anything. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "what shall we do?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry about them. I've got an hour to do it. I'll see them then. "Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "good."

An hour later, Xiao Yunhai met Tian Jishang and his wife.

As soon as Li Rong saw Xiao Yunhai, he knelt down for him and cried, "Mr. Xiao, please, let go of Junhao. As long as you can let him go, I can do anything. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "minister Tian, Ms. Li, you shouldn't have come. Spend a billion dollars to find mercenaries to kill my wife and children. If you were the same, would you spare each other? I know there are a lot of journalists out there, but I want to tell you that even if you kneel to death, you will never change my mind. "

Tian Ji Shang said: "is there no room for accommodation?"

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "accommodation? Your son never gave me any accommodation. If it wasn't for the bodyguards fighting to protect my wife, my wife and children would not have died. You tell me, how can I be flexible? Tian Junhao today, it is entirely his fault. Don't talk about you, even if the emperor and Laozi are here. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai drove directly into the villa.

Li Rong sat down on the ground with a piece of ashes on her face and said, "the emperor is finished."

Tian Jishang sighed: "I knew for a long time that there would be such a result. I just wanted to try again. Junhao, it can't be saved. "

Siheyuan, Xiao Leshan is answering a phone call.

"Lao Li, your grandson sent someone to kill my granddaughter-in-law, great granddaughter and great grandson. You still want to plead with me to let him go. Ha ha, if Tian Junhao was replaced by Xiao Yunhai, would you let him go? "


"before the change, I scolded you for calling me. But you're not in good health now, and I don't see eye to eye with you. Tian Junhao must be punished by law. Even if the No. 1 chief executive personally inquires, I am the same answer. "


"Lao Li, we are old comrades in arms. You'd better take good care of yourself, and leave the rest of the matter to yourself. "

Xiao Leshan hung up the phone, and his anger, which had just been suppressed, suddenly broke out. He swore: "people are dying, and they are licking their faces to call me. This old bastard is really sick."

Xiao Changfeng and Chen Xiuzhu looked at each other and asked, "Dad, is Mr. Li for Tian Junhao?"

Xiao Leshan nodded his head and said, "what else can we do besides this. Well, if he doesn't live for a few days, he can't live well. The older you get, the thicker your skin is. It's no wonder that the generations of the Li family are inferior to each other, and the root lies in him. Remember, we Xiao's family tradition must be firmly observed. If Tian Junhao is such an unworthy descendant of the Xiao family, we will send him to prison by ourselves, so as not to let him disgrace us outside. "

Xiao Changfeng said: "Dad, you can rest assured that we will not have such a person in the Xiao family." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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