Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:54 AM

Chapter 898

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At 9 am on October 24, Xiao Yunhai and his lawyer he Lingyu arrived at the Yanjing intermediate people's court by car.

Just out of the car, countless reporters surrounded them.

"Mr. Xiao, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Mr. Xiao, do you have any expectations for this trial?"

"What is the result you want? Is Tian Junhao sentenced to life or death? "

"I heard that Tian Junhao's parents knelt down in front of you to plead for Tian Junhao, but you didn't seem to agree. Do you think it's too much? "

"Mr. Xiao..."

he Lingyu, Xiao Yunhai's lawyer, said: "Dear journalists, the trial will begin soon. Please step aside. As for the result, we believe that the law will give us a fair and just ruling. As for the matter that Ms. Li knelt down to beg Mr. Xiao's forgiveness the day before yesterday, as a lawyer, I just want to say that if you do something wrong, you can kneel down and apologize. What else do we have to do with the law. Fortunately, Ms. Zhao has nothing to do, or even if Mr. Xiao cries to death, what's the use? "

Under the protection of Gao Xiangfeng and others, Xiao Yunhai and he Lingyu walked through the reporters and entered the court.

Under the guidance of a staff member, they sat on the plaintiff's seat.

Xiao Yunhai sweeps around and finds many acquaintances in circles like Chen Qingqing and Wang Guoan. Among them, Xu Qianqian, whose belly has been somewhat bulging, is sitting next to Tian Jishang and Li Rong.

Originally, Xu Qianqian and Tian Junhao were going to get married in a few days, but they didn't want her husband to face such a life and death crisis. However, Xu Qianqian is pregnant, and is still a boy, which can be regarded as leaving incense for the Tian family.

After a while, Tian Junhao, dressed in handcuffs and shackles, came to the court under the leadership of two policemen.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai on the plaintiff's seat, Tian Junhao was shocked. His face was excited and he scolded: "Xiao Yunhai, you bastard. I will not let you go even if I am a ghost. "

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "I have done everything in Xiao Yunhai's life, worthy of my heart. Even if you become a fierce ghost, I will not be afraid of you. Tian Junhao, if there were ghosts in the world, those girls who had been hurt by you would have killed you. Do you think you can still live to this day? "

You said: "Tian Junhao's face is ferocious."

The two policemen next to him pressed Tian Junhao hard, but Tian Junhao was a dark power expert with great strength, which could not be controlled by two prison guards at all. Finally, two more policemen came up and held him in the dock.

When Li Rong saw that her son was treated like this, she could not sit still and said, "what are you doing? Let him go. If you dare to hurt him, we Li family will not let you go. "

On hearing this, all the people in the court exclaimed.

"Shit, I dare to say that in court. It's bullshit."

"Is the Li family a political family? It's too much. "

"No wonder Tian Junhao is so lawless. With such a mother, it's not strange to do such a thing."

Tian Jishang pulled Li Rong and said in a deep voice, "shut up for me."

Tian Junhao, who was detained in the dock, immediately stopped struggling, as if he had grasped a straw. He yelled, "Ma, come and help me."

Li Rong tearful, said: "Junhao, Ma will help you out."

At this time, the chief judge and the judge came in.

Seeing that the court was so noisy, the chief judge frowned, picked up the mallet, and knocked heavily on the table, saying, "silence. Please calm down your excitement and do not interfere with the normal working procedures of the court. "

It seems to feel Tian Junhao quiet down, four prison guards let him go.

The chief judge said, "now we have a court session. The plaintiff's lawyer can begin to make a statement. "

He Lingyu described the matter in detail from the beginning to the end, and put all the evidence out, especially the telephone recording of Tian Junhao and Thomas, which surprised everyone.

Tian Jishang collapsed on the chair and said, "it's over."

After he Lingyu finished speaking, the chief judge said, "what's the problem with the defendant's lawyer?"

Tian Junhao's lawyer is also a very powerful person. He stood up and said calmly, "Mr. Xiao, I want to ask you, how do you know that my client is going to hurt your wife and children?"

I have to say, this lawyer is really good, and he caught the biggest loophole in the whole incident.

After the meeting of the Ministry of culture, Xiao Yunhai rushed to Los Angeles.

If it is not known in advance, how could Xiao Yunhai be so anxious about the past.

The lawyer of the other side means that these things are probably farces written and performed by Xiao Yunhai and Thomas.

Xiao Yunhai knew that it was impossible not to explain, so he said, "Mr. lawyer, have you ever heard a saying called the cicada's foresight before the autumn wind moves. When you practice Chinese Kung Fu to the extreme, you can feel danger in the dark. Tian Junhao and I met downstairs at the Ministry of culture. At that time, I had a strong uneasiness. Therefore, I asked the bodyguards not to rest that night and closely monitor the villa. Unexpectedly, something happened that night. "On hearing this, the lawyer of the other side laughed directly and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are not joking, are you?"

There was also a whisper under the court.

"Really? Chinese Kung Fu is so amazing. "

"It should be true. The emperor of the cloud can insert cards into the glass. Who knows what other magical skills are. "

"Tian Junhao's call records are available. It is basically impossible to overturn the case."

"It's said that emperor Yun's Kung Fu is the best in the world. Maybe it is."

The chief judge struck the mallet and said, "be quiet. The plaintiff, please continue to answer. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm not kidding. A person who often goes to the battlefield can avoid danger by feeling, and the warrior can also do this when he has practiced to a certain level. "

He Lingyu said: "my client feels the danger, so send someone to protect his wife. This should not be a problem. The defendant's lawyer said this just to prove that my client made up and directed the play, and then killed 11 mercenaries, one of whom died and two were injured. Who can direct such a play? Is it possible to frame the accused with twelve lives? "

The opposing lawyer said, "I think it's very possible. Because the most important evidence of Mr. Shaw is Thomas' telephone recording and bank statement. But Mr. Xiao did not take Thomas to court, but let him go. This makes us feel that the attack on the villa is a complete conspiracy. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Thomas is just a middleman, not the culprit. I didn't sue him. It's for the sake of paramount.". As for Tian Junhao, the initiator of the whole incident, I will not sue him. Both the recording and the bill have been confirmed by the U.S. police and the bank. There is a lot of hard evidence that no one can push away. Chief justice, I want to have a word with the defendant. "

Hearing this, the chief judge said, "does the defendant agree?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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