Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:33 AM

Chapter 90

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Xiao Yunhai looked at the past, only saw the competition rules above, dense written a lot.

At a glance, Xiao Yunhai passes most of the useless things away, leaving only the items worthy of his attention.

First of all, time is very tight for Xiao Yunhai. There are still three days left before the deadline of the competition. That is to say, if Xiao Yunhai wants to participate in this competition, he must complete the editing and post production of time gate before 24 o'clock three days later.

The second is the rules of competition selection. First, the audition will be conducted. From hundreds of micro films, 30 well-made works will be selected, and then the number one to the tenth place will be selected according to the number of hits by the audience, and different awards will be given.

You need to know that the video needs to be paid. It costs one yuan each time, which is divided by and the contestants according to the proportion of the contract signed.

If you get the first place, all the profits will be obtained by the players, and the website will not draw a cent.

The second and third places will get 90% of the total, 80% from the fourth to the sixth and 70% from the sixth to the tenth.

Other works not in the top 10 can only get 50% of the usual percentage.

It is true that the poor die poor and the rich die rich.

In order to attract people's attention, Youshi has also opened a reward channel for the first time. If people who watch the video think the work is good, they can reward it. The proportion of reward refers to the above reward mode.

Xiao Yunhai is very confident in his work. We should know that the previous life time gate only took an hour to get 100000 hits, which shows the power of this micro film.

Xiao Yunhai said: "this competition is very interesting, we might as well mix it up."

Zhang Xiang said with a smile, "I knew you would definitely participate. However, can this micro film catch up with the competition? "

Xiao Yunhai firmly said: "of course. After dinner, I will record the music and theme song for the film. Tomorrow, I will ask the editor to edit it. The day after tomorrow, I will start the post production work. If there is no accident, we should be able to catch up. "

Yao Wenyuan said suspiciously, "Yunhai, you should know that editing and post synthesis are not a simple job. Are you sure?"

Xiao Yunhai said confidently: "teacher, before making this micro film, all the music and pictures in it have been stored in my mind. For me, the rest of the work is just manual work. As long as the technicians have no problems, I'm sure I can finish it in three days. "

Yao Wenyuan nodded and stopped talking.

Having made up his mind, Xiao Yunhai began to carry out his plan.

That night, he ran to the city of music alone to record the soundtrack and theme song "running through time" in his memory. Because it was already three o'clock in the morning, the school was closed, so Xiao Yunhai directly found a hotel to sleep for several hours.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yunhai, introduced by his teacher Yao Wenyuan, found Zheng buguo, the editor who graduated from the college as the strongest and fastest knife cutter.

In order to fight for time, they worked in the studio for 16 hours, and then finished editing the 15 minute film.

Xiao Yunhai expressed his thanks to Zheng buguo and handed him a 10000 yuan red envelope.

Zheng buguo waved his hand and said with a tired smile, "if I took your money, I would not let Mr. Yao laugh at me. Ha ha, I also created a new record. To tell you the truth, your film is really good. You may win the championship. However, you can't be careless. The experts are in the folk. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I know. Thank you very much for your help. I don't affectation any more. I will give you a big red envelope after this movie gets good results. At that time, Mr. Zheng can't refuse. "

Zheng buguo laughed and said, "OK, I'm waiting for your good news."

After editing, Xiao Yunhai started the post synthesis work without stopping.

He stayed up for two days and nights, and finally finished all his work at nine o'clock in the evening of the deadline day, and the final product came out.

Xiao Yunhai waited for his red eyes, and after watching it carefully three times, he sent the video to

As the person in charge of Youshi micro film competition, Chen long has been very depressed these two days.

In order to prepare for this competition, Chen long can be said to have worked hard, but the result is not satisfactory.

There are indeed a lot of contestants who came to participate in the competition. The number of his works has reached 1100 for the first time. What makes him feel depressed is that there are not many of these 1000 micro films that can get into his eye.

Most of them are the works of photography lovers. No matter the subject matter or the quality, they are not good at all.

If we let them pass the primary election and put them into 30 excellent works, it is estimated that the website will be scolded to death by those netizens.Fortunately, there are a few good works in it, and some directors who have failed to meet their talents have also participated in the competition. However, those who can be regarded as excellent works can be counted as 26.

Seeing that the collection time of the works is about to pass, Chen long has no choice but to be patient and choose four works from the obsolete works with his staff.

Looking at these films, Chen long is listless and sleepy in front of the computer.

All of a sudden, the computer rings.

"You are my little apple. I can't love you enough."

Chen Long's spirit was shaken by the familiar melody. This music is specially used for this competition to remind Chen long that new works have been sent.

"Time gate."

"Director, screenwriter and star Xiao Yunhai."

Chen Long's eyes lit up.

As a loyal fan of yunhuang, he couldn't believe that big names like yunhuang would also come to participate in the micro film competition he was responsible for.

"It's not the same name, is it?"

However, when he thought that yunhuang was a student of Beijing Film Academy, he suddenly felt that there was such a possibility.

In Chen long worried about gain and loss, the video download down, Chen long can't wait to open a look, immediately surprised to stand up. It was really him.

Although Xiao Yunhai's appearance is not the same as usual, Chen long, as a fan, recognized Xiao Yunhai at a glance.

"I didn't expect that yunhuang really came to participate in the competition."

At this time, Chen long felt that he was happy and about to faint.

He knew that with the popularity of the cloud emperor on the Internet and the millions of fans, as long as the news was spread out, it would certainly arouse the great attention of netizens. At that time, it will be difficult for me to succeed in the competition I am in charge of.

"How about the quality first? With his genius, he should not be able to produce a bad work. "

Chen Long stabilized his mood and slowly looked up.

The beginning of the film is full of suspense.

Xiao Yunhai plays the hero Kai panic walking in a corridor, where a room has been dark down. At the same time, the dubbing introduces the pictures of each room.

"What day in your life do you want to remember the most?"

"The day when I was promoted to general manager?"

"The day she agreed to propose to you?"

"Or an ordinary day with your family?"

Just looking at the beginning, Chen Long knows that this work is not bad. No matter the picture, lighting or editing, they are all top-notch water products. They are all shot according to the standard of a movie. It depends on the content.

As the plot unfolds, Chen Long's face suddenly changes. He is surprised to find that the Kai played by Xiao Yunhai is so similar to himself.

In order to support their families and make their wives, children and children happy, they work hard every day and are busy socializing after work. But in the end, they find themselves away from the warmth of home step by step.

Kay in the time gate is undoubtedly lucky. Although he got sick because of fatigue, but also because of "time gate", he is looking for the far away "happiness".

"What about yourself? Can I have Kay's luck? The answer is definitely not. "

Listening to the tender and touching song "running through time" at the end of the film, Chen long had countless warm pictures with his wife and children in his mind. Unconsciously, his face was full of tears, but his face was covered with a faint smile.

"Brother Chen, we have found four micro films, but the quality is really not good?"

Xiao Wang came over and said to Chen long.

Chen Long quickly dried his tears, red eyes, said: "I just received a micro film, very good. I think we'd rather have more than enough. We don't have to get together 30. These 27 entries should be enough. What do you think? "

Xiao Wang nodded and said, "brother Chen, you are right. I feel the same way."

"Well, let's do it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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