Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:50 AM

Chapter 901

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Xiao Yunhai saw that Zhao Wanqing was smiling like this. He quickly helped her and said, "wife, can't we laugh like this? It's scary. "

Zhao Wanqing pointed to one of the posts and read: "warmly celebrate that" Transformers "written by the emperor of cloud broke the lowest sales record. The weekly sales of 42000 copies left a strong mark for the emperor. I hope that the emperor will continue his efforts and write worse works with the momentum of never giving in. "

At the end of the day, Zhao Wanqing couldn't stop laughing.

Xiao Yunhai, with a look of pig liver, pulled Zhao Wanqing to the bed and said, "don't look at the computer. We agreed that you can only use the Internet for half an hour a day. You are over the limit now. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "husband, your fans are so kind to you. They will be waiting for today. More than six million posts, all celebrate your failure. God, if I were you, I would have been crazy. "

Xiao Yunhai shakes his head and sighs: "people's heart is not old, and the world is cold.". Watch it. Before and after cartoons appear in the world, "Transformers" will definitely sell all over the world. "

Zhao Wanqing looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was still full of confidence. A smile appeared again on her gorgeous face and deliberately hit him: "husband, isn't it a cartoon? It's OK. Don't take it too seriously. "

Xiao Yunhai listened and said, "wife, do you believe me? Do you dare to make a bet with me, if the first "Transformers" comic book sales do not reach 50 million copies within half a year, even if I lose. No matter what terms you offer, I will promise you. Of course, if the sales volume is more than 50 million copies, you should promise me a request unconditionally. How about it? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "OK, I agree. There's no proof of what you say. Let's make a statement. "


Xiao Yunhai promised to find two copies of paper, brush the contents of the bet on them, and then signed.

Xiao Yunhai took one of them and said with a smile: "wife, you will lose."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "that's not necessarily. Now I need to think about what I want you to do

After the two people frolic for a while, Zhao Wanqing asked, "my husband, I heard that Hongda film and television company is going to sell it, isn't it?"

Since Xia Hongda was imprisoned and Xia Chengfeng was killed, Hongda film and television media company has been in the hands of Xia Hongda's brother Xia Hongxing.

He didn't even finish primary school. How could he manage such a large company? After consulting Xia Hongda, he prepared to auction the whole Hongda.

Although Hongda film and television company has a lot of actors and huge film and television resources, Xiao Yunhai has no interest in it. What really attracts his attention is the 21% shares of Jiujiu

after Jiujiu music network annexed Hongda music network, although it also encountered challenges from PP music network and other emerging websites, its market share still remains However, it firmly holds the throne of the Chinese champion, and is the only one, accounting for more than 60%.

Although Xiao Yunhai only accounted for 10% of the shares, but the income is very high, bringing Xiao Yunhai 7 billion profits in half a year.

This is also because the state has just introduced a new tax policy. The tax revenue has been raised from 22% to 35%. Otherwise, Xiao Yunhai's income will be much higher.

Xia Hongxing should have listened to Xia Hongda's words and divided the company into two parts and separated Jiujiu music network and Hongda film and television, which gave Xiao Yunhai an opportunity to take advantage of.

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Wife, don't worry about these troubles. There is only one task for you, and that is to raise the fetus. "

Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "husband, if you don't have me, do you have the money to buy a long time music network?"

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, smile way: "did you guess?"

Zhao Wanqing stretched out her white jade finger and nodded on Xiao Yunhai's forehead and said, "for a long time, music network has occupied most of the whole Chinese network music. With your virtue, it's strange to let it go."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "I have a stake in that long-standing music network. Others don't know. Hu Yaoting and I are very clear about the benefits it brings to us. No matter what, I will not let go. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "so your biggest opponent is sister Hu. Husband, I think you should have a good discussion with sister Hu, so as not to lose both sides in the auction

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "you are right. I'll try to find out what she says. If she's a must, we can cooperate. It's good to have 10 percent each. "

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's voice dropped, his mobile phone rang. Open a look, caller ID is he and Zhao Wanqing just mentioned Hu Yaoting.

"It's true that Cao Cao is coming. Sister Hu's phone call is probably related to this matter. "

Xiao Yunhai picked up his mobile phone and said with a smile, "sister Hu, long time no see. I really miss you."

Hu Yaoting has been in contact with him for a long time, and has already found out Xiao Yunhai's temper, so he has no scruples about speaking.

"I'm not a girl in my twenties. Don't do this with me. Is wan Qing OK? "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "very good, thank you for your concern. We are going to move tomorrow, in the green willow villa area on the outskirts of Yanjing. The scenery there is really good. Aren't you going to have one? "

Hu Yaoting said with a smile: "I just went there yesterday. As soon as I entered the door, I heard two little girls talking about it. They said that a fool bought three villas in one breath and asked someone to get them all through. It's not about you, is it? "

Xiao Yunhai pretended to be angry and said, "these people who sell houses are really one set on the surface and one set on the back. When I buy it, I'm not sure I have a good eye. I'll have to settle with them tomorrow. "

Hu Yaoting said with a smile, "you must not go. I'm joking with you. They just said that he was almost excited to see you, the famous emperor of cloud. If you really go to them, they will be fired by the boss. "

Two people laugh for a while, Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Hu, you are not looking for me just for the villa?"

Hu Yaoting said: "of course not. Xiao Da Regal, take the liberty to ask, are you interested in the long-term music network shares to be auctioned the day after tomorrow? "

Xiao Yunhai didn't hide anything and said, "it's worth saying. Sister Hu, you should not give up, will you? "

Hu Yaoting said:" yes. For a long time, the rate of return of music network is more than twice higher than that of Hu's electronic technology company. Of course, I will not let go. Yunhai, let's make a gentleman's agreement. If there are only two of us left at the auction the day after tomorrow, then we will share equally. How about 10.5% for one person? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course, no problem. When the time comes, sister Hu will ask for the price. "

Hu Yaoting said: "so believe me? Aren't you afraid I won't give you the shares after I get them? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "we have a relationship with whom. The matter of RMB 8 billion is just a small sum of money. Simply, I won't pass the day after tomorrow. As long as my half does not exceed 30 billion, you can ask for it at will. "

Hu Yaoting is the first lady of Hu's family. I don't know how many times she has participated in such auctions. She is extremely experienced, and is not comparable to Xiao Yunhai. It's better to entrust everything to her. Maybe the price will be cheaper.

As for her breach of contract, Xiao Yunhai did not consider it. I'm kidding. Those who dare to pit Xiao's family are not brave enough to count the whole Chinese business circle.

Hu Yao tingjiao said with a smile, "you can really push your luck. It's rare that you trust me so much. OK, I agreed. Roughly estimated, 21% of the shares, 30 billion is about the same. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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