Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:49 AM

Chapter 902

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Today, the market value of long-standing music website has reached 120 billion, 30 billion is equivalent to a premium of 25%. With so much money, you can open several music websites. I believe no one or company will be so stupid as to pay for a company that can't be controlled.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are an expert. As you like, I'll just sit behind and collect money. By the way, sister Hu, how's your overseas cinema? I heard that 300 have been built in America? Miss Hu, how many screens are you going to make? "

Since the beginning of the year, six major companies have won over overseas cinemas. In less than half a month, cinemas have been built in Asia, Europe, America and other places. The speed is very fast. Japan, South Korea and other places will open in less than half a month. Europe and the United States are somewhat slow, but there should be no problem in half a year.

Hu Yaoting said with a smile: "speaking of this, I and Yu Zong really want to thank you. The country has been awesome enough to win us a lot of screens. 12000 yuan in Europe and the United States, 16000 yuan in Japan, South Korea and other Asian regions, and 5000 yuan in other regions, which can be called the first cinema in the world. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's great. In the future, it seems that we are going to be competitors. I'm a shareholder in the North American cinema. "

Hu Yaoting said: "Yunhai, I think you can sell overseas cinemas after they are completed. Yu and I account for 20 percent of the total, which is enough to ensure that your films will be distributed all over the world

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "let's talk about it then. If you can't do it, I'll beat you to death. "

Hu Yaoting said with a smile, "don't say such despondent words. In terms of scale, Yanhuang cinema is the first in the world, and in terms of achievements, we will still be the first in the world. "

"Yanhuang cinema? This name gets good. OK, I'll wait for the good news of your opening. "

After speaking, Xiao Yunhai said to Zhao Wanqing with a smile: "wife, the matter is settled. For a long time, 10.5% of the shares of music network should be no problem. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "congratulations to young master Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai said: "with joy, with joy, ha ha."

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai received a call from his sister and drove to Huaxia Academy of fine arts.

Seeing that everyone is still busy for "Transformers", it seems that they are not affected by the poor sales volume, Xiao Yunhai's face can not help but smile.

"Brother, you are here."

Xiao Yunling made a pot of boiling water. Seeing Xiao Yunhai standing outside the door, he went over and called.

The others raised their heads and found Xiao Yunhai. They stood up and called brother Xiao.

Just look at his eyes are a little embarrassed, seems to have done something shady.

Xiao Yunhai is how eyes, nature can see their unnatural, ha ha smile way: "you all how? Is it about transformers? Don't worry, the poor sales are only temporary. After its cartoon appears, the cartoon will sell well

One of the male students coughed and said, "brother Xiao, we invite you to come here to discuss with you whether we can change the contract. We know that it's not authentic. It's just... "

before finishing, the student lowered his head and seemed embarrassed.

At least when they think about selling the comic book, they can understand the change of the contract.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Xiao Yunling and said, "Yunling, since you let me come here, it means that you have agreed, right?"

Xiao Yunling nodded and said, "that's right."

Xiao Yunhai stroked her hair and said with a smile, "I once said that all the income of transformers comics is yours. Now that you've agreed, of course I won't be the villain. "

"But, fellow students, I want to remind you. "Transformers" animation will soon be completed, I think it is very likely to succeed. At that time, when it is popular all over the world, comics will also follow the revenue. This is the last chance to change the contract. Once it's signed, even if it's sold to 10 billion in the future, you'll only get 100000. Do you understand? "

The male student didn't expect Xiao Yunhai to be so good-natured, so he quickly agreed to replace everyone and said, "brother Xiao, we need cash instead of sales share. I'm sorry, we shouldn't have done this? "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Maybe the change of the contract will bring me more benefits. OK, you go and prepare the contract. Remember to write me a piece of your bank card, and I'll send someone to call you the first one. It's 100000 yuan per person. "

"Yeah, great."

"Thank you, brother Xiao."

In their hearts, Xiao Yunhai gave up their chance to be a billionaire, so they could laugh. I don't know how many of them will cry into tears

The matter was solved quickly. Xiao Yunhai signed a contract with them again at the price of 100000 yuan per person.In the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai asked Sima Qian to go to the bank and type the money in for them.

I have to say, these students are also very smart. After they had the money, they took out some of them and invited many students to help them. The production speed of transformers cartoon has been improved.

In the evening, Xiao Yunhai and his family came to Lvliu villa area.

Seeing thousands of square meters of courtyard, there are rockeries, green grass, pavilions, ponds, people are very satisfied.

Xiao Yunling made a big circle inside and said, "brother, you are so creative. Three villas in one, although not comparable to the manor villa in Los Angeles, but in China is already very bad

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said with a smile, "your brother's choice, when is it wrong?"

Xiao Yunling curled his lips and said scornfully, "after the transformers sell well, you can blow it with me."

A word immediately choked Xiao Yunhai, and everyone could not help laughing.

Xiao Leshan stood in a pavilion with his hands on his back, took a deep breath and said with satisfaction, "the environment here is really good."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "grandfather, we will move here tomorrow. I think you can come with me. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "yes."

Xiao Leshan nodded and said, "I will send an application to the government tomorrow and come to live for a few days."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "grandfather, you are not mistaken. Come out to stay for a few days and apply. "

Xiao Changfeng said: "do you think your grandfather will do whatever he wants after he retires? I'm kidding

Xiao Leshan, who was the first head of China, knows countless state secrets and even has mastered the nuclear button for ten years. How can the state let such people out of sight.

Let alone a few days, even if it disappears for an hour, it will cause high tension in the government.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "grandfather, you officials are really sad. When I was in office, I was very busy. I didn't stop when I retired. I didn't even have personal freedom. "

Chen Xiuzhu frowned and scolded, "how do you talk to your grandfather?"

Xiao Leshan waved his hand and said, "Yunhai is telling the truth. Sometimes think, this life is really very tired. I can't help it. When I get something, I will lose something. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "can we not mention this heavy topic? We're looking at the new house. "

Xiao Leshan said with a smile: "Wanqing is right. Let's go into the living room

We went back after a circle inside and outside.

The next day, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing moved here. With them, Yan Feiyun was responsible for Zhao Wanqing's daily life.

Xiao Yunhai's studio has been completed. When he was in America, he recorded six Chinese songs and three English songs.

Now, he has been banned by the Ministry of culture, and his Chinese album can only be temporarily abandoned. Xiao Yunhai is ready to specialize in English songs.

Elvis Presley, Jackson, Adam Lamberton, Justin, Eminem and other singers are very famous, and the songs created are also popular throughout the world. For Xiao Yunhai, he knows no less English songs than Chinese songs.

In this album, Xiao Yunhai mainly uses Michael Jackson's songs. There are six songs, and the other three are Elvis Presley's representative works.

It is believed that with these nine songs and Xiao Yunhai's own fame, it is not impossible for him to gain a foothold in Europe and the United States and even become popular in the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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