Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:47 AM

Chapter 903

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For a week, Xiao Yunhai accompanied Zhao Wanqing or recorded songs in the studio.

Whenever she finishes a song, Xiao Yunhai will listen to Zhao Wanqing and ask her about her feelings.

The nine most popular songs in the past life are naturally invincible in this world. Even Zhao Wanqing, who has always been happy to crack down on Xiao Yunhai, has to give it a thumbs up and say, "husband, this album of yours is so wonderful that it will surely sweep the whole world."

Hearing his wife's praise from the bottom of his heart, although he knew it was not written by himself, Xiao Yunhai was still very proud.

On the second day after he finished recording the song, Xiao Yunhai received a call from the director of the Lord of the rings.

"Mr. Xiao, things are not good. Dominic, who plays the ELF KING Elrond, refuses to shoot the next part, which makes the crew very passive

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "director Bickerman, why doesn't he shoot? Isn't the contract signed? "

Elrond, the king of the elves, is a very important role in promoting the plot from the first part to the third part.

Xiao Yunhai heard that in order to find the right actor, Bickerman found many people to audition, and finally chose Dominic.

Bickerman was a little embarrassed and said, "Mr. Xiao, this is my negligence. Originally, his schedule was between July and November, but as you know, when filming, the crew often encounter various problems, and sometimes it is difficult to follow our wishes. Generally speaking, when this happens, the actors will be very cooperative. But this time I don't know why, Dominic's agent refused us on the ground of signing other plays, and his attitude was very strong. No matter how I advise them, they will not be moved. "

"Is he really going to play other directors?" Xiao asked

"Not at all," bichoven said. Hollywood actors usually give themselves half a month's holiday after filming. On the one hand, they can have a rest. On the other hand, they can prevent such unpredictable things from happening to the crew. Dominic has a play, but that's a month later. I'm really sorry, Mr. Xiao. I didn't expect that to happen. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "don't apologize in a hurry. There is a saying in China that there must be a cause if there is a result. There must be something wrong with Dominic's decision. Tell me something about him

"Dominic is a very good actor. He is 38 years old. I think of him as serious, dedicated, excellent in acting and loving his family. He is one of the few stars in Hollywood who has never been divorced. At the age of 29 and 35, he won the osco film emperor laureate respectively....

Bickerman seems to be very familiar with donimic. Speaking of his life, he is a good example of Hollywood actors.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Yunhai did not hear anything wrong.

He didn't know the problem until the last sentence.

Dominic is an actor in paramount.

Xiao Yunhai cooperated with thunder film's Leander a few days ago and won the position of chairman of the board of directors of the paramount cinema. I heard that Leander's first order after taking office was to change paramount cinema into thunder cinema. This made anger angry, but he had nothing to do.

Xiao Yunhai bet that, in addition to leandrel, Angie now hates himself most. Dominic's refusal to shoot should also have something to do with paramount.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai said: "how much money will it take to find an actor to shoot again?"

"It's not going to work," bikvin exclaimed. There are only three scenes left in Dominic's play, which can be completed in less than a day. Another actor will not only cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but also waste a lot of the crew's energy. Mr. Xiao, I have made an appointment with him to meet him in New York tomorrow. Don't take this step until you have to. "

"For the sake of the director, it's because of the trouble that he did for me. It's not because he can find me the trouble, but because he can do it for me."

Xiao Yunhai told bikewen about Angu from the beginning to the end.

"I see. However, Mr. Xiao, your understanding of Hollywood is somewhat one-sided. Donimick is not a superstar of the 40 million club, but his 32 million worth is already the top actor in Hollywood. Such actors and companies generally have cooperative relations, signing contracts freely. As long as donimick himself agrees, paramount has no way

Xiao Yunhai said happily, "I see. Well, I'll go with you tomorrow. If he doesn't agree, I'd rather spend 100 million dollars more, and I'll replace him. "

"I hope donimick won't let us take this step," bichoven said

The two decided to meet in New York and hung up.

Xiao Yunhai returned to the living room, looked at Zhao Wanqing and said, "wife, I'm sorry, I need to go to America. "Zhao Wanqing had expected earlier and said with a smile, "is it going to shoot the MV?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded, shook his head again, and said: "it's not just this thing. There's something wrong with the shooting of Lord of the rings. I need to go and deal with it. "

Zhao Wanqing was surprised and said: "what happened to the Lord of the rings? Does it matter? "

She is very clear that Xiao Yunhai has invested 1.2 billion dollars in the movie "the Lord of the rings". It is said that in another month, all the scenes will be over. Unexpectedly, there will be problems at the last minute.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's just a few small problems, which can be solved soon."

What can Xiao Yunhai personally handle is a small problem? Zhao Wanqing didn't believe it.

However, she did not ask, but said some Xiao Yunhai pay attention to safety and so on.

That night, Xiao Yunhai got on the plane to New York.

When landing at the New York International Airport, the New York time is about 10:00 a.m., the sun is very bright, and it is very comfortable to bask on people.

Out of the airport, Xiao Yunhai saw bikewen with a shabby felt hat.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, Bickerman smiles and hugs each other.

Xiao Yunhai said: "director bikewen, I have kept you waiting."

Bichoven shook his head and said with a smile, "I've just arrived, too. I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao. I apologize again for my negligence

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "to be exact, it should be my reason. The crew is just affected. Where is donimick? "

Bickervin looked at his watch and said, "he asked us to a cafe for coffee. In half an hour, it's time. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "since donimick did not refuse to meet with us, it shows that things have a turning point. Come on, let's get there quickly. Don't make him wait too long. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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