Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:46 AM

Chapter 904

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They arrived at a very upscale looking cafe with only two tables in it.

On the left is a pair of young men and women, seems to be in love, from time to time issued bursts of laughter.

Another table near the window, sitting two middle-aged men, dressed very decent. One of them is about 30 years old, with a slightly long face and bright eyes.

His predecessor had seen donimick's film in school. Although there was some big difference between reality and film, Xiao Yunhai recognized him.

Sure enough, Bickerman took Xiao Yunhai and walked in their direction.

Donimick got up quickly, shook hands with Bickerman, and said, "director Bickerman, I'm really sorry to let you come here. This should be Mr. Xiao, the investor of the Lord of the rings? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Mick. I remember that when I was studying in Yanjing, the school organized us to see your two films. I was astonished by your performance at that time. Today I've finally seen a real person. "

Dominic shook his head and said: "the hero, Infernal Affairs, and inception, each of them impresses me deeply. There is a word in Huaxia called Wenwu Shuangquan. It should be said that Mr. Xiao. Take a seat, please

Bickervin and Xiao Yunhai sat down at the same time.

Dominic said, "Mr. Shaw, director Bickerman, I know you're here to let me finish the rest of the play. I should have a beginning and a ending. But I can't help it. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and did not speak. Instead, he looked at the middle-aged man beside him and said, "is this Mr. Elia the agent of paramount brokerage company?"

Elia said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao misunderstood me. I'm the agent of wma agency. Generally speaking, the top artists in Hollywood will not use our agent, so as to avoid the situation that the agent and the company will deal with the artists together in case of disputes. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'm sorry, I'm ignorant. This is a good way to respect the interests of Hollywood artists. Since you're not Paramount's agent, I'll tell you the truth. Mr. Dominic, if I'm right, you don't want to shoot the rest because you're worried about offending paramount, one of the big eight? "

Dominic was surprised and said, "how do you know?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "because I just pulled an old guy from the chair of paramount cinema's board of directors. Of course, he wants revenge. It's just that he can't help me in any way. I can't help it. I can't help but let you, the Hollywood movie king, give me more trouble. I don't know. What did he say? Don't mind telling me. "

Dominic took a sip of coffee and took a look at Elia.

Elia nodded and said: "Mr. Shaw, director bickervin, Mr. angle personally came to us and asked Dominic to refuse to shoot the rest of the" Lord of the rings "on the ground that he did not meet the contract requirements. Otherwise, Dominic's acting Road might be very troublesome. Not only will we lose a movie we ordered before, but we may also be hidden. You know, the actors guild can't get involved in this

"On the contrary, if we promise him, we will not only become the main character of a blockbuster next month, but also have two commercial blockbusters waiting for us next year. Dominic and paramount have two years to run out of their contract. We have no choice

After listening to Elia's words, Xiao Yunhai can't help being speechless.

It's as black as a crow.

I thought that there was an actor Union in Hollywood to support the actors. This kind of thing should happen rarely. I didn't expect to be the same as Huaxia.

Bichoven frowned and said, "Dominic, you have only three scenes left, and the most important three. If you quit now, it's equivalent to stabbing the crew. Although it's not fatal, it will make us sick and hospitalized, and stay for a long time. It's selfish of you to do so. "

Elia said, "director bichoven, you can't say that. After all, we didn't breach the contract. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "in China, the contract is far less than human relationship. Do you know, Mr. dominia, that you are like a weapon that Angu has pushed out to attack me. Whether you win or lose, he will be intact, but you and I will lose a lot

"Mr. Xiao, what do you mean by that?"

"Tell me first. If you don't play the next three scenes, I'll have to change actors and remake the scenes you've taken. Once you come and go, it will cost me at least 150 million dollars. To tell you the truth, for me, this 150 million is not a big number and can't hit me at all. "

" but you are different. You've cost me so much money. I'll never let you go. Mr. dominia, do you believe that paramount can kill you for two years, but I can do it for the rest of my life. I own shares in the entire North American cinema, and each of them accounts for more than 10%. Whoever it is will give me face. If I told them to block all your future films, do you think these capitalists will offend me as a cinema shareholder for your sake. "Speaking of this, Xiao Yun Haydn had a drink of coffee.

At this time, dominia's face has become extremely pale, agent Elia looked at Xiao Yunhai's eyes even with a trace of fear.

They knew that if Xiao Yunhai really did, they would be 100% sure that those people would never be in a dilemma with Xiao Yunhai, who owns magic, fantasy and North American cinema.

Although dominia has won two Oscars, he is not irreplaceable, but Xiao Yunhai's identity and status is irreplaceable.

Elijah took a mouthful of foam and said, "Mr. Xiao, we don't mean to be against you in the slightest. It's really Paramount's pressure that we can't help it."

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile on his face, waved his hand and said, "the worst situation just mentioned is not threatening you. I, Xiao Yunhai, is also an artist. I don't usually do such things. But even if I don't, Mr dominia will still have to pay a heavy price. You lost 150 million dollars to investors because of the three plays. When the news reached Hollywood, which investor or director would like to film with you. I dare say that no one will cooperate with someone who has broken the rules. At that time, you can only rely on paramount. Hehe, in this way, the happiest thing is Angus. Not only can I lose 150 million yuan, but also can completely control a movie emperor. It's a good calculation. "

Dominia and Elia looked at each other and saw the suspicion, fear and uneasiness in each other's eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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