Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:41 AM

Chapter 907

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At a five-star hotel in Los Angeles, leandrel sat down with the authorities of seven other cinemas, chatting and laughing.

"Unfortunately, angel is one of the shareholders of thunder cinema, and we can't suppress it. I'm really sorry," leandel said

Michael said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. As long as we work together this time, paramount is doomed. It's said that Angie is almost driven crazy by us now, ha ha. I'm afraid the greedy guy never thought he would be today

It's a public thing in Hollywood that Michael and angle are at odds.

Angu asked many theater directors, but did not call Michael, which shows how bad the relationship is.

Stephen from United States took a sip of red wine and said, "I heard that Angu is going to China. I think he is looking for the help of Yanhuang cinema. Ah, it has to be said that the Chinese government's support for the film and television industry is so great that countries all over the world agree to build cinemas. It's disappointing that we have applied to the American government countless times, but we have not been granted the right to build even one cinema. "

"Some time ago, we collectively applied jointly. I think the government has already loosened up. Yanhuang courtyard line has tens of thousands of screens, almost keep pace with us. If the government does not agree, we will not have any advantage at home. " "But these are not the issues we need to think about right now," Michael worried. Leandrel, if the Yanhuang cinema Board agreed to Paramount's request, we would have done nothing. I just want to ask, can Mr. Xiao really affect the Yanhuang courtyard

Leandel frowned and said, "I just met Mr. Xiao. I don't know his energy in China."

Kerry's father Smith said with a smile, "don't worry. Since Mr. Xiao has said it, there will be no problem. My son and he are very good friends. Listen to him, Mr. Xiao's influence in China is amazing. Xinhua summer cinema was established by him and the controllers of two big companies. These two partners are also shareholders of Yanhuang cinema, occupying 20% of the shares. Therefore, I think there should be no problem. "

Leandrel raised his glass and said in a high spirited voice, "let's raise our glasses and wish paramount a complete end."

"Ha ha ha."

The eight cups met and seemed to make a declaration of victory.

It took only three days for Angu to leave for Huaxia and came back with a black face. Obviously, he failed to achieve his goal. However, he made it clear that the joint hanging of Paramount Pictures was the work of Xiao Yunhai.

Moreover, he also learned through some secret networks that Xiao Yunhai was the nephew of the second Chief Executive of the Chinese government, and his grandfather even served as the first chief.

Angie couldn't believe his ears when he heard about it.

At the same time, he immediately thought that it was time for Xiao Yunhai and bikewen to find dominia when he had problems with his company.

Obviously, this is his revenge on himself, but Xiao Yunhai's attack is too fierce, and a blow will kill him.

Ange's heart is green now. He's free. Why bother Xiao Yunhai.

It was like lifting a stone and hitting myself in the foot.

He is very clear that now it is not just Xiao Yunhai who is asking for trouble. Instead, the whole Hollywood is working together to deal with him. Even if he is forgiven by the other party, Xiao Yunhai can't let the other eight film companies let him go.

However, Angu still called Xiao Yunhai, because the people there told him that unless Xiao Yunhai let go, Yanhuang cinema would not dare to give him this opening.

No way. This is the prestige of the top Prince party.

Even though Xiao Yunhai has never used his identity as Xiao's family to do anything, no one dares to offend him for a film company.

"Mr. Shaw, this is angel of paramount. I'm really sorry about dominia. Please... "

Xiao Yunhai, who had just returned to Los Angeles, interrupted him directly and said," Mr. angle, don't say any more. I also apologize to you. I can't accept your next request. Goodbye. "

I'm kidding. The joint seven yard line strangling paramount was initiated by himself. If you let him go because of Angu's soft words, then how can Xiao Yunhai be in the entertainment industry in the future. In the future, who will cooperate with him.

"If you cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring wind will blow again."

Xiao Yunhai, who has just put down the phone, suddenly thought of this old saying. Angu must have his own way if he can travel in Hollywood for decades.

Now that he has made a move, he must deal with it cleanly and not give Angu any chance to turn the tables.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai's eyes flashed a glimmer of cold, a phone call to Leander.

"Mr. Xiao, it's said that Yanhuang cinema has already rejected the request of Angus for cooperation. Ha ha ha, that's great. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Leander, it's too early to celebrate the victory. Angu is still thinking about all kinds of ways. If we slow down, it will be very bad for usLeandel said, "I'm not going to give him a chance at this point. I will tell you in private that I am in private contact with other shareholders of Paramount Pictures. As you know, the market value of these Tianpai Lamont films has dropped by more than 30%, and some internal shareholders have been unable to bear it

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "but I remember that Angu seems to have absolute control of paramount, right? Even if you put all the shareholders together, I'm afraid it won't help. "

Leandrel chuckled, "that was before. Since the outbreak of the last financial crisis, Wall Street's stern technology company has taken a stake in paramount, with 12% of the shares, while angel's shares are only 42%. Now, because of his personal reasons, Paramount's market value has plummeted, which shareholders are very dissatisfied with. At the same time, stell technology seems to have a hand in paramount. If they can get Angie down, we'll be safe in thunder. "

Xiao Yunhai, shocked by the speech, said: "if you let stell technology move into paramount, I'm afraid it will be more unfavorable for other Hollywood film companies."

In this world, stell Technology Co., Ltd. is the biggest giant enterprise in the world, with a market value of trillions of dollars and annual profits of hundreds of billions. If you let it get paramount, with the other side's powerful and abnormal funds, it will certainly have a dramatic impact on Hollywood.

Before that, how could you tell Mr. Shaw street that you could not get help from the Hollywood industry. Since it is sooner or later, it is better to use them to drive the enemy down. As for the future, let's talk about it later. "

The reason why Xiao Yunhai is not willing to have a deep friendship with leandrel is that he does not like his fault of being only concerned about himself and neglecting the overall situation. This is the common feature of American capitalists.

"In that case, I'll wait for your good news."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai suddenly felt that he was a little worried.

Who is Leander? How could it have turned Angie around.

Forget it, I'm not that material for business. I'd better go to Vincent to record tomorrow. I'm a member of the original record company. I've never been there to have a look. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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