Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:36 AM

Chapter 911

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Sure enough, the director's Union has just spread the news. Boy, in just one day, there are hundreds of directors who have come to submit their resumes.

Xiao Yunhai spent the whole night reading all his resumes carefully and finally chose five of them.

However, he did not let the five people come together, but based on their achievements and their expectations, he arranged the order for them, and asked them to come one by one to audition.

It's a pity that although the first four directors had a dazzling light before, their shooting ideas did not conform to spider man, which disappointed Xiao Yunhai.

Plancico, the fifth director, is a very special person. He once made seven films. The first three films sold well, the middle two broke even, and the last two lost even without panties left.

Xiao Yunhai paid attention to this guy mainly because he said in his resume that the reason for the failure of those films was not him, but that the producer behind him made a mess of the whole production team, which seriously deviated from his directing concept. In addition, the film was born at an untimely time and met with the hot films at that time, which led to problems.

In order to judge whether his resume is true or false, Xiao Yunhai found out the news at that time from the Internet. Indeed, this guy was unlucky enough.

Even the last failed film has something to do with Xiao Yunhai, who has met his Jingwu hero.

Except for a few directors, other directors in Hollywood only have the right to fail twice. Plancico did not make money for investors in four consecutive films. The result is conceivable.

For more than a year, no company or investor asked him to film.

In a bar in Los Angeles, a middle-aged man with messy hair is drinking with a thin young man.

If there are fans there, you will be able to recognize that both of them are very famous figures in Hollywood. The older one is plancico, and the younger one is lance, a Hollywood first-line actor.

Lance is an actor brought out by plancico. He plays a supporting role and a leading role in two of plancico's best-selling films, which makes him become one of the first-line movie stars from a film academy student.

Therefore, the relationship between the two is very good, comparable to father and son.

"Teacher, you can't drink any more." Lance stopped plancico's hand to take the glass and said, "now you should take a good bath and clean yourself up. At least you can make a good impression on Mr. Xiao when you go to the interview."

Plancico, with a smile of self mockery on his face, said, "interview? How is that possible? It has been two days since I put in my resume, and I haven't received an interview call at all. It's said that he has met four popular directors and had a good time talking with each other. It is estimated that the director of spider man has already been selected. Lance, you can still remember me as an old man. I really appreciate it. You know what? With your size and acting skills, Spiderman's character is tailor-made for you. Unfortunately, I'm not a director, otherwise I will use you. "

In spite of Lance's dissuasion, plancico took another gulp of beer.

Lance shook his head and continued to advise: "teacher, you once said to me that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. You are just in a temporary downturn, and as the circle knows, the failure of those two films has nothing to do with you. You are just a scapegoat for others. I believe that people with insight will soon come to you to film. Even if they don't look for you, you can write your own script. "

"Over the past year, I've written three scripts, and I've invested almost all the film companies, but they're all dead and there's not a single word of it."

"Ha ha, I really envy Bickerman, who is as generous as Mr. Xiao and can give the greatest autonomy to investors."

Plancico took another sip of the wine and said, "it's a pity I don't have a chance like him. Maybe that's the end of my career as a director. "

Finish saying, then lie down on the table.

Suddenly, the cell phone rang on the desk.

Seeing plancico sitting there, there was no response. It seemed that he was getting drunk. Lance shook his head helplessly and answered the phone for him.

"Hello, hello."

"Is this Mr. plancico, please? I'm Raul, the general manager of Marvel comics. I don't know if you are free tomorrow. Our boss, Mr. Xiao, would like to meet with you to discuss some issues related to spider man. "

On hearing this, Lance's eyes lit up and looked at plancico, who had already gone to sleep. He said, "Mr. Raul, I'm lance, an actor from Hollywood. Mr. plancico is in the bathroom and can't answer the phone. I will inform him of the good news. "

Raul said with a smile, "it's the famous Mr. Lance. Hello. Please tell Mr. plancico that if you are interested in spider wire, please come to our Marvel building at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. "

"I think he will be very happy to hear this news," lance said. Thank you, Mr. Raul

Raul said, "you're welcome."

At the end of the conversation, Lance put the money on the table and helped the unconscious plancico back to his house.The next morning, at seven o'clock, Lance came to plancico's bedroom. Seeing that he was still sleeping and following a dead pig, Lance shook his head and went forward to wake him up.

Looking at his sleepy look, Lance said in a loud voice, "teacher, if you don't get up again, I think you will really miss spider man."

On hearing the familiar name, plancico was stunned, then suddenly opened his eyes and asked with an incredible expression: "lance, you What did you just say? I didn't hear you clearly. "

Lance said with a smile, "Congratulations, sir. Last night, Mr. Raul of Marvel Comics called you to see Mr. Xiao at nine o'clock this morning. It's ten past seven. If you're a little bit late, maybe you're really going to end your career as a director. "

When plancico heard it, he immediately cheered, just like a corpse. He got out of bed straight with excitement. Just standing up, he suddenly stopped again and said suspiciously, "lance, you are not cheating me to make me happy."

Lance shrugged and said, "if you think I'm lying to you, you can't go."

Looking at plancicona's expectant expression of doubt, Lance finally couldn't help but smile and said, "OK, teacher, we're running out of time. I called the clothing brand company I spoke for last night and asked them to bring you a suit according to your size. It is estimated that they will come here at 7:30. My full-time stylist will arrive at 7:40 and ask her to repair it for you. Mr. Xiao is a well-known director all over the world. He is not as easy to fool as other investors. You have to take advantage of this opportunity. "

Plancico believed it and said gratefully, "lance, thank you. When I asked you to be an actor in my movie, I really didn't make a mistake. I believe that as long as I talk to Mr. Xiao for half an hour, I will be able to move him. Get ready, my Spiderman. "

"Oh." At this point, plancico suddenly patted himself on the thigh and said, "no, I've written some of my thoughts on spider wire on my laptop. No, I have to go back and print them out. "

Lance said with a smile: "teacher, I saw you abandon yourself in the bar last night. I was worried. But now it seems that you are prepared. Don't worry. Let's have breakfast first. After the stylist comes, I'll drive to your home to get your notebook. Anyway, it's not far away. Twenty minutes at the most. "

Plancico nodded and said, "yes. Lance, thank you

Lance said, "teacher, thank you so much." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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