Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:31 AM

Chapter 914

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In just two days, the download volume of Billie Jean has reached 13 million, and the audition volume has exceeded 50 million, making it the sixth largest single on the billboard of America.

Not only the fans, but also the famous music critics and musicians praised Billie Jean without stinging praise.

In the comment area of the main website of wonderful music network, fans who have known that Xiao Yunhai has joined the original record company have urged Vincent to let Xiao Yunhai record this piece of "Billie Jean" into a single and put it into the market as soon as possible.

Vincent's original plan of three pronged approach has not yet started, but was "Billie Jean" to do the stillborn.

However, such a change, Vincent is absolutely favorite.

As a result, when the number of songs downloaded exceeded the 20 million mark, Vincent put 100000 single records of "Billie Jean" recorded overnight on the market.

Boy, it sold out in just one day.

Major video shops have called Vincent and asked him to record as soon as possible to meet the strong needs of fans.

Vincent did some statistics and found that the number of pre orders of these video stores alone reached 1.2 million.

Vincent was so overjoyed that he had to run the factory round the clock. A week later, Billie Jean sold 5.82 million copies.

Just such a song, the sales of records and the 24 million downloads of wonderful music made a profit of 56 million US dollars after tax.

Vincent can't wait to call Yunhai.

"Xiao, do you know how popular your songs are now? God, I'm going crazy

Xiao Yunhai said angrily, "I've been mad. I've just been mad by you. Vincent, do you know what time it is in Huaxia? Four o'clock in the morning. "

Vincent remembered that it was early in the morning and said, "Xiao, I'm really sorry. I forgot about the jet lag. The main reason is that I'm so excited. After 20 days of sales, your "Billie Jean" has reached 24 million downloads and sold 6 million single records. The billboard has occupied the first place in the singles list for two weeks. Oh, my God, it's just amazing

When Xiao Yunhai heard his words, his voice became milder and said, "Vincent, how can I listen to your words? It seems that I didn't publicize in the way planned before."

Since returning home, Xiao Yunhai has been staying at home all day with Zhao Wanqing. When he is free, he begins to write the script of 2012. He wants to change it into a movie suitable for Chinese actors. Otherwise, it will be troublesome.

Of course, the English version should also be kept, and it will be good to match the sound.

Vincent said with a smile, "Shaw, I have a better idea. We can do the same with other songs like Billie. In this way, we can make a lot of money from single records alone. "

Vincent is almost crazy about counting money. He was still feeling sorry for the nine classic songs put together. Now seeing the result of Billie Jean, he immediately changed his mind and wanted to make a lot of money in this way.

Originally thought that such a good thing, Xiao Yunhai will certainly agree, did not expect that his words just fell, was Xiao Yunhai sternly refused.

"Vincent, you can't do it. This will make the fans feel that I am making money with my music works, which will have a very bad impact on me. Record one more single at most, and don't do the rest. We're not short of money anyway. "

Although Vincent's way can make Xiao Yunhai obtain a large amount of income, it will give people the impression of being greedy for money, which is very unfavorable to him in the long run.

Whether in China or abroad, the first impression of stars is very important.

Xiao Yunhai made such a show in the first battle of the song world, which was really inappropriate.

Vincent thought for a moment and asked, "Xiao, do you know who is the number one singer on the billboard in America?"

Xiao Yunhai asked: "what do you want to say? Whatever you do, you have to stop this way. "

Vincent laughed: "don't worry, I won't do that again. The main thing I want to tell you is that we can make money in an open and aboveboard way without being criticized by anyone. If we can do it, it will definitely benefit our record promotion. Maybe it can create a miracle. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "is it related to billboard singles?"

Vincent said, "yes. Billboard singles is the most influential list in American music. Among them, the most powerful is Evan, the dead king of rock and roll, who has occupied the top of the list for 12 weeks with three singles from the 1991 "kill" album, and no one has surpassed him. Now, your "Billie Jean" has been on it for two weeks, and the advantage is very obvious. I hope you can break this record until our single can no longer be the champion. Xiao, if you agree, I will release the news. However, by then, your songs will be challenged by the American music community. Because they won't allow another EvanXiao Yunhai sneered and said, "in this way, you can sell single records aboveboard, right?"

Vincent laughed: "it's called taking what you need. I got the money, and you not only got the money, but also got the name. Xiao, don't you want to become a world-class King singer with this album? If you're a single champion for 13 weeks in a row, you're the king of music in the world, and no one will object

Xiao Yunhai had to admit that Vincent's proposal moved him a little.

The ancients put the name and benefit together, and the name was still in front of the profit, which was very reasonable.

Xiao Yunhai's wealth can't be spent in his life. The word "Li" has no great attraction to him. He can sell more than one billion and eight billion yuan, which can't arouse his interest at all.

But the name is different. If we can defeat all the musicians in America and set a record that is out of reach for future generations, it will make Xiao Yunhai feel extremely satisfied.

This is something that can leave a brilliant future in the history of world music.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai helplessly said: "Vincent, you won, I can't refuse your proposal."

Vincent chuckled: "Shaw, from tomorrow on, I'm going to release your other song" you are not alone "to all music platforms in America. Haha, the battle with the musicians of America is about to begin. I think it's a little hot blooded. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "listen to your cheerfulness, I think I just made a very wrong decision."

The next day, Vincent, the boss of the original record company, released an important news at a news conference, which suddenly caused a sensation in the whole United States.

"Yes. Kung Fu Xiao is to break the record set by Mr. Evan, the king of rock and roll, to be the champion of billboard singles for 12 consecutive weeks

A reporter asked, "Mr. Vincent, don't you think Kung Fu Xiao is too arrogant?"

Vincent said with a smile: "I think confidence is more appropriate. Because you don't know how great the songs Xiao wrote. So, with the exception of beatit you've heard, none of the other seven albums has a quality below that of Billie Jean. I believe he is likely to succeed. "

"Mr. Vincent, where is Kung Fu Xiao now?"

Vincent said with a smile: "he should be in China with his wife."

"Can we regard Xiao's practice as scorn to all the musicians in America?"

A reporter was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

Naturally, Vincent knew what reporters were trying to do, but now, for better or worse, it's best to make a big splash.

So Vincent said, "in Shaw's heart, family is far more important than career. Perhaps the so-called records in our eyes are not worth mentioning in Xiao's eyes. "

"Well, dear journalists, at this time, Kung Fu Xiao's second song" you are not alone "should have been released in major music media and platforms. It's up to us to see if he can stay unbeaten for 13 weeks , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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