Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:22 AM

Chapter 921

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Xiao Yunhai called Sal yesterday and asked him to come and talk about transformers.

Sal shook hands with him and said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, it's been almost three months since we left the plane. You are really amazing now, just release an album, become the public enemy of American musicians. If you send another one, I'm afraid they'll have to blow you out of America. "

Xiao Yunhai made a gesture to ask for a seat and said, "the trees are beautiful in the forest. The wind will destroy them. Let them go. Mr. Sal, I won't say anything polite. I asked you to come here just for transformers. Now the film is out. It's on my computer. You can have a look at it. "

"That's great," Sal said happily

Sitting in Xiao Yunhai's boss's chair, Sal looked at it for half an hour, looked up in surprise and said, "Mr. Xiao, this cartoon is really wonderful. I feel like it's not just for kids, but for us adults as well. "

As soon as the film is mature, Xiao Yunhai will tell me that once it is made, Xiao Yungang will become a film. So Mr. SAL is going to introduce this cartoon

Sal shook his head and said, "it's not the introduction, it's the buyout. I hope... "

when Xiao Yunhai heard this, he quickly interrupted him and said," Sal, you'd better not mention the buyout. I'll never agree. "

"Why? The price I offer is guaranteed to satisfy you. "

"It's not about money, it's about the development of our company. "Transformers" is very important to our Marvel Comics company. Recently, our work is completely around it, so it is absolutely impossible to buy out. "

Xiao Yunhai's confidence in "Transformers" is not a little bit. If it is bought out by Sal, even if it is broadcast 1000 times or 10000 times on major TV stations in the world, it has nothing to do with Xiao Yunhai. Xiao Yunhai will not do such a loss making business.

What's more, he has promised to give the cartoon "Transformers" to my uncle's Anhui TV station for broadcast. Once it's given to Sal, Xiao Yunhai can't explain it to his uncle.

Compared with money, Xiao Yunhai does not hesitate to choose the former.

Sal frowned and said, "I'm willing to pay 500 million dollars for it. What do you think, Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "I'm sorry, even if it's five billion, I won't sell it."

Sal frowned and said, "Xiao, if you only sell broadcasting rights, I'm afraid the price will not be very high according to the current market situation."

Sal was actually playing with caution. He was very clear that Xiao Yunhai would not agree to buy things out. He just said that intentionally, just to make Xiao Yunhai feel sorry and gain some psychological advantages in the following negotiations.

Xiao Yunhai has some fans, but Raul, who has been on the commercial battlefield for a long time, is quite insightful.

"Mr. Sal, we have put all our eggs in the basket for the" Transformers "cartoon. We are ready to invest more than 100 million US dollars in the advertising expenses alone. The toy factory is in full swing and has produced millions of Transformers toys. We are very confident about this cartoon. If you can't give us a better price, we can only be sorry. "

Raul finished and looked at Xiao Yunhai, worried that he would be dissatisfied with his interruption.

Xiao Yunhai naturally won't mind these things. Professional things should be taken care of by professionals. This is his creed.

Raul is obviously much better than himself in terms of negotiation. Xiao Yunhai certainly does not have the slightest resentment. He first gave him a look of appreciation, and then said to Sal: "this is Raul, the actual person in charge of our company. Before you came, I had left the matter of transformers to him. So, Sal, the transformers, you can talk about it. I agree with all Raul's decisions. "

Sal was shocked. He glanced at Raul, who did not smile. He felt that he was not easy to deal with. He said, "it seems that Mr. Raul is trusted by Mr. Shaw."

Raul was very grateful for Xiao Yunhai's support and said, "I'm just trying my best to work for the boss. Mr. Sal, our transformers... "

next, Raul and sal began to discuss the price of the right to play transformers.

Xiao Yunhai looked at Raul, who was chatting with the other side, and said in his heart, "you can't judge a person by his appearance. Normally, Raul looks like a Muggle. I didn't expect that when he got to the court, his eloquence was so good. "

As the head of a private TV station, SAL is a good negotiator himself, but it is clear that Raul has a little upper hand this time.

They argued for half an hour and finally reached an agreement.

Sal bought the first round of "Transformers" with $30 million. If the ratings are good, Marvel Comics will give priority to selling him the second, third and even later rounds of broadcasting rights under the same conditions.

However, the broadcast is limited to the United States.

If you take Xiao Yunhai's idea, it's better to replace cash with advertising share, like that of Huaxia TV station. Unfortunately, he had just put forward this proposal, and before he finished, he was refused by sal.Xiao Yunhai sighed and had to do it.

After signing the contract, Xiao Yunhai shook hands with Sal and said, "Sal, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Sal said with a smile, "happy cooperation."

Before getting on the bus, Sal looked at Raul and said to Xiao Yunhai, "no wonder you will give Mr. Raul a rest assured man Wei. He is indeed a talent."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I think so too."

Xiao Yunhai only stayed in Los Angeles for half a day, dealt with the "Transformers" related matters, and then flew back to Hengdian in a hurry.

There were hundreds of people waiting for him, and he didn't have much time to waste.

A middle-aged man in his 40s was standing at Kester's desk, reporting to him.

"Mr. keltel, recently, marvel cartoon company's cartoon" Transformers "has been greatly publicized. There are all their shadows on the Internet, TV and radio, and the posters are pasted everywhere. It is roughly estimated that the publicity cost is no less than 100 million yuan. And I heard that Marvel toy factory is stepping up the production of Transformers toys. It seems that we are very confident in this cartoon

Kester took a sharp puff of his cigar and said, "I didn't expect Kung Fu Xiao to be so bold and dare to put all his treasure on this transformers. Doesn't he think about what happens if transformers fails

Middle aged humanist: "boss, animation fans and children on the Internet after watching their trailer, most of them said they like it very much and look forward to its broadcast. I'm worried that Marvel will really succeed. With their skills and strength in comics and animation, together with Xiao's money behind them, they may become our very powerful enemy

Disney is the most famous action production company in the world. Although it also involves the investment and shooting of other films, animation has always been their trump card. More than ten big animated films are released every year, and there are more cartoons.

And marvel cartoon company is also engaged in the animation industry, the so-called "one mountain can not be two tigers", the market is so large, once Marvel rises, it is bound to threaten the status of Disney. So if you ask Hollywood which company is most concerned about marvel, it must be them.

In the beginning, the reason why Disney didn't work hard in the dark.

In fact, since Xiao Yunhai took over marvel, Disney has begun to pay attention to them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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