Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:19 AM

Chapter 923

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In a children's toy store in New York, a pair of young men led their six-year-old children into the store.

"Hey, William, today is your birthday. You can buy whatever you like in the toy store, but you can only choose one." The father said with a smile.

On hearing this, William pouted out and muttered, "Dad is really mean."

Boss Harrison said with a smile, "little William, your father is not mean. If I remember well, you should be here for the fourth time this month

William said, "grandfather Harrison, the first three times, I only bought one toy, OK?"

William looked around as he spoke.

He was very familiar with the toy store. He looked back and forth and found nothing new. He asked, "grandfather Harrison, do you have any new toys here?"

Harrison said, "I came in a bunch of transformers yesterday. It was fun, right behind your dad."

As soon as William heard this, he immediately turned to his father's back and saw Harrison's toys. He was disappointed and said, "these are just ordinary cars. What's the fun?"

Harrison said with a smile, "haven't you seen the animated trailer for transformers? It's not a car, it's a Autobot from Cybertron. They're going to deform

With that, Harrison took out a transformer toy that had been unpacked and tampered with it at will. An ordinary car became a powerful Autobot. Two more moves, back to the car.

William's eyes lit up, ran over to play for a while, and then cried out, "it's so cool. Dad, I'll take it. "

The father said with a smile, "no problem. Uncle Harrison, how much is this set of toys? "

Harrison said, "three hundred dollars."

"So expensive?"

"It's not expensive. I've sold ten sets since this morning. "

"Well, here's the money."

After the father and son walked out of the toy store, Harrison looked at the three hundred dollars in his hand and said triumphantly, "I've made another profit."

Toy stores like Harrison are so numerous in the United States that the owners spare no effort in recommending transformers. Because every time they sell a set, they get more than ten dollars of commission, which is almost the same as giving money.

Time flies, from the "Transformers" broadcast is still a day, Raul called Xiao Yunhai again.

"Good news, boss. Our transformers are selling very well these days. Those merchants are very excited when they hear that there is such a big rebate. Under their strong sales promotion, our transformers have unconsciously sold more than 700000 sets. Even though we gave them 20% of the profits, we still made 90 million dollars, more than the premiere rights of cartoons. Now, the toy factory is working overtime. Our transformers are really on fire. "

Selling more than 700000 sets of toys means that more than 700000 children are interested in "Transformers", and then spread them from one to another, from one to another. It is estimated that at least millions of children know the cartoon transformers.

In this way, it is difficult for transformers to succeed.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "most people think that toys belong to the periphery of animation. First, the animation has been successful, and then toys can be liked by children. But the idea is not absolute. Like transformers, you can do the opposite. Use toys to stimulate our cartoons, and then use the success of cartoons to stimulate the sales of toys. In this way, a perfect cycle will be formed, and the success will be in sight. "

Raul said happily, "boss, you are a genius. Now, Disney is in trouble. "

Indeed, Walt Disney boss Keister is sitting in his office furious, his beloved cup broken all over the floor.

Ralph lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

"Speak up, don't you say Xiao is a layman in animation? Now the result is. More than 700000 sets of Transformers toys have been sold. What does this mean? You should know? "

At the beginning, Kester sneered at Xiao Yunhai's practice and did not arouse his slightest attention. Now that something happened, the whole responsibility was put on Rallow.

Although he was disdainful in his heart, he had a look of shame on his face. I can't help it. Who let himself take the job of others.

"What do you think we should do?" Kester said after venting hard at Rallow

Rallow looked at his face and seemed to ease up. Then he tentatively said, "boss, transformers has become a climate. Shall we avoid it?"

As soon as Kester heard this, he patted the table directly and said angrily, "you've got a donkey kicking your head. You can say that."

Now, the competition between "cat and mouse" and "Transformers" is on the surface. If Kester doesn't fight, it will immediately become the laughing stock of Hollywood.

With the virtue of those entertainment media, if you don't report it for a week, you won't believe Kester.When the time comes, what "cat and mouse" is defeated by "Transformers", what is Disney's decline, Marvel's rise and so on, will madly make the front page headlines, and Disney will completely become the clown setting off marvel.

The bad influence of the war was more serious than the defeat.

In fact, how could Ralph not have known about it. But he must not say hard words, otherwise once lost, he will immediately become the scapegoat.

Therefore, if you want to avoid suffering in the future, don't say anything at last.

After cursing Rallow again for a while, Kester said, "forget it. It's no use scolding you. Now that things have come to this point, we have to fight hard. Well, although Transformers toys sell well, the foundation can't compare with us in any case. It's just the same starting line. It's hard to say what the final result will be. I believe cat and mouse will not lose

"The boss said yes. "Cat and mouse" is suitable for all ages. How can "Transformers" be our opponent with them

Kester frowned at Rallow's words. Coldly looked at him, waved his hand and said angrily, "don't stand here bothering me, get out."

As soon as Rallow heard this, he felt relieved. Knowing that the level was over, he slipped out without saying a word.

Kester went to the window and looked down at the ant like traffic and people downstairs, and suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Can you really lose to that young Xiao Bucheng?"

Thinking of the popularity of Transformers toys in America, Kester, who has always been full of confidence, had to doubt his decision. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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