Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:18 AM

Chapter 924

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At 5:30 p.m. the next day, "cat and mouse" and "Transformers" were broadcast on NBC and MMC at the same time.

Countless American children are sitting at home, waiting to see the cartoon they have been looking forward to.

In an ordinary building in Washington, two six-year-old twins are fighting over a remote control.

"What's good about cat and mouse? I want to see transformers." Cried a child with a transformer toy in his hand.

"Nonsense, it's still cat and mouse. You are brother brother has the final say. Another child, standing on the sofa, said in a loud voice.

"Mother said, brother should let brother."

"I used to let you, but not today."

Two people you one, I a, quarrel ceaselessly.

As soon as it was time to broadcast, my brother saw that he couldn't grab it, so he used his ultimate trick: sitting on the ground and crying.

After a while, under the mother's compulsion, the elder brother curled his mouth and reluctantly gave the remote control to his younger brother.

However, after watching one episode, we will replace transformers with cat and mouse.

Twenty minutes later, the first episode of "Transformers" ended, and my brother gave the remote control to him.

The brother who just saw the ecstasy was stunned, then pretended to be a little adult, waved his hand and said, "forget it, let's see transformers. My mother is right. My brother should let him go. "

"Long live brother." My brother jumped and jumped happily, but I didn't know that his brother gave it to him because he liked the cartoon.

After the first episode of transformers, Raul couldn't wait to ask, "has the ratings been counted?"

A staff member turned around and said happily, "the highest ratings are 2.1%, and the average ratings are 1.48%."

MMC is very low in the United States, otherwise Sal would not have sold his villa to raise money.

Generally speaking, it is very good to have a 0.3% audience rating during this period. With the results of transformers, the top three all year round, the staff are naturally very happy.

But Raul frowned and was very dissatisfied with the result.

Because Xiao Yunhai has set an average rating of 5% for transformers, it is obviously far from this goal.

Seeing Raul's heavy expression, the staff member quickly restrained his smile and turned his head.

"Well, Mr. Raul, I have very good news for you. "Transformers" ratings curve has been rising, from the beginning to the end has not declined. " Another worker suddenly said.

"What? There are such things. " Raul hurried past, and saw the trend chart of ratings on the computer from 0.3% to more than 2%, his face could not help but smile.

At this point, the average ratings of "cat" and "mouse" reached 51.4% of the audience. How many are we? "

When he learned about the ratings and the curve of transformers, Sal's eyes flashed and he said happily, "I thought we were going to lose, but we didn't know whether we would win or lose. Mr. Raul, with my years of experience, I think the chances of "Transformers" winning this battle are very high. "

Raul nodded and said, "I feel the same way. Although we are not as good as "cat and mouse", they are far behind us in the trend

Sal said: "then wait for the second episode, and hope it turns out as we expected."

In a luxury villa in New York City, Kester eats dinner and thinks nothing of it.

A four-year-old child was sitting on the sofa, watching the TV, and from time to time, a burst of laughter came out. On the screen was "cat and mouse".

Hearing his son's smile so happy, Kester was a little relieved.

His wife, Nicole, a well-known model in American fashion circles, is only 29 years old. Her figure and appearance are impeccable. Otherwise, he would not have been liked by Kester.

"Husband, what seems to be on your mind? Is it for transformers Nicole asked.

Kester reluctantly put on a smile and said without any concealment: "yes. I'm a little worried about the ratings of cat and mouse. "

Nicole can't help laughing: "husband, it's just a cartoon. Do you need to care so much?"

Kester shook his head and said, "you don't understand. "Transformers" is not a simple cartoon, but a touchstone for the rise of marvel. Once the ratings beat our cat and mouse, the marvel brand will be re established. At that time, with the strength of Disney, they will become the most difficult opponents. I seem to have seen that dayNicole said with a smile, "don't worry, it won't be."

At this point, Kester's cell phone rings. When you open it, it's ray Lo who has been on NBC.

"Boss, the ratings have been counted. We are a whole percentage point higher than transformers." He said carefully.

Kesterton felt relieved and said, "very good. If the second episode can get rid of it, I'll give you a bonus. "

"Thank you, boss."

Kester didn't recognize the trepidation in Rallow's voice. He hung up happily and said, "the ratings are much better than I thought."

Nicole said with a smile, "I knew you were the best."

Unfortunately, Kester's good mood lasted only half an hour and was gone.

"What? The average ratings of cat and mouse are not as good as transformers. Don't you say we are one percent higher than them? "

"Boss, I don't know why," Transformers "just aired in the second episode, suddenly like taking an aphrodisiac, the highest ratings even exceeded 6.2%, but our" cat and mouse "was affected by it, but it showed a straight-line downward trend. The difference is getting bigger and bigger, and the average ratings of the second episode are 2.5 percentage points lower than that of them

Ralo is about to cry at this time. It's amazing to be able to make this call.

He knew that the next thing to greet him must be a storm.

Sure enough, for half an hour, Kester scolded him on the phone.

Raul on the other side also called his boss, but the treatment was very different from that of Rallow.

"Boss, we won. Cat and mouse lost 2.5 percentage points to us in the second episode." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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