Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:16 AM

Chapter 925

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Xiao Yunhai, who was filming in Hengdian studio, had just received his mobile phone from Sima Qian and said hello. Raul almost deafened his ears.

"Raul, I usually see you are very steady. How can you achieve such a little achievement is so excited."

Raul was a little embarrassed and said, "boss, I'm sorry. I'm happy for marvel."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "well, there are many happy things in the future. I'll send you the script of Kung Fu Panda later, and we'll attack the big screen now. "

Raul said, "great. I think the guys in the animation department will be very happy when they get the news. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "there are more happy things. Tell all employees of the company that if the top ratings of transformers can exceed 10%, their salaries will rise by 20%

Raul listened and said, "boss, you are so generous."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "nothing. Raul, don't forget our transformers cartoon. When cartoons are popular in the United States, you can push them out. I think it will be very good

"Don't worry, boss," Raul said in a loud voice. "I've already planned it, and I'm sure there won't be any problems."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Raul, it seems that manwei is a very good choice for you to manage. Let's sign the contract when I come next time. In the future, you don't need to take any annual salary. I will give you 2% shares directly. Hehe, don't be too small. I can assure you that it won't take three years for these shares to make you a billionaire. "

The future is more clear to us than to our boss

After talking with Raul, Xiao Yunhai breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is quite calm when talking with Raul, in fact, Xiao Yunhai is not under Raul for his attention to transformers. Because only if the animation is successful in the United States, can his later plans be launched.

Last night, Xiao Yunhai was still thinking about this issue, and now he is completely relieved.

The front page headlines of the major media in the United States, without exception, are all about the news that transformers beat cats and mice.

Although they are just two cartoons, we all understand the significance of winning or losing to these two companies which are at the peak of animation field.

"Kung Fu Xiao creates another miracle," Transformers beat "cat and mouse."

"The resurgence of the king of animation, marvel outshines Disney."

"The 1.3% ratings gap has brought Marvel back to the public's attention again."

………… .

with the media's crazy propaganda, "Transformers" has become more popular, with 4.23%, 4.58% and 4.75%. The average ratings for three consecutive days let "cat and mouse" completely lose the opportunity to catch up, and Disney had to swallow this hard to swallow bitter fruit.

"Transformers" animation success, so that its toys in the United States become in short supply. Marvel's toy factory can't meet the needs of the market for 24 hours. In a short week, it sold 1.3 million sets, which made Marvel profit innumerable and made his hands cramped.

In the tenth episode of the cartoon, Raul took the cartoon of "Transformers" to major bookstores across the country for sale.

Children who like cartoons naturally won't let it go. There are even long lines in front of some bookstores.

The sales of 8.4 million copies in four days can't even compare with the original "Harry Potter", which shows how popular "Transformers" is.

The good news is more than that. On February 3, Xiao Yunhai's music album went on sale in major audio and video publishing houses around the world.

in a complete mess of twenty-six million in less than a week, and Asia is a mess of fire and sales reached fifty-three million. Among them, Xiao Yunhai's Chinese fans are the most awesome, and occupy more than sixty percent of Asia.

In addition, the number of beatit albums in the world has reached 91 million, and breaking through the 100 million mark is a sure thing.

Countless Chinese fans went to tell each other and felt extremely proud of Xiao Yunhai's achievements. In the history of music, the highest record sales volume was 86 million, which was accumulated in more than ten years. Xiao Yunhai surpassed this number in only one week, which is really a long face for Chinese people.

"Congratulations on emperor Yun's accession to the throne as the king of music in the world."

"Yunhuang, can you give other singers a way to live? The sales volume is over 90 million a week. My God, it's so frightening. "

"An album will establish the position of the king of music in the world

In addition to the network, news broadcast also appeared again Xiao Yunhai's figure. Although it only took half a minute, it was the first time.

Countless media want to interview Xiao Yunhai. Unfortunately, Xiao Yunhai did not give them this opportunity, but put all his mind into the shooting of 2012.On February 18, the 24th of the 12th lunar month, Xiao Yunhai finally finished shooting the last shot of 2012.

"It's done."

When Xiao Yunhai finished shouting, the whole crew cheered.

"It's done at last." Liang Hui, who stayed in the studio for more than half a month, stretched out his waist and said contentedly.

Yu Yuexian glanced at the weird camera and the humble studio. He could not help shaking his head and sighing, "Mr. Liang, do you think this play has really won 10 billion US dollars at the box office?"

Liang Hui shrugged and said, "to tell you the truth, I'm not sure. I just feel that the whole shooting process is a little confusing. "

Li Xuanwu, who just came by, said with a smile: "it seems that I am not the only one who has this feeling. However, I believe that Yunhai, with his current fame and status, will never joke on the film

The night's feast was very lively. Not only the actors but also other actors who had already left the group were all present.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Li Xuanwu suddenly stood up, raised his glass and said, "how about a toast to the director?"

The crowd cheered and stood up together.

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai couldn't sit down and quickly got up and said, "elder brother, can we not do this?"

Li Xuanwu said with a smile. Listen to me, this glass of wine has three meanings: first, congratulations on the successful completion of 2012; second, I wish 2012 can earn more than US $15 billion at the box office; third, thank the director for allowing us to participate in the shooting of this epoch-making film. Here, let's drink. "


Xiao Yunhai raised his neck and drank a full glass of wine in one breath.

As a promoter, Li Xuanwu also drank a cup into his stomach, which made his face immediately red. It's estimated that one more drink will be completely useless.

Others just mean a little, and don't drink too much. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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