Published at 11th of May 2022 05:45:15 AM

Chapter 926

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At this time, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone suddenly rang, as if it was a signal, the big stars sitting on the chairman's cell phones were all calling.

"What's going on in the entertainment industry? Otherwise, how could it be so clever. "

Xiao Yunhai was originally just a joke, but he really got it right. Moreover, this event has something to do with himself.

That is, "Infernal Affairs" was shortlisted in the golden cup film festival, including the best actor, best supporting actor, best director, best film, and so on, while "Inception" also won the nomination of best film, best visual effects, best screenwriter and other five awards, which shocked the entire entertainment industry.

If it was the golden cup film festival before, even if Xiao Yunhai was shortlisted for all the awards, no one would be surprised.

But this time, it is different, because the golden cup is not only China's own golden cup, but also the golden cup of the whole world.

No matter what kind of films, as long as they are screened in China, they are eligible to participate in the competition.

In order to reflect the principle of fairness and justice, more than 60% of the foreign judges of the Golden Cup awards alone. There are famous film critics, well-known film professors, and world-class directors. They have formed the most powerful jury in history, and even the Oscar of the United States is not comparable.

At the same time, China golden cup film festival has been changed into China Golden Cup International Film Festival. Although there is only a difference between two words, the difference is extremely large.

Under such circumstances, Xiao Yunhai's films have won so many awards nominations. How can the industry be calm.

However, it is not fair to say that none of the people who have won the prize will be awarded.

After learning about Xiao Yunhai's nomination, all the people at the shaqing banquet came to propose a toast one after another. With Xiao Yunhai's drinking capacity, they didn't hold on. They were drunk.

The next day, the crew did not even have a press conference to kill the youth, so they hurried home for the Spring Festival, which greatly disappointed the reporters who came early to hear the news.

After returning to Yanjing, Xiao Yunhai didn't post produce 2012. After all, he didn't want to have a bad year because of his work.

Starting from the preparation of 2012, for a full month and a half, Xiao Yunhai didn't come back once. He missed his family very much. Especially for Zhao Wanqing, who is about to produce, she is even more concerned.

The car drove into the villa, Xiao Yunhai carrying luggage, then rushed to the living room.

"Wife, I want to die."

Opening the door, Xiao Yunhai changed his slippers and yelled.

Walking into the living room, Xiao Yunhai finds that it is full of people. Besides Zhao Wanqing, who has a big stomach, his grandfather, his parents and his parents in law are all looking at him with a rather playful look.

Xiao Yunhai didn't feel embarrassed at all. He called one by one, then sat down beside Zhao Wanqing, who was blushing with shame. He put his arm around her shoulder and said, "can everyone's eyes be normal? Don't you just miss your wife? There's something unusual. "

Xiao Leshan laughed and gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "your boy's skin is really thick."

The crowd laughed together.

Looking at her emaciated son, Chen Xiuzhu said with heartache, "you are already a hundred billion dollar rich man. How can you still work so hard to make a movie. You see, how many pounds have you lost? "

Xiao Yunhai is really tired in order to catch up with the schedule these days. On average, he can sleep three or four hours a day, sometimes even 24 hours without rest.

Xiao Yunhai, of course, will not tell you about these things. He patted his chest and said with a smile, "Mom, are you a little flashy? Where am I getting thinner?"

If you look at me wrong, you will not see me

Xiao Changfeng patted Chen Xiuzhu's hand and said, "well, it's nothing for young people to suffer a little. Yunhai, Wanqing has been pregnant for nine months. You should not leave Yanjing in the near future. What kind of work do you have? Do you hear me clearly? "

Xiao Yunhai held Zhao Wanqing's hand, nodded and said, "of course. I spent a lot of effort to shoot "2012" years ago, just for the birth of the child. From today on, I will always be on guard of Wanqing. "

Zhao Wanqing could not help smiling and said, "I'm very happy if you can have this heart. However, the work still needs to be done, and my children and I don't want to be a burden on you. "

Recently, the movie "battle of Red Cliff" starring Xiao Yunhai and "Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets" will be released on February 27 and March 4, respectively.

"Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets" is OK to say, and Xiao Yunhai has little to do with it, but "battle of Red Cliff" is not such a thing. As a leading actor, he must be on the scene to promote, otherwise it is really unreasonable.

Ten days ago, the publicity of "battle of Red Cliff" had already begun.

It's just that Xiao Yunhai is busy shooting "2012", so he has no time to help.Fortunately, the most important thing in Chibi is the famous stars. If they are in charge, there will be no problem.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry. I've already agreed with director Wu that it will appear at the premiere of battle of red cliff. I don't need me at other times. As for the rest of the work, just leave it to the people below. By the way, where is Yunling? I didn't see her. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "she went to play at Zhang Yuan's house."

It turns out that after the 3D technology was developed, Xiao Yunhai gave Zhang Yuan a five million prize.

Zhang Yuan used the money to buy a large house in Yanjing, which was recently renovated. Then he asked his parents and younger brother to come by train from the remote mountainous areas.

As Zhang Yuan's girlfriend, Xiao Yunling will naturally accompany him to pick up the future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that this little girl really has deep love for Zhang Yuan. Dad, mom, don't you object? "

Chen Xiuzhu gave him a blank look and said, "we don't have that kind of feudal thought of matching each other."

Everyone, you and I talked for a while. Xiao Yunhai saw that Zhao Wanqing seemed to be tired, so he went to the bedroom to have a rest.

Holding Zhao Wanqing to the bed, Xiao Yunhai put his ear on her high bulging stomach and listened carefully to the movement inside.

Zhao Wanqing patted Xiao Yunhai's head and said with a smile, "what are you doing?"

Xiao Yunhai raised his head and said with a smile, "I'll listen to what they say in it."

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said helplessly, "can we not be so naive?"

With a smile, Xiao Yunhai climbed to the bed, put his arm around Zhao Wanqing's fragrant shoulder and said, "wife, do you miss me?"

Zhao Wanqing lay on Xiao Yunhai's chest, feeling a strong sense of security in his heart, and said, "I want to see you every day."

Xiao Yunhai gave her a hard kiss on her face and said, "wife, I miss you too. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been filming. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "you have said these words more than 100000 times, boss."

Xiao Yunhai said: "when all the things are finished, I will take a year off and concentrate on being a father at home."

Zhao Wanqing said: "boss, you have said this sentence 50000 times."

Xiao Yunhai a listen, feint angry way: "wife, can we still chat happily?"

Zhao Wanqing puffed and couldn't help laughing and said, "husband, you are so funny." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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